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California English Language Development Test (CELDT)

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1 California English Language Development Test (CELDT)
California English Language Development Test (CELDT)

2 Annual Measurable Achievement Outcomes (AMAO) 1, 2, 3
Used through NCLB to monitor EL progress Title III guidelines monitor EL progress CELDT achievement is crucial for AMAO 1 & 2 CELDT must be given with fidelity and efficacy so students can achieve the optimum score AMAO Target 1 K-12 students gaining a proficiency level per year 2 K-12 students meeting and maintaining proficiency 3 EL students scoring proficient CST English and math

3 CELDT Components & Purpose
Initial Identification Who: Students with a Home Language Survey language other than English who have not been assessed for English proficiency (within 30 calendar days) When: Year round Why: To determine if they are English Learners and their levels of English proficiency Annual Assessment Who: All previously identified English Learners who have not been re-designated When: July 1 – October 31 Why: To assess progress in acquiring English proficiency

4 CELDT Importance High-Stakes assessment
Schools must work as a team to ensure optimum testing conditions: Consistency (training) Environment (location) Positive Demeanor (Examiner’s attitude)

5 Test Security Tests and test items must be kept secure
Do not expose test questions or content to students prior to testing Assume responsibility for maintaining strict security of CELDT documents Security Affidavits Anyone handling or has access to materials

6 CELDT Highlights Grayed out fields for data extracted from CALPADS Student’s primary language Primary disability Date first enrolled in a USA school Ethnicity/Race Program participation Students receiving Special Education services at a NPS NPS code County/District of residence

7 2014-2015 CELDT Highlights (cont.)
Students WITH Pre-ID label – Fill in ALL asterisked items at the time of testing: Teacher, school, district, local use Date testing completed Testing irregularities Test variations Students WITHOUT Pre-ID label – Fill in ALL appropriate fields, including asterisked items. No Field Testing in the edition Examiner’s Manual (K-12) – Directions to students now reads “put away” rather than “stow away”

8 2014-2015 CELDT Highlights (cont.)
Test Materials – Color Scheme Change Grades K-1 Brown Grade 2 Green Grades 3-5 Purple Grades 6-8 Blue Grades 9-12 Red ASSESS (individually): Listening (25 min) Speaking (15 min) Reading (20 min) Writing (20 min) ASSESS: Listening – Group (20 min) Speaking - Individual (15 min) Reading - Group (50 min) Writing - Group (2 sessions, 30 minutes each) Examiner’s Manuals contain Scoring Guides One Answer Book per student One Test Book per student No.2 pencils with erasers for examiner and students. “Do Not Disturb” Sign Note: There are NO time limits; CDE suggests allowing as much time as is reasonable. Add an additional 5 minutes to each domain to read direction and administer practice questions. For K-1: 5x8 card or folded 8 ½ x 11 in. paper.

9 Responsibilities of Test Personnel
CELDT District Coordinator Manage overall testing process Ensure all correct testing procedures have been followed Ensure all test results are reported accurately CELDT Site Coordinator Ensure test examiners receive appropriate training to administer and score the test Ensure test examiners sign security affidavit Ensure an optimum testing environment Ensure ALL eligible students take and complete the entire CELDT

10 Responsibilities of Test Personnel (cont.)
CELDT Test Examiner Attain required level of calibration to score the Speaking items during administration, and to facilitate local scoring of Writing responses Be a proficient speaker of English Have command of pronunciation, intonation, and fluency Have the ability to correctly pronounce the full range of American phonemes CELDT Proctor Assists test examiner before and during test administration to groups of 20 students or more Prepare testing room Distribute materials Observe students

11 Preparing for the Test Ensure all group administrators are trained and calibrated Create a testing schedule (see Slide 8 for Average Testing Time by Domain) No time limitations for general administration Makeup sessions Testing variations Eliminate distractions - select a quiet area to administer the test Prepare rooms for group testing Post testing signs Cover all academic materials: bulletin boards, whiteboards, charts, etc. Designate proctors to assist when testing groups of 20 or more students Never administer tests where others are being tested or where students might overhear test items.

