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 A web quest is an activity where you use the internet to complete several tasks.  In a web quest you will learn and practice concepts while you investigate.

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Presentation on theme: " A web quest is an activity where you use the internet to complete several tasks.  In a web quest you will learn and practice concepts while you investigate."— Presentation transcript:


2  A web quest is an activity where you use the internet to complete several tasks.  In a web quest you will learn and practice concepts while you investigate and use the internet.

3  We will practice our: listening, reading, speaking, writing skills and learn about culture.  We will learn and explore the world of the Library Lion by: 1.Learning about the author 2.Learning about a library in the USA 3.Practicing writing in our portfolios 4.Learning about verbs in the present and past tense. 5.Identifying the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. 6.Practicing Reading comprehension questions

4  Where I grew up: Staten Island, NY  Other places I've lived: Queens, NY; Lansing, NY; Ithaca, NY; Brooklyn, NY  Birthday: February 22, 1974  Where I went to college: Cornell University and The Vermont College of Fine Arts  Siblings (brothers or sisters): no  Pets: Cats, gerbils, crickets, fish  Pets I have not had but have daydreamed about having: Snakes, horses, dogs, eels, lizards, chickens  Favorite books: Too many to list here  Favorite Movies: Too many to list here  Favorite Disney Princess: Belle  To learn more about Michelle, visit her website Michelle KnudsenMichelle Knudsen

5  Watch and listen carefully to the video: Public Library.Public Library  After having watched and listened to the video, answer the following questions in your English notebooks: 1.Where is the library? 2.How old is the library? 3.Name three places around the library? 4.Could the reporter go inside the library? (Explain) 5.How many lion statues are outside of the library?

6  During the rest of the year we will be using writing portfolios (A folder where you will keep your writing activities to check your progress)to work on our writing.  Our first writing activity will be to write a prediction about what the book will be about.

7  Answer the following questions in your notebook: 1.Do you know what a verb is? 2.Can you name three verbs ? 3.Do you write verbs in the present and past the same? (Explain)

8  For the following activity you will have to read a verb, listen to its pronunciation, repeat it, and write an example (an original sentence) with it in your English notebook.  You will have help from two images and an example that is given to you!

9 LickLick(present) Licked(past) Licked The dog licks the owner.licks Yesterday my dog licked me.

10 RoarRoar(present) Roared(past) Roared The lions roar very loud.lions Last night the lion roared very loud.

11 WalkWalk(present) Walked (past) Walked The children walk in the hallway.walk Last week the students walked to school

12 DustDust (present) Dusted (past) Dusted The cleaning lady dusts the bed.dusts Yesterday my mom dusted my room.

13 HelpHelp (present) Helped (past) Helped She helps the girl with her problem.helps Last week I helped my teacher.

14 Smile (present) Smiled (past) Smile Smiled The brother and sister Last night we smiled a lot.

15 LookLook (present) looked (past) looked The student looks at the tablet.looks Two days ago we looked at books.

16 FrownFrown (present) Frowned (past) Frowned The boy frowns because he lost the game.frowns Last night we frowned because we lost.

17 Stop (present) Stopped (past) Stop Stopped The Police Officer stops the car.stops Yesterday the Police officer stopped the car

18 RubRub (present) Rubbed (past) Rubbed The boy rubs his eyes.rubs Last night I rubbed my eyes.

19  Some verbs have a “t” sound at the end in the past. For example walked.  Some verbs have a “d” sound at the end in the past. For example smiled.  Some verbs have an “id” sound at the end in the past. For example dusted.

20  Use a web, like the one below, to identify the main events in the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. 2nd 3rd 4th1st

21  Write the answer to the following questions using complete sentences in your notebook: 1.Who is Miss Merriweather? 2.What are two things that the lion does in the library to help? 3.Where does Mr. McBee look for the lion and where does he find him? 4.Why does Mr. McBee run down the hall to the head librarian’s office? 5.How does Miss Merriweather feel when the lion leaves the library?

22  In this web quest you: 1.Learned about the Author 2.Learned about a library in the USA 3.Practiced writing in your portfolio 4.Learned about verbs in the present and past tense. 5.Identified the beginning, middle, and ending of the story. 6.Practiced Reading comprehension questions


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