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Reading Comprehension Skills - Common Core State Standards Participants Training Book Name_________________________________ 1.

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1 Reading Comprehension Skills - Common Core State Standards Participants Training Book Name_________________________________ 1

2 Understanding text structures prepare students to become writers. 2 Therefore: In the development of this training, it became very clear that – Comprehension Skills, are embedded in the genre’s text structure. Key Points of Training: In this training, we will learn… Comprehension Skills, Text Structures. how to recognize Comprehension Skills, as integrated components of Text Structures. Key Take-Aways Key Take-Aways : Comprehension skills are not isolated from text structures.

3 A skill is the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results. Skills are evidenced by an end product. A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a specific goal. Strategies are evidenced by an on-going process. Strategy Assembly Line Product 3

4 Reading comprehension skills Reading comprehension skills are an extension of the function (purpose and language) of a text’s structure. Reading comprehension skills Reading comprehension skills create a vehicle that allows students to construct meaning within a specific genre structure. 1 What is a Reading Comprehension Skill? 1 “Students who are taught to identify the structure of expository and narrative text have been found to have better comprehension than students who have not received such instruction.” (Taylor, 1992) 2 “Students must be able to read and comprehend independently and proficiently the kinds of complex texts commonly found in college and careers.” ~ Common Core State Text Structure The Common Core State Standards require students to recognize text structures that are specific to genre on a continuum of increasing complexity. 2 Text Structure is a qualitative measure on the CCSS Text Complexity ContinuumText Complexity Continuum. 4

5 5 5 Steps to… Selecting a Comprehension Skill Comprehension skills should... Comprehension skills should... 2 Support the Genre 3 Parallel the Text Structure 4 Connect Reading to Writing 5 Assessment Matches Depth of Knowledge 1 CCSS Standard

6 6 Grade 3 Grade 3 Reading… Common Core Standards Example: Reading Literature RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Example: Informational Reading RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. 1 CCSS Standard Comprehension Skills align with the CCSS genre.

7 7 2 Support the Genre Example of Grade 3, CCSS Reading and Writing Genres Grade 3 CCSS Reading Genre Literary GenresInformational Genres StoriesHistoric Non-Fiction Story SeriesScience Non-fiction FablesTechnical Writing FolktalesGraphs Culturally Diverse MythsMaps Narratives Songs Drama Poems Grade 3 CCSS Writing Genre DescriptiveInformative/Explanatory NarrativeShort Research Projects Personal NarrativePersuasive/Opinion CCSS Text Exemplar Lists Comprehension Skills are determined by the genre’s structure.

8 8 Literary Story Elements Informational Text Structures CharactersCause and Effect SettingSequence Problem/SolutionCompare and Contrast PlotDescription Problem and Solution Non-fiction text is written with an emphasis on the function or purpose of the text. Fictional text is written with an emphasis on story elements, however; literary text contain one or more text structures found in informational text. 3 Parallel the Text Structure Text Structure with Literacy Leader Common Genre Structures and Patterns of Text Comprehension Skills are titled after text structures.

9 9 4 Connect Reading to Writing Cause and Effect Effect Cause Text structures Text structures - have specific graphic organizers that parallel the reading comprehension skills. Graphic organizers prepare students to write. Writing to Read Comprehension Skills graphic organizers are titled after text structures.

10 Evidence Evidence of skill understanding should match its highest… Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Depth of Knowledge (DOK) 5 Assessment Matches Depth of Knowledge Common Genre Structures and Patterns of Text Informational Text Structures Cause and Effect Sequence Compare and Contrast Description Problem and Solution 10 Learning about the structure of stories provides readers with a schema they can use when reading or listening to a new story or writing a story on their own. ~ Akimi Gibson Comprehension Skills have a Depth of Knowledge following text structures.

11 11 How do the 5 Steps work together?

12 12 5 Steps to Bringing It All Together! 1. CCSS Standard 2 Support the Genre 3 Parallel the Text Structure 4 Connect Reading to Writing 5 Assessment Matches Depth of Knowledge

13 13 Bringing It All Together 1.Select your CCSS Reading Standard. 2.Select the genre. RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. 1. CCSS Standard Fable RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures….. 2 Support the Genre 3. Select the genre’s text structure. Cause and Effect 3 Parallel the Text Structure

14 14 Bringing It All Together [cont…] 4. Select a graphic organizer. DOK 5.Select an assessment to match the DOK. Cause and Effect Effect Cause 4 Connect Reading to Writing 5 Assessment Matches Depth of Knowledge

15 15 2. Genre Fable3. Structure Cause and Effect 4. Graphic Organizer Cause and Effect Chart 5. DOK Assessment 2 - Application Comprehension Skill - Selecting a Comprehension Skill - is dependent on the genre’s text structure. Which box is the “comprehension skill?” RL.3.2 Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text

16 16 Genre ________________Structure ________________ Graphic Organizer ________________ DOK Assessment _____________________ Comprehension Skill Planning Tool. Instructional Comprehension Skill Planning Tool. Standard: RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect. Use the following resource pages to complete this graph.

