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Barbados+10 Mauritius ‘05

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1 Barbados+10 Mauritius ‘05

2 UNESCO’s contributions to Mauritius Intern. Mtg (MIM) – Plenary Panel on Culture – Youth Visioning special event – Small Islands Voice side event – Ocean and Coastal Management partnership event – Civil Society Forum support – ‘Lest We Forget’ exhibition – Media coverage – Information materials

3 Outcomes of Mauritius Meeting Mauritius Declaration & Mauritius Strategy (MS) - reaffirm Barbados Programme of Action (BPoA) ‘blue print’, and call for action in: Original BPoA priority areas - Climate change and sea-level rise - Natural & environmental disasters - Management of wastes - Coastal & marine resources - Freshwater, Land, Energy res. - Tourism, Biodiversity resources - Transport & communication - Science & technology New & Emerging Issues - Graduation from LDC status - Trade: globalization & liberalization - Sust. capacity dev. & ESD - Sust. production & consumption - National & regional enabling env. - Health - Knowledge management & information for decision making - Culture

4 UN-New York follow-up Resolution on the MIM adopted by UN Gen. Assembly, 14 July 2005 Main elements include: - Articulate plan for implementing MS by relevant UN bodies, specialised agencies, regional commissions and other UN system organisations - Support regional SIDS meetings in 2005-06 - Special focus on SIDS at Comm. on Sust. Dev. review sessions - Encourage Member States to contribute to SIDS Trust Fund First Inter-Agency Consultative Group Meeting on SIDS held 27 July ‘05

5 Programme to operationalize the Mauritius Implementation Strategy Actions Lead AgencySupporting Partners Donors & other mechanisms CLIMATE CHANGE National and regional initiatives on adaptation to climate change TRADE & FINANCE Provide technical assistance in support of SIDS efforts to prepare for WTO accession CULTURE Assist SIDS in the preservation of local languages through locally developed curricula

6 UNESCO FOLLOW-UP (1) - Intersectoral Information meeting for Perm. Delegations (Paris, 16 March) – organized with Group of SIDS Ambassadors led by Mauritius Ambassador - Preliminary indications on follow-up by Programme Sectors and through Youth Visioning process - Five-part approach with Mauritius Strategy as essential reference

7 UNESCO FOLLOW-UP (2) 1. Generating relevant inputs from 5 Programme Sectors 2. Taking into account Participation Programme activities in SIDS 3. Dedicated Web Section on UNESCO response to the MS 4. Elaboration of new activities as specific responses to the MS: - MS Implementation - SIV planning meeting, July 11-16, Bequia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines - Documenting Pacific Island responses to SD challenges & UNESCO role in furthering SD in Pacific Islands - SHS strategy on sustainable development in Pacific SIDS 5. House-wide co-ordination & complementarity via SIDS Working Group

8 Communication (ICT) 19 new media projects approved for 2004-05 for SIDS (US$497,000) under Intern. Progr. For Dev. of Communications (IPDC) Some Pacific examples: Associated Schools Project Network: Media education in the Pacific Fiji: Community broadcasting development project Fiji: Women speaking to women in Fiji Micronesia: Modern radio management & broadcasting for the FSM Solomon Islands: Media training for peace and reconciliation Tonga: Contributing to poverty alleviation through media for outlying islands

9 Youth Visioning Pacific youth participants came from: Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, FS of Micronesia, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Solomon Islands,Tokelau, Vanuatu ‘ We, the youth of Small Island Developing States, came to Mauritius in 2005, we shared our ideas and we committed ourselves to take action to assist in the sustainable development of our island homes’

10 Youth-led Projects -Fiji: Young leaders for a sust. Fiji (env. clean-up campaigns) -Kiribati: Beauty of S. Tarawa (waste management) -Niue: Enhancing appreciation of the Niuean language -Niue (NZ): Traditional treasures (educate Niuean youth living abroad about their culture and customs) -Palau: Recycling for a better Palau -Solomon Islands: Youth participation in community development -Vanuatu: Awareness about substance abuse

