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Leadership and Motivation Follow me boys! (Girls).

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and Motivation Follow me boys! (Girls)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and Motivation Follow me boys! (Girls)

2 Do what I say! Motivation Manipulation

3 Motivational Theories Scientific Management (Taylor) Heirarchy of Needs (Maslow) 2-Factor Theory (Hertzberg) Theories X and Y (McGregor) Ouichi’s addition (Z)

4 New Skills to lead Coordinate groups/people Build external support See the big picture Looking ahead Accountability--The buck stops here Train/develop employees

5 Power Why or how are leaders able to get followers to follow ? the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance

6 Sources of Power Referent Power (Charismatic) Expert Legitimate Reward Coercive Dependency

7 Referent Referent power is based on group members' identification with, attraction to, or respect for, the powerholder. As with reference groups, group members gain a sense of intrinsic personal satisfaction from identification with the referent powerholder

8 Expert Expert power derives from group members' assumption that the powerholder possesses superior skills and abilities

9 Legitimate Legitimate power stems from an authority's legitimate right to require and demand compliance –prevailing cultural values –accepted social structure –promoted into a given position

10 Reward/Coercive Reward power is the capacity to dispense rewards to those who comply with requests or demands Coercive power is the capacity to dispense punishments to those who do not comply with requests or demands

11 Dependency Dependency power is the capacity to alter behavior because others need something one has

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