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English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) Information Meeting 2/19/14.

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Presentation on theme: "English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) Information Meeting 2/19/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC) Information Meeting 2/19/14

2 Our Agenda: Welcome How we identify English Learners What is the CELDT? Using CELDT information New Standards and Assessments The purpose of ELAC  Selecting a representative for the School Site Council

3 Identification: Home Language Survey: 1.First Language Student Learned? 2.Language Student Speaks at Home? 3.Languages Spoken by Student? 4. Language Spoken by Adults in Home? Initial and Annual Assessment:  CELDT CA English Language Development Test

4 Understanding CELDT Data…


6 EL, IFEP, RFEP English Learner  How can we help? Classroom (Teacher) Extra classes (Reading Teacher and Instructional Aides) Fluent English Proficient  IFEP = Initially (right away)  RFEP = Redesignated (later on)

7 What’s coming in the Future… New English Language Development Standards aligned to Common Core Standards for English Language Arts New Assessments  CELDT  SBAC

8 English Learner Advisory Committee Meets 2-3 times per year Comments, Suggestions, Concerns… ELAC Representative on School Site Council (Meets monthly)

9 CELDT 101

10 CELDT - Listening Domain Four Components 1. Following Oral Directions 2. Teacher Talk 3. Extended Listening Comprehension 4. Rhyming (Grades K/1 and 2 only)

11 CELDT Speaking Domain: Oral Vocabulary

12 Speech Functions Asking for information Making a request Offering an item/assistance Giving a warning

13 CELDT Reading Domain K/1 Reading  Word Analysis- orally and individually identify letters and recognize sound-letter relationships  Fluency and Vocabulary- orally and individually identify pictures associated with the words and sentences read simple words out loud  Reading Comprehension- orally and individually identify parts of a book

14 Reading Domain Grades 2 - 12 Reading  Word Analysis- groups read and respond to multiple-choice questions about word formation rules  Fluency and Vocabulary- groups. read and respond to multiple-choice questions about grade-appropriate vocabulary  Reading Comprehension- groups read passages and respond to multiple-choice comprehension questions

15 CELDT Writing Domain: Writing Sentences Write a sentence that describes what is happening in each picture.

16 Writing Domain: Writing Short Compositions

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