11 Sustainable Capacity Development & Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) UNESCO is 1. Lead agency for Decade on Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) 2. Implementer of ESD - education reforms and coordinating activities of ESD stakeholders - Developing public understanding & awareness of sustainability: inter- regional internet forum (20,000+ individuals connected in SIDS) - Re-orienting existing education to address sustainable development, e.g. Sandwatch - Incorporating local & indigenous knowledge into ESD through formal and informal education system Activities in Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Palau

12 Decade on ESD in Pacific -Situational Analysis of ESD in the Asia-Pacific Region -Working Paper: Asia-Pacific Regional Strategy for ESD -More information:

13 Culture - Intangible Heritage: SIDS to ratify 2003 Convention (presently 2 SIDS have ratified) - Convention on Protection of Diversity of Cultural Contents and Artistic Expressions, to be submitted to General Conference Oct.’05 - Promoting Cultural industries (cinema, music, publishing, etc.) through Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity, e.g. in Fiji - Assistance to develop cultural policies in SIDS - Establishing cultural diversity observatory for Indian Ocean region, based in Mauritius. - Supporting national World Heritage (WH) strategy workshops in SIDS regions

14 Climate Change & Sea-level rise - Ocean Carbon Programme: monitoring and assessing ocean’s role as carbon sink - Global ocean observations to monitor climate variability and change (IOC/GOOS) - Impact of climate change on rainfall, snowfall and glaciers (IHP/WCP)

15 Natural and Environmental disasters - Scientific study and mitigation of natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, landslides and drought - Launch of Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (June 2005) - Groundwater for Emergency Situations project - Conservation and sustainable rehabilitation of coastal ecosystems following the tsunami of Dec.’04

16 Freshwater resources - Freshwater management issues in small islands to be addressed in the 2nd World Water Development Report - Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) programme of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) to be established in the Pacific - Regional training programme for hydrology scientists & technicians and networking in the Pacific (SOPAC/UNESCO/WMO) - SIV Global Forum discussion: Water supply - Programme for groundwater monitoring capacity building (Aitutaki, Cook Islands; UNESCO/SOPAC) - World Water Assessment Programme - UN wide: 2005-2015: International Decade 'Water for Life'

17 Participation Programme in Pacific 56 projects amounting to over US$ 1 million in 2004-05 - Cook islands: Sandwatch programme for schools (26K) - Fiji: capacity-building workshop for science teachers (20K) - Fiji: Income-generating initiative for women & youth via culture & arts (15k) - Marshall islands: Traditional music preservation & restoration (13K) - Micronesia: Publication of "mehj, mehj: the mwoakilloa book" (8K) - Niue: Groundwater assessment of water systems (26K) - Palau: Establishing a herbarium (24K) - Samoa: ASP meeting of Pacific teachers and co-ordinators (15K)

18 Mauritius Strategy Implementation: SIV Planning Meeting Bequia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines 11-16 th July 2005 Pacific Participants & Inputs - Cook Islands (Ms. I Ingram, TIS) : Outer Islands Need Special Attention - Fiji (Mr. J Veitayaki, USP): 1. ESD – SIDS University Consortium 2. Community Outreach - Palau (Ms. B Keldermans, Palau Conservation Society): Focusing On Community Issues; community visioning - Live & Learn (Mr. C Nielsen): Mobilising Communities - Education through participation - UNESCO Apia (Hans Thulstrup) : 1. Expansion of SIV Youth Internet Forum in the Pacific 2. Impact of SIV Global Forum in the Pacific

19 UNESCO intends to continue: - Mainstreaming SIDS special needs in its programmes - Supporting holistic, integrated approaches to sustainable island living and development - Nurturing intersectoral cooperation, with intergenerational dimension, at interregional level via proven platform approach and internet forums - Inter-UN agency cooperation and IGO/NGO partnerships in and between island regions YV for island living art contest, winner 14-17yrs. St. Lucia

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