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Motivation Across Cultures

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1 Motivation Across Cultures
chapter 12-14 Motivation Across Cultures McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

2 DEFINE motivation, and explain it as a psychological process.
Chapter Objectives DEFINE motivation, and explain it as a psychological process. EXAMINE the hierarchy-of-needs, two-factor, and achievement motivation theories, and assess their value to international human resource management

3 Motivation Across Cultures
3. DISCUSS how an understanding of employee satisfaction can be useful in human resource management throughout the world. 4. EXAMINE the value of process theories in motivating employees worldwide. 5. RELATE the importance of job design, work centrality, and rewards to understanding how to motivate employees in an international context.

4 The Nature of Motivation
Motivation is a psychological process through which unsatisfied wants or needs lead to drives that are aimed at goals or incentives.

5 Motivation’s Two Underlying Assumptions
The Universalist Assumption: Motivation process is universal; all people are motivated to pursue goals they value Process is universal Culture influences specific content and goals pursued Motivation differs across cultures

6 Motivation’s Two Underlying Assumptions
The Assumption of Content and Process Content Theories of Motivation: Theories that explain work motivation in terms of what arouses, energizes, or initiates employee behavior. Process Theories of Motivation: Theories that explain work motivation by how employee behavior is initiated, redirected, and halted

7 Theory X Management assumes employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can Workers inherently dislike work. Because of this, workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed.

8 Theory X The Theory X manager:
tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone. He or she thinks all prospective employees are only out for themselves. Usually feel the sole purpose of the employees interest in the job is money. They will blame the person first in most situations, without questioning whether it may be the system, policy, or lack of training that deserves the blame. cannot trust any employee, and they reveal this to their support staff via their communications constantly. can be said to be an impediment to employee morale and productivity. Managers that subscribe to Theory X, tend to take a rather pessimistic view of their employees. believes that his or her employees do not really want to work, that they would rather avoid responsibility and that it is the manager's job to structure the work and energize the employee. The result of this line of thought is that Theory X managers naturally adopt a more authoritarian style based on the threat of punishment. One major flaw of this management style is it is much more likely to cause Diseconomies of Scale in large businesses.

9 Theory Y management assumes employees may be ambitious, self-motivated, anxious to accept greater responsibility, and exercise self-control, self-direction, autonomy and empowerment. It is believed that employees enjoy their mental and physical work duties. It is also believed that if given the chance employees have the desire to be creative and forward thinking in the workplace. There is a chance for greater productivity by giving employees the freedom to perform at the best of their abilities without being bogged down by rules.

10 Theory Y Theory Y manager:
believes that, given the right conditions, most people will want to do well at work and that there is a pool of unused creativity in the workforce. They believe that the satisfaction of doing a good job is a strong motivation in and of itself. Will try to remove the barriers that prevent workers from fully actualizing themselves . McGregor simply argues for managers to be open to a more positive view of workers and the possibilities that this creates. Theory Z: A manager who believes that workers seek opportunities to participate in management and are motivated by teamwork and responsibility sharing.

11 Three Content Theories
Maslow’s theory Rests on a number of assumptions: Lower-level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs become motivators A need that is satisfied no longer motivates More ways to satisfy higher-level than there are ways to satisfy lower-level needs


13 Maslow’s Theory of Motivation

14 Maslow’s Motivation Theory
International findings: Haire study indicated all needs important to respondents across cultures International managers (not rank and file employees) indicated upper-level needs of particular importance to them Findings for select country clusters (Latin Europe, U.S./U.K., Nordic Europe) indicated autonomy and self-actualization were most important and least satisfied needs for respondents

15 Maslow’s Motivation Theory: international Evidence
Another study of East Asian managers in eight countries found autonomy and self-actualization in most cases ranked high Some researchers have suggested modification of Maslow’s Western-oriented hierarchy by re-ranking needs. Asian culture emphasizes needs of society: Chinese hierarchy of needs might have four levels ranked from lowest to highest: Belonging (social); Physiological; Safety; Self-actualization (in service of society)

16 Across Country Comparison

17 Goals Ranked by Occupation

18 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation
A theory that identifies two sets of factors that influence job satisfaction: Motivators: Job content factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and the work itself. Only when motivators are present will there be satisfaction. Hygiene Factors: Job-context factors such as salary, interpersonal relations, technical supervision, working conditions, and company policies and administration. If hygiene factors aren’t taken care of there will be dissatisfaction.

