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Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Demonstration of 10 Gbps IDS/IPS.

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Presentation on theme: "Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Demonstration of 10 Gbps IDS/IPS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Demonstration of 10 Gbps IDS/IPS Livio Ricciulli (408) 399-2284 The Meta Traffic Processor* *Supported by the Division of Design Manufacturing and Industrial Innovation of the National Science Foundation (Award #0339343) and the Air Force Rome Laboratories. Rome Laboratories

2 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 ►Active Networks (DARPA Program)  Change behavior of network components (routers) dynamically (add new protocols, flow control algorithms, monitoring, etc..) →Discrete. Update network through separate management operations →Integrated. Packets cause network to update itself  Broad scope did not result in industry adoption →Lack of “killer application” →Lack of tight industry interaction →Tried to change too much too soon ►Metanetworks’ bottom-up approach  Achieve programmability while reusing current infrastructure  Augment networks with new, non-invasive technology  Application-driven rather than design-driven  Work closely with users/operators  Revisit hardware computational model Brief History

3 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 ►Open architecture to leverage open source software  More robust, more flexible, promotes composability  Directly support Snort signatures  Abstract hardware as a network interface from OS prospective ►Retain high-degree of programmability  New threat models (around the corner)  Extend to application beyond IDS/IPS ►Line-speed/low latency to allow integration in production networks  Unanchored payload string search  Support analysis across packets  Gracefully handle state exhaustion ►Hardware support for adaptive information management  Detailed reporting when reporting bandwidth is available  Dynamically switch to more compact representations when necessary  Support the insertion of application-specific analysis code in the fast path 1-10 Gbps IDS/IPS Hardware

4 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 ►Knowing what is in your network is very important  Catch misuses both incoming and outgoing  FBI says that effective network monitoring (not even IDS) is in top 3 most important things to do  Who and how is using the bandwidth ►Decentralization  Cannot find out what the traffic is unless you do content inspection  Many p2p applications randomly changing ports (VOIP)  Key exchanges need to be monitored  Would like to know what applications are doing ►High Speed High Complexity  1G and 10G make content inspection a challenge  Hardware/Software co-design is a must If you Cannot Measure it, You Cannot Manage it

5 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 MemoryProcessor Memory Instructions Get packet Compare to rules Alert Data Flynn’s Computer Taxonomy Processor Memory Instructions Get packet Compare to rules Alert Data P0.. P1Pn Reduction Network Data Alert Instructions P0.. P1Pn Reduction Network Alert Data Instructions SISD MIMD MISD SIMD

6 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 R1.. R2 Rn Reduction Network Block Data Stream FPGA Data Valid Receive Clock Match Memory Host Interface Stateful Analysis MISD Programmable Hardware

7 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Block Direction 1 Block Direction 2 Monitoring System AND PHY RxData RxEnable PHY RxEnable RxData AND

8 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 PHY FPGA L-1 RAM IPS/ IDS Synthesis + firmware update Dynamic Policies PHY Static Policies Compilation + runtime update Packets State Read Only Block + Fail Close Latency < 0.5 μs < 1500 < 100 100Mb-10Gb 1-8M Concurrent Flows Cost-effective & Powerful Interne t Web-based signature management service

9 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 CPU Snort IDS/IPS Up to 6 cards/box

10 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Content Inspection Performance Comparison

11 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 MA TC HT S HI & & & & & 1 | CA 1 & & & & & & SO NE MATCHTHIS CATCHTHISONE Static analysis of large number of IDS signatures ►Transform Snort rules or BPF expressions into a low-level declarative language ►Extract fine-grain parallelism across thousands of signatures  Define independent FSMs each implementing a signature  Share comparison logic across multiple FSMs ►Synthesizer further optimizes  Merge multiple FSMs sharing intermediate states  Eliminate redundant rules

12 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Some Rule Compression Results

13 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 CPU IDS/IPS CPU IDS/IPS Router/Switch Multiple Mirrors Inline Passive CPU IDS/IPS Mirror Port Passive Inline To other passive devices To other passive device →Use it for IPS or just to eliminate a TAP →Chain multiple cards →Traditional passive monitoring →Up to 6 cards per host →Extend passive capacity →Can hang multiple passive devices off 1 TAP or Mirror

