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MOTIVATION By: Mrs. Belen Apostol.

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Presentation on theme: "MOTIVATION By: Mrs. Belen Apostol."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOTIVATION By: Mrs. Belen Apostol

2 What is motivation the force that causes an individual to behave in a specific way a highly motivated person works hard at a job; an unmotivated person does not. an internal process

3 Factors Contributing to Motivation
Willingness to do the job Self confidence in carrying out the task Needs Satisfaction

4 The Process of Motivation
plus Needs Motivation which leads to readiness for the next needs leads to Action or Goal Oriented Activities Needs Satisfaction which results to

5 Theories of Motivation
Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory Herzberg’s two-factor theory Expectancy theory Goal-setting theory

6 Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory
Need - a physiological or psychological deficiency that a person feels the compulsion to satisfy. - can create tensions that can influence a person's work attitudes and behaviors.

7 Maslow’s Needs Hierarchy Theory
Physiological Needs – concerned with biological needs like food, shelter, clothing, etc. These needs take priority over the other needs. Safety needs – include freedom from bodily harm and financial security. Love needs – or social needs ; strive to secure love, affection and the need to be accepted by peers Esteem needs – need for positive self-image and self respect and the need to be respected by others. Self-Actualization needs – realization of one’s potential as a human being and becoming someone he could be.

8 Self Actualizing Manager
Characteristics of the Self-Actualizing Manager Has warmth, closeness, and sympathy Recognizes and shares negative information and feeling Exhibits trust, openness, and candor Does not achieve goals by power, deception, or manipulation Does not project own feelings, motivations, or blame onto others Does not limit horizons; uses and develops body, mind, and senses Is not rationalistic; can think in unconventional ways Is not conforming; regulates behavior from within

9 Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory
Hygiene factors or Dissatisfiers include salary, job security, working conditions, organizational policies, and technical quality of supervision. Although these factors do not motivate employees, they can cause dissatisfaction if they are missing. Satisfiers or motivators include such things as responsibility, achievement, growth opportunities, and feelings of recognition, and are the key to job satisfaction and motivation.

10 Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory

11 Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory
Implications of Herzberg’s Theory Satisfaction is not the opposite of dissatisfaction. There is a need to think carefully about what motivates employees. Problems with Theory Assumption of job performance improving with satisfaction is weakly, at best, supported. One person’s dissatisfier is another person’s satisfier

12 Expectancy Theory an employee will be motivated to exert a high level of effort when he or she believes that: Effort will lead to a good performance appraisal. A good appraisal will lead to organizational rewards. The organizational rewards will satisfy his or her personal goals.

13 Relevance of Expectancy Theory to Managers
Employee expectations can be influenced by managerial actions and organizational experience. Training increases employee confidence in their efforts to perform. Listening provides managers with insights into employees’ perceived performance-reward probabilities.

14 Goal-Setting Theory intentions to work toward a goal are a major source of work motivation. Goals - tell employees what needs to be done and how much effort should be expanded. The more difficult the goal, the higher the level of performance expected.

15 Goal-Setting Theory A Model of How Goals Can Improve Performance

16 Techniques of Motivation
Motivation through job design; Motivation through rewards; Motivation through employee participation; and Motivation Through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs

17 Motivation Through Job Design
Job Design - the delineation of task responsibilities as dictated by organizational strategy, technology, and structure Two strategies of Job Design: Fitting People to Jobs Fitting Jobs to People

18 Motivation Through Job Design
Two strategies of Job Design: Fitting People to Jobs Improving the motivation of routine-task personnel Realistic job previews: Honest explanations of what a job actually entails Job rotation: Moving people from one specialized job to another Limited exposure: Using an incentive such as contingent time off (CTO) to motivate performance

19 Motivation Through Job Design
Two strategies of Job Design: 2. Fitting Jobs to People Job enlargement: Combining two or more specialized tasks (horizontal loading) to increase motivation Job enrichment: Redesigning a job to increase its motivating potential by introducing planning and decision-making responsibility (vertical loading)