19 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

20 Herzberg vs. Maslow:

21 Herzberg’s Theory Generalized to International Context
Research tends to support Herzberg’s theory Hines: 218 middle managers and 196 salaried employees in New Zealand; found validity across occupational levels Similar study conducted among 178 Greek managers; overall theory held true

22 Herzberg’s Motivation Factors in Zambia

23 Herzberg’s Theory in Selected Countries

24 Cross-Cultural Comparison

25 Achievement Motivation Theory
Profile of high achievers: They like situations in which they take personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems Tend to be moderate risk-takers rather than high or low risk-takers Want concrete feedback on performance Often tend to be loners and not team players

26 Need for Achievement Theory
How to Develop High Need for Achievement: Obtain feedback on performance and use information to channel efforts into areas where success is likely Emulate people who are successful achievers Develop internal desire for success and challenges Daydream in positive terms by picturing self as successful in pursuit of important objectives

27 Achievement Motivation: international Findings
Polish industrialists were high achievers scoring 6.58 (U.S. managers’ scored an average 6.74) Some studies did not find high need for achievement in Central European countries (average score for Czech managers was 3.32 – considerably lower than for U.S.)

28 Country Comparisons

29 Achievement Motivation International Findings (continued)
Achievement motivation theory must be modified to meet specific needs of local culture Culture of many countries doesn’t support high achievement Anglo cultures and those rewarding entrepreneurial effort do support achievement motivation and their human resources should probably be managed accordingly.

30 Process Theories of Motivation
Equity Theory: When people perceive they are treated equitably, it will have a positive effect on their job satisfaction. If people believe they aren’t being treated fairly (especially relative to relevant others), they will be dissatisfied leading to negative effect on job performance; they will attempt to restore equity While considerable support for theory in Western world, support is mixed on an international basis.

31 Process Theories of Motivation: Equity Theory’s International Support
Israeli kibbutz production unit, everyone treated same but managers reported lower satisfaction levels than workers Managers perceived contributions greater than other groups in kibbutz and felt under-compensated for value and effort. Employees in Asia and Middle East often readily accept inequitable treatment in order to preserve group harmony Japanese men and women (and in Latin America) typically receive different pay for doing same work; due to years of cultural conditioning women may not feel treated inequitably

32 Equity Theory in Western and Eastern Worlds

33 Process Theories: Goal Setting
Focuses on how individuals set goals and respond to them and the overall impact of this process on motivation Specific areas given attention in this theory: Level of participation in goal setting Goal difficulty Goal specificity Importance of objective Timely feedback to progress toward goals

34 Goal Setting Theory Goal setting theory continually refined and developed over time (unlike some of the other theories) Considerable research evidence showing employees perform extremely well when assigned specific and challenging goals in which they have a hand in setting Most studies have been conducted in US; few in other cultures

35 Goal Setting Theory’s International Evidence
Norwegian employees shunned participation and preferred to have union representative work with management to determine work goals Individual participation in goal setting was inconsistent with prevailing Norwegian philosophy of participation through union rep In U.S. employee participation in goal setting is motivational; no value for Norwegian employees in this study

36 Process Theories: Expectancy Theory
Process theory that postulates that motivation is influenced by a person’s belief that Effort will lead to performance Performance will lead to specific outcomes Outcomes will be of value to the individual High performance followed by high rewards will lead to high satisfaction

37 Expectancy Theory: International Generalizability?
Eden: some support for it while studying workers in an Israeli kibbutz Matsui and colleagues found it could be successfully applied in Japan Theory could be culture-bound; theory is based on employees having considerable control over their environment (which does not exist in many cultures)

