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CHAPTER 1 Network +. Color conventions Green text: Table of contents of things to come Red text: Concepts you should learn for quizzes, texts, etc. Red.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 1 Network +. Color conventions Green text: Table of contents of things to come Red text: Concepts you should learn for quizzes, texts, etc. Red."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 1 Network +

2 Color conventions Green text: Table of contents of things to come Red text: Concepts you should learn for quizzes, texts, etc. Red Underlined text: Technical terms Gold text: Terms or continuations of series that you don’t have to memorize

3 Topics 1. Personal Computers and Applications 2. Types of Computers 3. Binary Representation of Data 4. Computer Components and Peripherals 5. Computer System Components

4 1. Personal Computer and Applications Computers are EVERYWHERE!  Mfg, Sales, Art, Science, Homes, Government, Publishers Computers are IN NEARLY EVERYTHING!  Cars, Microwave ovens, Watches, Pacemakers, Phones, Prosthetics, Refrigerators

5 Computer Requirements Computers require some type of Hardware to function Computers require some type of Application Software to give them instructions Computers require some type of System Software (Operating System) to interpret application instructions to the hardware Computers require firmware (BIOS) to be able to find and load the Operating System into memory 1. Personal Computers and Applications (cont)

6 All programs run from memory, not directly from a storage medium. Both the Operating System and Application must be in memory in order to be usable by the computer

7 1. Personal Computers and Applications (cont) Application software can be  Vertical (Specific software for an industry)  Horizontal (General use across many industries) Application software can be:  Local Application (Runs directly on the local computer)  Example: Windows Media Player  Network Applications (Runs over a Network or the Internet)  SQL (Database software)

8 2. Types of Computers Mainframe: Large centralized computer built or sold through a specialized reseller Server: High-performance computer designed to provide network services. Desktop: (Also called PCs) End user devices usually acting as clients in a network

9 2. Types of Computers (cont) Workstations: High-end specialized computers usually given specific functions  Example: Graphics rendering computer Portable Devices:  Laptop  PDA  Gaming Machine  Smart Phones  Tablets

10 3. Binary Representation of Data Bit: The smallest unit of data a computer is capable of storing or manipulating.  Represented as a zero or one  Technically it’s zero or non-zero  May be part of a letter, character, color, instruction, sound, number, function, or true/false state ASCII code: A character or instruction made up of a 7-bit combination  Thus 128 possible characters in ASCII

11 3. Binary Representation of Data (cont) Byte: A collection of eight bits that make up a single unit. Basic unit of data storage.  Allows 256 possible combinations Bit is abbreviated “b” Byte is abbreviated “B”

12 3. Binary Representation of Data (cont) Kilo = 2^10 = 1024 (Thousand) Mega = 2^20 = 1024 * 1024 = 1,048,576 (Million) Giga = 2^30 = 1024 * 1024 *1024 = 1,073,741,824 (Billion) Tera = 2^40 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 = 1,099,511,627,776 (Trillion) Peta = 2^50 = 1,125,899,906,842,624 (Quadrillion) Exa = 2^60 = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 (Quintillion) Zetta = 2^70 = 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424 (Sextillion) Yotta = 2^80 = 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176 (Septillion)

13 Binary Representation Conventions b is always bits. B is always Bytes Some sources use small prefixes for 1000 and capital prefixes for 1024  kB (1000 Bytes)  KB (1024 Bytes) Some use an “ib” in the prefix for 1024  (KibiByte = KiB = 1024 bytes)  (KiloByte = KB = 1000 bytes)

14 Binary Representation From:

15 3. Binary Representation of Data (cont) Communication measurements are almost always measured in bits  Gbps (Gigabits per second) Storage is almost always measured in bytes  GB (Gigabytes of storage) Stores almost always use 1000 rather than 1024

16 3. Binary Representation of Data (cont) Pixel: The number of dots that can be displayed on a screen).  This is the measurement of Screen Resolution HZ (Hertz): The number of cycles per second  For example: A 60Hz monitor refreshed 60 times per second. A 1.8 GHz radio wave has 1.8 billion cycles per second.

17 4. Computer components and peripherals Motherboard (also called System Board, or backplane). The main large board inside the case that has the CPU, chipset, and other components mounted on it CPU (Central Processing Unit): The primary instruction chip that is the “brain” of the computer.

18 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) RAM (Random Access Memory): a Poorly named type of memory which electrically stores programs and data for immediate access by the CPU - and can be access in any sequence and erased instantly. Front-side Bus (FSB): A set of traces (mounted wires) That carries information from the CPU to RAM

19 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) Adapter Cards  Video  PCI, AGP, or PCIe  Sound  Network (NIC, or Network Adapter)  Modem (Translates from analog to digital)  Controller (provide data ports)

20 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) Communication medium types  Copper  Fiberoptic  Wireless

21 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) Storage Types  Magnetic (Hard Drive, Floppy Drive, Tape Drive)  Optical (CD-R, DVD-R, CD-RW, DVD-RW, BD)  Static (RAM, USB)  We will not get into specific types of CDs, DVDs, BDs here except for the following  R = Read only: Write Once Read Many (WORM)  RW = Rewritable: Write Many, Read Many  ROM = Read Only: No Write Read Many

22 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) CD: holds about 720 MB of data DVD Single layer: Holds about 4.7 GB of data DVD Dual layer: Holds about 8 GB of data BD: Holds about 22 GB of data

23 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) Peripheral devices  One of four categories  Input (keyboard)  Output (speaker)  Storage (external drive)  Network (modem)

24 4. Computer components and peripherals (cont) Network Peripherals  Modem (Modulator/Demodulator): Translates between an analog signal and a digital signal  NIC (Network Interface Card): Translates digital data from computer to electrical or radio for a medium (wire or wireless)

25 5. Computer System Components Supporting parts  System Unit  Case  Power Supply Unit (PSU)  Converts AC to DC  Surge Suppressors  Protects against varying voltage  UPS (uninterruptable Power Supply)  Protects against varying voltage AND provides backup power

26 6. Installation Considerations Installation considerations (Safety and Best Practices) Always back up data Always power off Always use a Wrist Strap for ESD protection Use ESD bags, mats, bare floor, etc. for static protection Do not touch chips or connectors Do not move running hard drives Do not use pencils in the machine Do not put batteries on conductive surfaces

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