14 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Layer-1 “T” Junction CB ICMP10 ICMP Echo10 ICMP10 ICMP Echo11 ICMP10 ICMP Echo01 ICMP10 ICMP Echo00 CaptureOutput All ICMP All ICMP that is not an Echo ALL ICMP that is not an Echo All ICMP that is not an Echo All ICMP

15 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Native IDS Acceleration ►Wire-speed capture of interesting flows  Capture flows with specific bad signatures  Pass flows known to be good →ISO image transfers, data files ►Open source IDS/monitoring tools  Snort, Bro All traffic Bad traffic All traffic (optional) To CPU

16 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Native IDS/IPS ►Wire-speed filtration of a subset of known bad packets  Worms, Viruses, Rootkits ►Open source IDS/monitoring tools  Snort, Bro to inspect bad traffic ►Dynamically add signatures  “Lock Down” while patching ►Filter DDoS streams before bottleneck All traffic Good traffic Firewall or Switch Bad traffic To CPU

17 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Transparent IDS Acceleration ►Wire-speed capture and filtration of good flows  Capture flows known to be good for archiving →ISO image transfers, data files, etc… ►Other IDS/monitoring appliances only receive a fraction of the traffic All traffic Good traffic Unknown Other IDS (optional) To CPU

18 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Redundant IDS ►Wire-speed capture of suspected flows  Capture flows with specific bad signatures  Pass and filter flows known to be good →ISO image transfers, data files ►Open source IDS/monitoring tools  Snort, Bro All traffic Bad traffic All traffic or unknown Other IDS Correlate

19 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446

20 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Packet temporarily stored in a linked list Stateful matches Packets captured from linked list

21 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Each packet can be Captured and/or Blocked

22 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446

23 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 ►Host bandwidth is << of fast-path  Flooding cannot be used to compromise blocking capability →FP rate in blocking when state is exhausted  Flooding can be exploited to reduce efficacy of monitoring ►Need to find needle in a haystack but needs to cope with flood of packets  Hardware stateful analysis (implemented)  Intelligent Monitoring  Application-level programmability (implemented) 10Gbps Information bandwidth management

24 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 Rule 12345...n12345...n  > T?  Switch off lower priority rules and report number of triggers only NOT entire packet Intelligent Monitoring (work in progress) T = maximum amount of alerts tolerable

25 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 ►User-level programmability  Define API to let user write ad- hoc wire-speed code  Add user modules to synthesis flow and share reduction network  Architecture provides determinism →It either fits or it does not fit in the FPGA →It either meets timing or does not meet timing →Load/store network processing much harder to predict User-level programmability Memory Interface Packet Processor Host Interface User Defined Address Data RW Payload Offset Valid Payload Block Capture Common Functions Reduction Network Block Capture PCI Interface Layer-1 Applications Standard OS User Defined Offset Valid Capture Payload Block FPGA

26 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 1G PCI Card Signature Services Compiler 1G Appliance 10G PCI Card API Multiple FPGA 10G Multiple FPGA 1G Roadmap Q4-03Q1-04Q2-04Q3-04Q4-04Q1-05Q2-05Q3-05Q4-05Q1-06Q3-06Q4-06Q1-07

27 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 IDS/IPS Demonstration ►Background traffic saturates line ►Stateful HTTP traffic added to background traffic ►Show that can capture based on content  9.6 Billion comparisons per second (600 rules x 16 Mpps) ►Show that can filter based on content All traffic Captured Traffic Filtered traffic HTTP Clients HTTP Server Load CRC Spirent SMB-6000

28 Joint Techs 2005 Metanetworks Inc. 647 N. Santa Cruz Suite E, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Voice: (408) 399-2284 Fax (408) 356-9446 ►Extremely low latency design enables a wide variety of deployment options ►Leverage Open Source software ►1G and 10G available today ►Processing paradigm lends itself to ad-hoc application level programmability Livio Ricciulli (408) 399-2284 Summary

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