38 Applied Motivation: Job Design, Work Centrality, Rewards
Quality of worklife (QWL) is same throughout world Assembly-line workers in Japan work at a rapid pace for hours and have little control over their work activities Assembly-line workers in Sweden work at more relaxed pace and have great deal of control over work activities U.S. assembly-line workers typically work somewhere in between – at a pace less demanding than Japan’s but more structured than Sweden’s QWL may be directly related to culture of the country

39 Quality of Life Across Cultures

40 Applied Motivation: Job Design
Socio-technical Job Designs: Objective of these designs to integrate new technology into workplace so workers accept and use it to increase overall productivity New technology often requires people learn new methods and in some cases work faster Employee resistance is common Some firms introduced sociotechnical designs for better blending of personnel and technology without sacrificing efficiency

41 Applied Motivation: Work Centrality
Importance of work in an individual’s life can provide important insights into how to motivate human resources in different cultures Japan has highest level of work centrality Israel has moderately high levels U.S. and Belgium have average levels Netherlands and Germany have moderately low levels Britain has low levels

42 Applied Motivation: Work Centrality and Value of Work
Work an important part of people’s lives in U.S. and Japan Americans and Japanese work long hours because cost of living is high Most Japanese managers expected salaried employees who aren’t paid extra to stay late at work; overtime has become a requirement of the job Recent evidence Japanese workers may do far less work in business day than outsiders would suspect

43 Applied Motivation: Work Centrality and Value of Work
Impact of overwork on physical condition of Japanese workers One-third of working-age population suffers from chronic fatigue Japanese prime minister’s office found majority of those surveyed complained of Chronic exhaustion Emotional stress Abusive conditions in workplace Karoshi (“overwork” or “job burnout”) is now recognized as a real social problem

44 Applied Motivation: Rewards
Managers everywhere use rewards to motivate personnel Significant differences exist between reward systems that work best in one country and those that are most effective in another. Many cultures base compensation on group membership Workers in many countries motivated by things other than financial rewards Financial incentive systems vary in range Individual incentive-based pay systems in which workers paid directly for output Systems in which employees earn individual bonuses based on organizational performance goals Use of financial incentives to motivate employees is very common In countries with high individualism When companies attempt to link compensation to performance

45 Leadership Foundations

46 Leadership Foundations
Leadership Behaviors and Styles: Authoritarian: use of work-centered behavior designed to ensure task accomplishment. Paternalistic: use of work-centered behavior coupled with protective employee centered concern Participative: use of both work or task centered and people centered approaches to leading subordinates.

47 Leadership in the International Context
How leaders in other countries attempt to direct or influence their subordinates. International approaches to leadership Research shows there are both similarities and differences. Most international research has focused upon Europe, East Asia, the Middle East, and developing countries such as India, Peru, Chile, and Argentina.

48 Leadership in the International Context
European managers tend to use a participative approach. Researchers investigated four areas relevant to leadership: Capacity for leadership and initiative (Theory X vs. Theory Y) Sharing information and objectives: general vs. detailed, completed instructions for subordinates. Participation: leadership support for participative leadership Internal control: leader control through external vs. internal means

49 Leadership in the International Context
The role of level, size, and age on European managers’ attitudes toward leadership: Higher level managers tend to express more democratic values than lower-level managers in some countries; in other countries the opposite is true. Company size tends to influence the degree of participative-autocratic attitudes Younger managers were more likely to have democratic values in leadership and initiative, information sharing and objectives

50 Leadership in the International Context
European Leadership Practices-- Conclusion Most European managers tend to reflect more participative and democratic attitudes Organizational level, company size, and age greatly influence attitudes toward leadership Many young people from the study are now middle-aged-European managers who are highly likely to be more participative than their older counterparts of the 1960s and 1970s.

51 Leadership in the International Context: Japanese
Japan is well known for its paternalistic approach to leadership Japanese culture promotes a high safety or security need, which is present among home country-based employees as well as MNC expatriates Japanese managers have much greater belief in the capacity of subordinates for leadership and initiative than do managers in most other countries. Only managers in Anglo-American countries had stronger feelings in this area

52 International Leadership: Japanese vs. American
Except for internal control, large U.S. firms tend to be more democratic than small ones; profile is quite different in Japan. Younger U.S. managers express more democratic attitudes than their older counterparts on all four leadership dimensions Japanese and U.S. managers have different philosophies of managing people. Ouchi’s Theory Z combines Japanese and U.S. assumptions and approaches.