12 Preparing for the Test (cont.)
Allow for sufficient time to fill in required demographic information (see Slides 6 & 7) Until Pre-ID labels arrive, the following information must be filled in: Field 1 – Student Name (write; do not bubble) Field 3 – Date of Birth (write; do not bubble) Field 8 – Test Purpose (bubble either Initial or Annual) Field 9 – Date Testing Completed Confirm testing variations, accommodations, and modifications (if applicable) Any extra bubbles can invalidate the Pre-ID labels.

13 Follow Standardized Testing Procedures
Administer using only directions contained in the appropriate Examiner’s Manual Avoid testing before/after vacations, holidays, or important school functions Do not give hits or clues – Consult Administration Procedures Table 4 of Examiner’s Manual for allowed prompts Students may not use books, electronic devices, or other reference materials during testing

14 CELDT Test Administration

15 Individual (I) vs. Group (G) Administration
Grades K-1 and 2 * Administered individually or in small groups (2+) depending on perceived maturity level Grades 3-12 Component Order K 1 2 Teacher Talk I I/G* G Extended Listening Comprehension Following Oral Directions Rhyming p. 3-6 in STOT binder Component Order Administration Following Oral Directions G Teacher Talk Extended Listening Comprehension

16 Before Testing Prepare testing room
Post testing signs Cover bulletin boards, whiteboards, or charts that could be used by students to help answer test questions Follow EXACTLY the Test Administration Procedures in the Examiner’s Manual for the administration of each test component (Table 4) Make sure student has only his/her test booklet/answer booklet Encourage students to do their best and answer every item on each page, but not to spend too much time on any one item p. 13 of Examiner's Manual

17 During Testing Have access to the Examiner’s Manual, Test Book, and Answer Book for use during administration Follow Test Administration Procedures (Table 4) Administer all items in the order presented without breaking up testing within components Directions and Practice Items All directions and practice items may be repeated Model correct responses for all practice items Demonstrate how to mark and change responses Remind students to mark only inside provided spaces in Answer Book Use a neutral voice throughout testing Ask students to repeat their response if not heard pp of Examiner's Manual

18 Coaching, Guessing, & Other Concerns
Do not show or correct answers EXCEPT for sample items Give neutral responses if student asks about test item Do not coach students – Consult Administration Procedures Table 4 of Examiner’s Manual for allowed prompts Encourage students to do their best on all sections of the assessment Discourage talking Avoid any unusual interruptions, distractions, or loud noises that might affect testing Report any testing irregularities to CELDT Site Coordinator Testing Irregularities and Security Breach Report Form – Appendix A in Test Site Coordinator’s Manual (p. 35) p. 14 of Examiner's Manual

19 After Testing Check answer books to ensure circles are marked appropriately Collect all test materials Instruct students not to discuss the test items after each testing session Turn in test materials to CELDT Site Coordinator

20 CELDT Overview CELDT Domains Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Following Oral Directions Teacher Talk Extended Comprehension Rhyming (Grades K-2) Oral Vocabulary Speech Functions Choose & Give Reasons 4-Picture Narrative Word Analysis Fluency & Vocabulary Grade K-1 Copying Letters & Words Writing Words Punctuation & Capitalization Grades 2-12 Grammar and Structure Sentences Short Compositions

21 K-1 Early Literacy Overview
Listening and Speaking domains the same as Grade 2 Same “Before Testing” procedures (slide 16) Testing Warm-Up (see Examiner’s Manual) For questions dealing with letter sounds, make sure to say the SOUND of the letter, not the letter name (e.g. /t/ versus t, /s/ versus s) Specific Reading and Writing domain directions Special Directions for Reading and Writing (p. 57 & p.84)

22 K-1 Early Literacy: Specific Reading and Writing Directions
Reading (p. 57) Writing (pp ) Examiner’s Manual To read items aloud To show items to students Answer Book For Examiner to record responses For students to look at items and write responses No. 2 Pencil w/Eraser For Examiner For Student 5 x 8 in. card or folded 8 ½ x 11 in. paper To cover questions not being administered “Do Not Disturb” Sign Posted

23 CELDT Scoring MUST be done by CELDT Coordinator or designee
Manual Scoring Guides located in Examiner’s Manual Local Scoring Tool – Online Input Scores – Calculates raw scores, scale scores, and proficiency levels

24 Questions

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