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Working with Families in THP- Plus Julie Jackson, Bill Wilson Center Angela Martinez, Bill Wilson Center Amber Goggia, St. Anne’s Peggy Perry, Larkin Street.

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Presentation on theme: "Working with Families in THP- Plus Julie Jackson, Bill Wilson Center Angela Martinez, Bill Wilson Center Amber Goggia, St. Anne’s Peggy Perry, Larkin Street."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working with Families in THP- Plus Julie Jackson, Bill Wilson Center Angela Martinez, Bill Wilson Center Amber Goggia, St. Anne’s Peggy Perry, Larkin Street Youth Services

2 CalWORKs California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids  Cash aid program for low income families  Subsidized child care  Employment and training programs  Transportation costs  Substance abuse, mental health and domestic violence counseling  Helps families move towards greater self-sufficiency

3 Basic CalWORKs Requirements  Be a United States citizen or a lawful immigrant  Be a United States citizen or a lawful immigrant  Have a Social Security number or have applied for one  Have a Social Security number or have applied for one  Reside in California and intend to stay  Reside in California and intend to stay  Have children or are pregnant  If both parents are in the home, the principal wage earner is either unemployed or working less than 100 hours per month at the time they apply for assistance  Have a net monthly income less than the maximum aid payment for family size, and have less than $2000 in cash, bank accounts and other resources  Provide proof of regular school attendance for all school age children and proof of immunizations for all children under the age of six  Provide proof of regular school attendance for all school age children and proof of immunizations for all children under the age of six  Perform 32 hours of work related activities per week for a single parent household or 35 hours per week in a two-parent household  Cooperate with child support requirements unless the participant is a victim of domestic violence, the participant or child(ren) may be in danger if Child Support Services Department contacts the absent parent, or when rape or incest has occurred  Cooperate with child support requirements unless the participant is a victim of domestic violence, the participant or child(ren) may be in danger if Child Support Services Department contacts the absent parent, or when rape or incest has occurred

4 CalWORKs Time Limits Adults can generally only receive 60 months of cash aid for their whole life. Some exceptions to the 60 month time limit are as follows:  Disabled and getting benefits such as Supplemental Security Income/State Supplemental Payment (SSI/SSP), Workers Compensation or State Disability Insurance (SDI)  A victim of domestic violence and the County determines good cause exists to waive time limits

5 CalWORKs Child Care Program  Helps families access immediate, affordable, and quality child care necessary for them to move off cash assistance  Must be a CalWORKs participant attending school, working, or completing approved Welfare-to-Work activities  Work with an eligibility worker to identify a child care provider of the parent’s choice  3 different “stages” of CalWORKs child care: –Stage 1 begins with a families entry into the Cal-WORKs program. Each family may be served in Stage 1 for up to six months or until the family’s work activity and child care become stable. –Stage 2 begins when the parent’s employment and child care arrangements are stable. Families may remain in this stage for up to 24 months after they stop receiving CalWORKs cash assistance. –Stage 3 is available (based on funding) to former CalWORKs participants who have exceeded their 24-months of child care

6 Welfare-to-Work (WtW) Program  Job preparation workshops  Vocational assessment and training programs  Mental health services  Substance abuse treatment  Domestic violence counseling  Post-Employment services for up to 12 months  Participation is mandatory unless: –Show proof of employment –Custodial parent is 18 or 19 years of age and is a Cal-Learn participant –Single parent caring for a child under one year of age –Participant is disabled or has a medical excuse

7 Cal-Learn Program  For CalWORKs participants under 19 years of age who are pregnant or parenting, and have not yet completed their high school education  Required to enroll in high school or an equivalency program  Payments for child care, transportation and school expenses  Intensive Case Management to assist participants in obtaining health and social services such as Women, Infant and Children(WIC), Food Stamps and Medi-Cal  Bonuses of $100 up to four times a year for each report card showing an average grade of C or better, and sanctions of $100 for each report card with an average below a C or for failure to submit report cards without good cause  $500 bonus for receiving a high school diploma or its equivalent  Participants who turn 19 years of age while in the Cal-Learn Program may volunteer to remain in the program until they receive their high school diploma or equivalent, or turn age 20

8 Barriers to Including the Other Parent  Varying levels of commitment  Level of engagement  Presence of domestic violence  Unhealthy relationship (no DV)  Child abuse risk potential  Programmatic limitations  Non biological care giver  Desire to co-habitate  Limited program resources

9 Benefits to Including the Other Parent Supports bonding and attachment between parent and childSupports bonding and attachment between parent and child Co-parenting can provide emotional, social and economic benefits for familyCo-parenting can provide emotional, social and economic benefits for family Fosters life long connections for the child as well as the THP + youthFosters life long connections for the child as well as the THP + youth Promotes shared responsibility and parental engagementPromotes shared responsibility and parental engagement Close contact with family unit can help to identify and prevent potential risks (i.e. child abuse, neglect, drug use, etc.)Close contact with family unit can help to identify and prevent potential risks (i.e. child abuse, neglect, drug use, etc.) Promotes youth development and self-determinationPromotes youth development and self-determination Provides opportunity to link other parent to services they may be eligible for but are not receivingProvides opportunity to link other parent to services they may be eligible for but are not receiving Enriches group learningEnriches group learning

10 Assessment  Begin at Intake  Client driven  Relationship stability and history  Biological vs. non biological parent  Current or past domestic violence  Current or past child welfare involvement  Current living situations  Substance abuse  Stability and current needs of other parent

11 Engagement the Other Parent  Begin at intake if possible  Explain program purpose and participation expectations  Family meetings  Parenting group participation  Referral services

12 Co-habitation  Case by case  Emphasis on budgeting and financial contribution (rent, food, utilities, childcare, etc.)  Parenting education  Relationship counseling If living together is not an immediate option:  Provide the opportunity to re-assess in the future (6 months, 1 year)  Provide resources, support and preparation for future co-habitation (upon graduation or program exit)

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