17 17 Resources Resources - to help select comprehension skills. 1. CCSS Standard Instruction of comprehension skills begins with knowing the Common Core State Standards. CCSS require students to read complex texts, about them, write about them, discuss them, analyze them, and make connections between them. Comprehension skills are the link to constructing meaning of text. Common Core State Standards

18 2 Support the Genre 18 Text Structures Possible Reading Genres Cause and Effect Cause/effect-The author delineates one or more causes and then describes the ensuing effects. Sophisticated Narratives Realistic Fiction Informational Text Event Building Stories Fictional Narratives Sequence The author uses numerical or chronological order to list items or events. Memoirs Autobiographical Fairy Tales Folk Tales Story Series Historical Events Fantasy Fables Myths Science Fiction Realistic Fiction Oral Histories Compare and Contras The author compares and contrasts two or more similar events, topics, or objects. Historic Non-Fiction & Fiction Science Non-Fiction Social Studies Non-Fiction Description The author describes a topic. Informational Texts and Books Riddle Books Poems Prose Problem and Solution The author poses a problem or question and then gives the answer. Realistic Fiction Informational Writing Arguments Scientific Reports and Research Some Folk Tales Matching Reading Genre to Text Structure Know text structures Know text structures. Text structures parallel comprehension skills and language functions.

19 19 Text Structures as….. Comprehension Skills Cause and Effect Cause and Effect Sub-Categories Cause and Effect Cause and Effect Predicting Outcomes Prediction Inference Inferences Inferences Drawing Conclusions SequenceSequence Sub-Categories Sequencing Sequencing Main Idea and Details Main Idea Note Taking Following Directions Story Structure Text Organization Summarizing Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast Sub-Categories Compare and Contrast Compare and Contrast Fantasy and Realism Fact and Opinion Facts and Opinions Supporting Facts Facts and OpinionsSupporting Facts Analyzing * DescriptionDescription Sub-Categories Generalizations Categorize Classify Reports Arranged by Categories Problem and Solution Problem and Solution Sub-Categories Evaluating Propaganda Making Judgments Author’s Purpose Point of View Point of View Interpretation Hypothesis * 3 Parallel the Text Structure Text Structures as Comprehension Skills Sub-Groups Know the Sub-Groups of the common text structures. These are your comprehension skill parallels!

20 20 Text Structures Graphic Organizers Cause and Effect Prediction Inferences Conclusions Wheel Chain Process Cause = Effect Fishbone Goal-Reasons Web Process-Cause-Effect Sequence Main idea and details Note taking Following directions Story structure Text organization Summarizing Timeline Flow Chart Event Diagrams Y-Chart Ladder Graph Garden Gate Story Maps Star Chart Cycle Diagram E-Chart Tree Chart Sandwich Chart Tic-Tac-Toe Sequence Chart Compare and Contrast Fact and opinion fantasy and realism Analyzing* Venn Diagram T-Chart Compare/Contrast Matrix Fact and Opinion Chart Comparison Chart Perspectives Chart Double Bubble Description Generalizations Categorize/classify Arranging ISP Chart (information - sources - page) Observation Chart Sense Chart KWS Chart Classification Chart Problem and Solution Propaganda Evaluating Judgments Author’s purpose Interpretation Hypothesis Spiral Effects Decision Making Diagram Problem-Solution Chart Persuasion Map Ranking Charts If-Then Charts Synectics Organizers Scientific Method Charts Decision Making Graphic Historical Investigation Invention Graphic Problem Solving 4 Connect Reading to Writing Graphic Organizers Know which Graphic Organizers - signify specific text structures. These are your instructional formats to teach comprehension skills. Graphic Organizers Guide Comprehension Skill Instruction Graphic Organizers and Uses Eduplace Graphic Organizers Write Design Graphic Organizers Marzano Graphic Organizers

21 21 1 Recall and Reproduction Knowledge I am asking students to remember previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, concepts or answers.Comprehension I am asking students to show me understanding by organizing, comparing, giving descriptions and stating a main idea. 2 Skills and Concepts Application I am asking students to solve problems for new situations by applying learned knowledge, facts or rules in a different way. 3 Short‐term Strategic Thinking Analysis I am asking students to examine and break apart information into parts by looking at motives, causes and relationships.Evaluation I am asking students to present and defend an opinion or make a judgment based on a set of criteria 4 Extended Thinking Synthesis I am asking students to put information together in a different way by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing a different solution. 5 Skill Matches Depth of Knowledge Depth of Knowledge & Bloom’s Assess comprehension skills at the standard’s Depth of Knowledge.

22 Literary DOKsK123456789-1011-12 Standard 111122122223 Standard 212222223334 Standard 311122233333 Standard 422222233333 Standard 511222223433 Standard 633333333333 Standard 721223223444 Standard 8n/a Standard 933444444444 Standard 10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. Informational DOKs K123456789-1011-12 Standard 111122222222 Standard 222222224234 Standard 333323433333 Standard 422222233333 Standard 512222333333 Standard 622234434333 Standard 722223244334 Standard 833333433334 Standard 944434444444 Standard 10 Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. 22 Webb's Depth of Knowledge Guide Depth of Knowledge Chart K - 12

23 23 Webb’s and Bloom’s Reference Chart

24 24 Summary Did we achieve… Is it clear why… Comprehension Skills, Text Structures? how to recognize Comprehension Skills, as integrated components of Text Structures? understanding text structures prepare students to become writers? comprehension skills are not isolated from text structures? CELEBRATE!

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