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Operating System Security

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1 Operating System Security
Dr. Neminath Hubballi IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

2 IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi
Outline Functions of Operating System Security concerns in OS Process security File Security Booting security Hibernation security Password based security Event log management in windows IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

3 Functions of Operating System
Is a mediator between user applications and hardware Handles lot many complex tasks Memory management Process management Handling deadlocks File system support Multitasking Multi user support IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

4 IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi
What Can Go Wrong ? Consider a situation where there is shortage of systems in school of CSE IITI If you are asked to share same PC with your peers What do you want to do Users have different level of access Based on role Multiple users and multi tasking requires a level of protection One user from interfering other users One program from interfering other users Sharing of resources Optimization IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

5 Organization of Computer Hardware and Software
Many devices Each device has a driver Provides APIs to access Kernel Heart of OS Manages the low level h/w resources Non essential component of OS Printing program User application Access the service provided by OS System calls User Applications Non Essential OS Applications OS Kernel Hardware IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Process Kernel defines the notion of a process Programs are stored in persistent storage Can multiple copies of same program run simultaneously ? Time slicing Process tree Fork system call Parent and child Peers In Linux system init is the root of process tree Meaning all other processes are created by it Its PID is 0 IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Process Tree Diagram IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Process Privileges To grant appropriate access restrictions on the process operating system associates privilege information to a process This privilege is same as privilege of user who is running the process Each process has a user id called uid, group id gid The uid is a number between 0 to which uniquely identifies each user Typically uid 0 is assigned to the root user Similarly gid is also a number in the same range Effective user id eid is the user id whose privileges are used to access a resource IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

9 File Ownership and Permissions
Assigned to each file/directory Provides security Ability to manage users and their files. Needed to access file/directory Usually granted to groups In multi-user operating systems like Linux, access is given only to authorized users Super (root) user: Has special privileges – In a sense owns everything Can change file ownerships Bypass permissions that owner of file may have set Uses root account to provide administrative functions IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

10 File Ownership and Permissions
Unix systems treat everything as a file Special files Devices- a piece of hardware either part of system or an external unit Sockets- a means of communicating with other processes Permissions can be of Read Write and Execute File system ext 2 and ext 3 – permissions apply FAT – no means of ownership IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Sticky Bit in Unix Sticky Bit: Mainly used to avoid some other user deleting a file though she has a write permission on the folder If Sticky bit is enabled on a folder, the folder contents are deleted by only owner who created them and the root user. This is a security measure to avoid deletion of critical folders and their content(sub-folders and files), though other users have full permissions. Setting sticky bit chmod +t /opt/dump/ +t indicates sticky bit setting\ Check sticky bit ls –l : a t will appear in the listing Revoking sticky bit Chmod -t /opt/dump/ IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Memory Management Process granularity Each process upon creation is allocated some memory called as address space This memory is organized in segments .text, .data, .bss, and heap and stack segments Each segment has its own access permissions Readable, writable and executable Operating system protects one process from other by not allowing access to others address space Global granularity Kernel address space User address space IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

13 Booting Sequence and Security
Typical booting sequence is There is a chain of trust in booting process An attacker can subvert booting process by altering or modifying something in any of these components In order to protect system from such changes most systems have a BIOS password BIOS Secondary Boot Loader Operating System IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

14 Hibernation and Security
Hibernation is a concept of saving state of system into disk Typically in a file state information is stored Entire main memory is copied into a file (in a compressed format) Since entire state is copied onto disk All passwords and other sensitive information carry danger of being exposed Researchers have shown the feasibility of extracting such information by mounting a live CD attack On a windows machine state is stored in a file c:\hiberfil.sys IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

15 Password and User Account Management in Operating System
Naive approach Create a file password where all users passwords are stored Neminath : pass156 Gourinath : test234 Somnath : temp123 Save the file password in a place in the system What if a thief gets access to this file ? All user accounts are compromised What can we do to prevent it ? Encrypt the file containing password file Seems a good idea but not enough There is a key used to encrypt the file How does the OS verifies the password ? Key needs to be somewhere in the system Key needs to be stored If file containing password can be stolen key also can be stolen Use one way hashing and salting – most flavors of unix systems use this method IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

16 Password and User Account Management in Operating System
One way hashing is a function f Characteristic of this function is when supplied x computes f(x) easily But inverse is extremely complex i.e., given f(x) it is difficult to calculate x. An example Convert all the characters into their ASCII values and XOR them Resultant is a small number derived out of XOR operation Store the hash value in password file Note we do not store the password anywhere The idea is make it impossible to guess the password even if hash value is known Now the password file looks like Neminath : a12hf Gourinath : b4a2e Somanath : d34ef IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

17 Password and User Account Management in Operating System
From a thief's perspective She can start guessing passwords one by one and compare it to the hash values in password file She needs to know which hash function to use There are only handful of good one-way hash functions implemented So its easy to guess one or find out one Using a table called rainbow table (which is a list of common pre-computed password hashes )it is easy to break it Even if one user uses a weak password which maches with that of dictionary system security is compromised This is addressed through a technique called as salting IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

18 Password and User Account Management in Operating System
Salting Do not hash passwords as it is add something to it and then hash Unix system uses an additional 12 bit number to hash password How to chose value of salt Deterministic across the users: not a good idea ! Unique for each user : sounds good but how to get a unique one Take the current timestamp of system and divide with a predetermined number to get a 12 bit remained use it as a salt. Meta data as salt : use the birthday or PAN number of user as salt IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

19 Unix Password Management
A file in the directory /etc/passwd stores the Unix users password Unix password is hashed and salted Salting and hashing effectively increase the amount of work done to break into the target system Algorithm Take the first 8 ASCI characters of the user password and encrypt a 64 bit constant character consisting of all 0’s If the user password is less than 8 characters suitably pad it to make it 56 bits Encrypt the 64 bit length 0’s 25 times with DES using user password as key Resultant encrypted version is stored in the file IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Windows Event Logging IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Windows Event Logs Types of Logs Application logs : events from applications Security logs : login and logout details, failed logins System logs: events from system components\ The event header contains Date and time User and Computer Event ID  Level Source  Category  IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

22 IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi
Windows Event Logs Types of Events Information : Normally indicates successful operation of something Warning: Indicates not a severe issue but in future it may be troublesome Error: Describes a significant problem Success Audit (Security log) : When a user successfully logs into system Failure Audit (Security log) : A failed login attempt IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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An Example IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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An Example Level time and day source event id task category Warning 12/6/ :34:21 PM Tcpip 4228 None Details: TCP/IP has chosen to restrict the scale factor due to a network condition. This could be related to a problem in a network device and will cause degraded throughput. Issue is related to communication Scale factor is related to receive window size By using the window scale option, the receive window size may be increased up to a maximum value of 1,073,725,440 bytes. This is done by specifying a one byte shift count in the header options field. The true receive window size is left shifted by the value in shift count. A maximum value of 14 may be used for the shift count value. IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Logging at Many Places Windows event logs Antivirus programs Firewalls Radius server DHCP server IDS and IPS …….. IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Event Correlation Courtesy: SANS Analyst Program Document IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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Sequence of Events Courtesy: SANS Analyst Program Document IIT Indore © Neminah Hubballi

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