53 International Leadership: Japanese vs. American
How senior managers process information and learn: Variety amplification: Japanese executives are taught and tend to use variety amplification-the creation of uncertainty and the analysis of many alternatives regarding future action. Variety reduction: U.S. executives tend to use variety reduction—limiting uncertainty and focusing action on a limited number of alternatives.

54 Leadership in China The “New Generation” group scored significantly higher on individualism than did the current and older generation groups They also scored significantly lower than the other two groups on collectivism and Confucianism These values appear to reflect the period of relative openness and freedom, often called the “Social Reform Era,” in which these new managers grew up They have had greater exposure to Western societal influences may result in leadership styles similar to those of Western managers

55 Leadership in the Middle East
There may be much greater similarity between Middle Eastern leadership styles and those of Western countries Western management practices are evident in the Arabian Gulf region due to close business ties between the West and this oil-rich area as well as the increasing educational attainment, often in Western universities, of Middle Eastern managers Organizational culture, level of technology, level of education, and management responsibility were good predictors of decision-making styles in the United Arab Emirates There is a tendency toward participative leadership styles among young Arab middle managers, as well as among highly educated managers of all ages

56 Leadership in Other Developing Countries
Managerial attitudes in India are similar to Anglo-Americans toward capacity for leadership and initiative, participation, and internal control, but different in sharing information and objectives Leadership styles in Peru may be much closer to those in the United States than previously assumed Developing countries may be moving toward a more participative leadership style

57 Recent Leadership Findings: Transformational, Transactional, Charismatic
Transformational leaders: source of charisma; enjoy admiration of followers Idealized influence: Enhance pride, loyalty, and confidence in their people; align followers by providing common purpose or vision that the latter willingly accept Inspirational motivation: Extremely effective in articulating vision, mission, beliefs in clear-cut ways Intellectual stimulation: able to get followers to question old paradigms and accept new views of world Individualized consideration: able to diagnose and elevate needs of each follower in way that furthers each one’s development

58 Recent Findings: Transformational, Transactional, Charismatic
Four other types of leadership are less effective than transformational: Contingent Reward: clarifies what needs to be done; provides psychic and material rewards to those who comply Active Management-by-Exception: monitors follower performance and takes corrective action when deviations from standards occur Passive Management-by-Exception: intervenes in situations only when standards are met Laissez-Faire: avoids intervening or accepting responsibility for follower actions

59 Review and Discuss Do people throughout the world have needs similar to those described in Maslow’s need hierarchy? Is Herzberg’s two-factor theory universally applicable to human resource management, or is its value limited to Anglo countries? In managing operations in Europe, which process theory– equity, goal-setting, or expectancy – would be of most value to an American manager? Why?

60 Culture Clusters and Leadership Effectiveness
Important attributes that form a concept of outstanding business leader Anglo mangers identify performance orientation, an inspirational style, having a vision, being a team integrator, and being decisive as being the top five attributes Nordic managers ranked these same five attributes as most important but not in same order Rankings of clusters in the North/West European region were fairly similar Substantial differences exist within and between the South/East European countries, countries from Eastern Europe, and Russia and Georgia

61 Rankings of Leadership Attributes

62 Recent Findings Leader Behavior, Leader Effectiveness, and Leading Teams: One of the keys to successful global leadership is knowing what style and behavior works best in a given culture and adapting appropriately In affective cultures, such as the United States, leaders tend to exhibit their emotions In neutral cultures, such as Japan and China, leaders do not tend to show their emotions

63 Doing Business in Affective and Neutral Countries: Leadership Tips

64 Cross-Cultural Comparison

65 Positive Organizational Scholarship and Leadership
Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS): Method that focuses on positive outcomes, processes, and attributes of organizations and their members. Relates to leadership in that POS recognizes positive potential that people have within. Effective leaders seem to live by POS as constantly innovate, create relationships, strive to bring organization to new heights, and work for greater global good through self improvement. Consists of three sub-units: Enablers: could be capabilities, processes or methods, and structure of the environment, which are all external factors. Motivations: focus is inward (such as unselfish or altruistic). Outcomes or effects: accentuate vitality, meaningfulness, high-quality relationships.