20 Motivation Through Job Design
Five Core Dimensions of Work Skill variety: The variety of activities required in carrying out the work Task identity: The completion of a “whole” and identifiable piece of work Task significance: How much impact the job has on the lives of other people Autonomy: The freedom, independence, and discretion that one has to do the job Job feedback: How much performance feedback the job provides to the worker

21 Motivation Through Job Design
How Job Enrichment Works

22 Motivation Through Rewards
Classification of Rewards: Extrinsic Rewards Intrinsic Rewards

23 Motivation Through Rewards
Extrinsic Rewards Payoffs granted to the individual by other people Money, employee benefits, promotions, recognition, status symbols, and praise Improving Performance with Extrinsic Rewards Rewards must satisfy individual operative needs. Cafeteria compensation: A plan that allows employees to select their own mix of benefits Employees must believe effort will lead to reward. Rewards must be equitable. Rewards must be linked to performance.

24 Motivation Through Rewards
Intrinsic Rewards Self-granted and internally experienced payoffs Sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, and self-actualization

25 Motivation Through Rewards

26 Motivation Through Rewards

27 Motivation through Employee Participation
Participative Management - The process of empowering employees to assume greater control of the workplace Setting goals Making decisions Solving problems Designing and implementing organizational changes

28 Motivation through Employee Participation
Three approaches to participation Quality control circles Open-book management (OBM) Self-managed teams

29 Motivation through Employee Participation
Quality Control (QC) Circles Voluntary problem-solving groups of five to ten employees from the same work area who meet regularly to discuss quality improvement and ways to reduce costs Assume responsibility for recommending, implementing, and evaluating solutions to quality problems Voluntary participation that taps into the creative potential of every employee

30 Motivation through Employee Participation
Open-Book Management (OBM) Sharing a company’s key financial data and statements with all employees and providing the education that will enable them to understand how the company makes money and how their actions affect its success and bottom line Benefits of OBM Displays a high degree of trust in employees Creates strong commitment to employee training Teaches patience when waiting for results

31 Motivation through Employee Participation
The Four STEP Approach to Open- Book Management Step 1: Share financial data with employees. Step 2: Teach employees the business model. Step 3: Empower employees to make decisions. Step 4: Pay employees a fair share of profits through bonuses and incentive compensation.

32 Motivation through Employee Participation
Self-Managed Teams (Autonomous Work Groups) High performance teams (with assigned membership) assume traditional managerial duties such as staffing and planning as part of their normal work routine. Self-management fosters creativity, motivation, and productivity.

33 Motivation through Employee Participation
Keys to Successful Employee Participation Programs Building Employee Support for Participation A profit-sharing or gain-sharing plan A long-term employment relationship with good job security A concerted effort to build and maintain group cohesiveness Protection of the individual employee’s rights

34 Motivation through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs
Flexible Work Schedules Alternatives Family Support Services Wellness Programs Sabbaticals

35 Motivation through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs
Flexible Work Schedules Flextime: A work schedule that allow employees to choose their own arrival and departure times within specified limits Benefits Better employee-supervisor relations Reduced absenteeism Selective positive impact on job performance (improves productivity for some jobs, but not for others)

36 Motivation through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs
Flexible Work Schedules

37 Motivation through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs
Alternatives Expanded concept of flextime Reduced time, paid leaves, telecommuting Compressed workweeks: 40 or more hours in fewer than five days Semipermanent and permanent part-time: work weeks with fewer than 40 hours. Job sharing: complementary scheduling that allows two or more part-timers to share a single full-time job

38 Motivation through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs
Family Support Services Top family-friendly benefits Dependent care flexible spending accounts Flextime Family leave above required no. of leaves Telecommuting on a part-time basis Compressed workweeks

39 Motivation through Quality-of-Work-Life Programs
Wellness Programs Employer-provided programs to help employees cope with stress and burnout Sabbaticals Giving long-term employees extended periods of paid time off to refresh themselves and bolster their motivation and loyalty

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