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Auckland’s Travel Demand Initiatives Sustainable Mobility & Healthy Communities Summit 2014.

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2 Auckland’s Travel Demand Initiatives Sustainable Mobility & Healthy Communities Summit 2014

3 3 Leadership from the top Mayor, Len Brown Vision Worlds most livable city Strategy The Auckland Plan Framework Network Operations & Safety “Deliver travel choices across Auckland as part of an integrated transport system, by implementing road safety & travel behaviour programmes to improve road safety, reduce congestion and increase journey time reliability” The Key Ingredients

4 4 Network Operations & Safety

5 5 Where Travel Demand Fits in Network Operations & Safety Provide an integrated single network approach Customer focus to increase customer satisfaction Provide better informed & smarter travel choices Make the best use of existing infrastructure

6 6 If we fail to plan, we plan to fail, therefore, we need targets: TD Targets Performance measure2013/14 targetTD Results No. am peak (7-9am) car trips avoided through TD initiatives 12,80016,587 through the schools travelwise prog & commuter initiatives Cycle trips through out the region through am peak 129,300141,879 trips (32.8% increase in 12 months) Walking trips into the CBD during am peak 5,4005,330 trips (10.8% increase in 12 months)

7 7 Walking Cycling Bus, Train & Ferry (PT) Carpooling (Ridesharing) Tertiary campaigns (schools Travelwise are separate) Tele-working (working from home) don’t make the trip The TD Team Operate at the Sharp End: To Achieve Targets We Need TD Programmes

8 8 Targeting the programmes for specific user needs Expos (migration, relocation, problem solving) HOP card incentives (PT) Give-aways (in combination with expos) Personalised journey planning (PJPs): community And the good old travel plan……. Most Effective Tools

9 9 The benefits of walking to work as part of the commute: Less demand for parking = alternate land uses. Parking spaces = substantial dollar cost to a business. Walking as part of the commute = employees who feel more energised, alert and relaxed + health benefits. Walking to work

10 10 Launched Feb 2014 & ran for 4 weeks Promoted via email, Heart of the City Group & CBD Residents Advisory Group Walking stations set up at key locations 970 people signed up (120 through the website) 3,737 engagements with members of the public 80% stated that they were more likely to walk as part of their commute Walking: Kick Start Campaign

11 11 National event Started in 2009 by Living Streets Aotearoa Used to Promote the health benefits of walking Advertising concentrated on: get fitter, save money, help the environment Competitions Tammy Jeffries: “walking to work is refreshing and revitalising, it gives me plenty of time to suss out my day and clear my head” Walking: Walk2Work Day

12 12 Our team offers businesses & organisations: Introduction to cycling session Bike maintenance and repair workshop Cycle training courses and guided rides A choice of 2 bike trial schemes: 1.Commuter bikes, for your staff to trial cycling to work 2.Fleet bikes, for your staff to trial fleet bikes instead of fleet cars Cycling

13 13 Carpooling cuts the cost of commuting for staff and business also share the benefits through: Lower demand for parking spaces around the worksite Increased staff productivity and retention (notoriosly difficult to measure) Lower car operating costs (shared) Increase social networks Carpooling

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16 16 If an organisation is located near a transport stop we can provide: PT expo (maps, timetables, route planning and ticketing information) Two week Public Transport trial. The trial allows staff the opportunity to try public transport for their commute. Public transport

17 17 Research in the United States, Britain and Canada shows: Increase in staff productivity of 10 to 20% (fewer distractions and less stress) Cost savings of up to NZ$12,000 per employee teleworking two days a week over a year An average of 6 days less absenteeism per person per year (less sickness, less stress) Teleworking

18 18 Working directly with communities because: 15,000 cars are added to Auclanda roads annually 85% of trip are made by private car Personalised Jouney Planning

19 19 PJP Process: Birkenhead

20 20 Birkenhead Results

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22 22 Political will and leadership Planned targets A range of programmes/tools to meet all travel needs Working at trip destination (organisations) & trip origin (PJPs) Measurable results Continuous publicity – works in mysterious ways Endless energy, vitality and enthusiasm for change Summary

23 23 Sue Philbin| Senior Travel Planner Level 2, Vodafone Building Smales Farm, Takapuna, Auckland P +64 9 9355 3553 | M +64 021624 573

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