66 Authentic Leadership Authentic leaders defined by an all encompassing package of traits, styles, behaviors, and credits. 4 Distinct Characteristics: (1) do not fake actions; true to selves, do not adhere to external expectations; (2) driven from internal forces not external rewards; (3) unique and guide based on personal beliefs, not others’ orders; (4) act based on individual passion and values. Authentic leadership similar to traditional leadership, but has higher awareness; authentic leadership can create a better understanding within the organization.

67 Cross-Cultural Leadership: Six Insights from the GLOBE Study
Charismatic/Value Based: captures ability of leaders to inspire, motivate, encourage high performance outcomes from others based on foundation of core values Team-oriented: emphasis on effective team building and implementation of common goal among team members Participative: extent to which leaders involve others in decisions and decision implementation

68 Cross-Cultural Leadership: Six Insights from the GLOBE Study
Humane-oriented: comprises supportive and considerate leadership Autonomous: independent and individualistic leadership behaviors Self-protective: ensures safety and security of individual and group through status enhancement and face-saving

69 Ethically Responsible Global Leadership
Linking leadership and corporate responsibility through responsible global leadership Values Based Leadership Ethical Decision Making Quality Stakeholder Relationships

70 Selection Criteria for International Assignments: Managers
Adaptability Independence Self-reliance Physical & emotional health Age Experience Education Knowledge of local language Motivation Support of spouse & children Leadership

71 Selection Criteria for International Assignments
Organizations examine a number of characteristics to determine whether an individual is sufficiently adaptable. Work experiences with cultures other than one’s own Previous overseas travel Knowledge of foreign languages Recent immigration background or heritage Ability to integrate with different people, cultures, and types of business organizations

72 Selection Criteria for International Assignments
Those who were best able to deal with their new situation had developed coping strategies characterized by socio-cultural and psychological adjustments including: Feeling comfortable that their work challenges can be met Being able to adjust to their new living conditions Learning how to interact well with host-country nationals outside of work Feeling reasonably happy and being able to enjoy day-to-day activities

73 Activities That Are Important for Expatriate Spouses

74 Selection Criteria for International Assignments
Applicants better prepare themselves for international assignments by carrying out the following three phases: Phase 1: Focus on self-evaluation and general awareness include the following questions: Is an international assignment really for me? Does my spouse and family support the decision to go international? Collect general information on available jobs

75 Selection Criteria for International Assignments (continued)
Phase 2: Conduct a technical skills assessment – Do I have the technical skills required for the job? Start learning the language, customs, and etiquette of the region you will be posted Develop an awareness of the culture and value systems of the geographic area Inform your superior of your interest in the international assignment

76 Selection Criteria for International Assignments (continued)
Phase 3: Attend training sessions provided by the company Confer with colleagues who have had experience in the assigned region Speak with expatriates and foreign nationals about the assigned country Visit the host country with your spouse before the formally scheduled departure (if possible)

77 International Human Resource Selection Procedures
Anticipatory Adjustment Training Previous experience In-country Adjustment Individual’s ability to adjust effectively Ability to maintain a positive outlook, interact well with host nationals, and to perceive and evaluate the host country’s cultural values and norms correctly Clarity of expatriate’s role in the host management team Expatriate’s adjustment to the organizational culture Non-work matters

78 The Relocation Transition Curve

79 Common Elements of Compensation Packages
Compensating expatriates can be difficult because there are many variables to consider Most compensation packages are designed around four common elements: Allowances Taxes Base Salary Benefits

80 Common Elements of Compensation Packages
Base salary Amount of money that an expatriate normally receives in the home country Benefits Should host-country legislation regarding termination of employment affects employee benefits entitlements? Is the home or host country responsible for the expatriates’ social security benefits? Should benefits be subject to the requirements of the home or host country? Which country should pay for the benefits? Should other benefits be used to offset any shortfall in coverage? Should home-country benefits programs be available to local nationals?

