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Christianity and Psychology. Interweavings: Christianity and Psychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity and Psychology. Interweavings: Christianity and Psychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity and Psychology

2 Interweavings: Christianity and Psychology

3 Interweavings: Christianity and Psychology A wee look at power from the perspective of a Psychologist who is a Christian

4 Moment 1:The powerfulness of a biblical counsellor

5 We discovered that counselling was not the business of a caste of self styled and self appointed professionals but was the work of pastors and the task of every Christian. …. Psychologists have no biblical warrant, training or standards provided by their training for doing counselling… God did not leave his people without adequate instruction for living and changing all these years before modern psychotherapy appeared….. The bible with its message of salvation and sanctification has all that one needs to live in patterns that are pleasing to God and beneficial to one’s neighbour.

6 Indeed the advent of psychotherapeutic counselling meant that unbelievers had determined to develop new and different ways to teach men to live and to handle his problems….. ways that ignored Jesus Christ. In thus wrongly entering the areas of counselling, psychotherapists have in effect set themselves up competitively over against God and the bible. That is why the integration of counselling psychology and biblical counselling is impossible. The bible was intended to be the textbook for helping people come to love God and their neighbours. It is the textbook for living in this world … all that is needed to form values, beliefs, attitudes and behavioural styles is in the Scriptures. Indeed no other book can do so and all other books that attempt to do so thereby become competitive

7 A wee look at power from the perspective of a Psychologist who is a Christian Moment 1:The powerfulness of a biblical counsellor Moment 2 Powerfulness of the naïve Christian leader

8 The bible was intended to be the textbook for helping people come to love God and their neighbours. It is the textbook for living in this world … all that is needed to form values, beliefs, attitudes and behavioural styles is in the Scriptures.

9 A wee look at power from the perspective of a Psychologist who is a Christian Moment 1:The powerfulness of a biblical counsellor Moment 2 Powerfulness of the naïve Christian leader Moment 3. Powerfulness of a naïve psychologist

10 A wee look at power from the perspective of a Psychologist who is a Christian Moment 1: The powerfulness of a biblical counsellor Moment 2: Powerfulness of the naïve Christian leader Moment 3: Powerfulness of a naïve psychologist Moment 4: Negotiated power of less naïve psychologist.

11 Analogies drawn from: Social Organisation Constructed as: Problems Constructed as: Solution Constructed in Terms of: Physical Sciences Elaborate MachineBreakdown, Reversal, Damage Isolating cause, Precise Analysis, Repair, Reconstruct, Correct Biological Sciences Quasi-organismSymptomatic of underlying problem, Serving a function, Having a Use Identifying Pathology, Correct Diagnosis, Operating and Excising Pathology Social Sciences: Story Acting out the story we have of our lives Performance of Oppressive, dominant Story or Knowledge Opening Space for the Authoring of Alternative Stories

12 A wee look at power from the perspective of a Psychologist who is a Christian Moment 1:The powerfulness of a biblical counsellor Moment 2: Powerfulness of the naïve Christian leader Moment 3: Powerfulness of a naïve psychologist Moment 4: Negotiated power of less naïve psychologist. Moment 5: Reflections on The kingdom of God power

13 A wee look at power from the perspective of a Psychologist who is a Christian Moment 1:The powerfulness of a biblical counsellor Moment 2: Powerfulness of the naïve Christian leader Moment 3: Powerfulness of a naïve psychologist Moment 4: Negotiated power of less naïve psychologist. Moment 5: Reflections on The kingdom of God power Moment 6: The Psychologist’s Code of Ethics

14 Psychologists code of Ethics The practice of Psychology promotes wellbeing. Psychologists will seek to do right in their relationships. Each person and all persons are positively valued in their own right and are shown respect and granted dignity as part of their common humanity. Psychologists both as individuals and as a group have responsibilities to the community and to society in general. Psychologists have a commitment to the principle of social justice. While acknowledging their position of power and influence in relation to individuals and groups within the community Psychologists are committed to addressing and challenging unjust societal norms and behaviours that disempower people at all levels of interaction.

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