81 Common Elements of Compensation Packages
Allowances Cost-of-Living Allowance Payment for differences between the home country and the overseas assignment. Designed to provide the expatriate the same standard of living enjoyed in the home country May cover a variety of expenses, including relocation, housing, education, and hardship Incentives A growing number of firms have replaced the ongoing premium for overseas assignments with a one-time, lump-sum premium

82 Common Elements of Compensation Packages
Taxes Tax equalization An expatriate may have two tax bills for the same pay Host country U.S. Internal Revenue Service MNCs usually pay the extra tax burden

83 Tailoring the Compensation Packages
Balance-sheet approach Ensure the expatriate is does not lose money from the assignment Complementary approach Negotiate to work out an acceptable ad hoc arrangement Localization Pay the expatriate a salary comparable to local nationals Lump sum method Give expatriate a lump sum of money Cafeteria approach Compensation package that gives the individual a series of options Regional system Set a compensation system for all expatriates who are assigned to a particular region

84 Individual and Host Country Viewpoints
Individual desires Why do individuals accept foreign assignments? Greater demand for their talents abroad than at home Host-country desires Whom would it like to see put in managerial positions? Accommodating the wishes of HCOs can be difficult: They are highly ethnocentric in orientation They want local managers to head subsidiaries They set such high levels of expectation regarding the desired characteristics of expatriates that anyone sent by the MNC is unlikely to measure up

85 Repatriation of Expatriates
Reasons for returning to home country Most expatriates return home from overseas assignments when their formally agreed-on tour of duty is over Some want their children educated in a home-country school Some are not happy in their overseas assignment Some return because they failed to do a good job Readjustment problems “Out of sight, out of mind” syndrome Organizational changes Technological advances Adjusting to the new job back home

86 Repatriation of Expatriates
Transition strategies Repatriation Agreements Firm agrees with individual how long she or he will be posted overseas and promises to give the individual, on return, a job that is mutually acceptable Some of the main problems of repatriation include: Adjusting to life back home Facing a financial package that is not as good as that overseas Having less autonomy in the stateside job than in the overseas position Not receiving any career counseling from the company

87 Cross-Cultural Training
Field Experience Send participant to the country of assignment to undergo some of the emotional stress of living and working with people from a different culture Sensitivity Training Develop attitudinal flexibility

88 Cross-Cultural Training Programs
Steps in cross-cultural training programs Local instructors and a translator observe the pilot training program or examine written training materials Educational designer debriefs the observation with the translator, curriculum writer, and local instructors The group examines the structure and sequence, ice breaker, and other materials to be used in the training The group collectively identifies stories, metaphors, experiences, and examples in the culture that fit into the new training program The educational designer and curriculum writer make necessary changes in training materials

89 Cross-Cultural Training Programs
A variety of other approaches can be used to prepare managers for international assignments including: Visits to the host country Briefings by host-country managers In-house management programs Training in local negotiation techniques Analysis of behavioral practices that have proven most effective

90 Cross-Cultural Training Programs
A variety of other approaches can be used to prepare managers for international assignments including: Visits to the host country Briefings by host-country managers In-house management programs Training in local negotiation techniques Analysis of behavioral practices that have proven most effective

91 Types of Training Programs
Global Leadership Development The Global Leadership Program (GLP) A consortium of leading U.S., European, and Japanese firms, global faculty, and participating host countries Provide an intensive international experience Develop a global mindset Instill cross-cultural competency Provide an opportunity for global networking

92 Review and Discuss What selection criteria are most important in choosing people for an overseas assignment? Identify and describe the four that you judge to be of most universal importance, and defend your choice. What are the major common elements in an expat’s compensation package? Besides base pay, which would be most important to you? Why? What kinds of problems do expatriates face when returning home? Identify and describe four of the most important. What can MNCs do to deal with these repatriation problems effectively?

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