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OUTLINE What is the Government Legal Service (“GLS”)? What do we do?

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2 OUTLINE What is the Government Legal Service (“GLS”)? What do we do?
Why choose a career in the GLS? Training in the GLS. Any questions.

Total population – around 2000 lawyers (barristers and solicitors) and trainees. 30 government departments and agencies. Anything from 1 to around 500 lawyers in a single organisation – TSol being the largest.


5 WHERE IS THE GLS BASED? Scotland 0.5% Yorkshire & Humberside 0.5%
North West 2% West Midlands 1% London & the South East 89% Wales 5% Majority of posts in and around London Training contracts/pupillages (and vacation placements) also normally in London Possible to move to regional posting post-qualification Overseas opportunities/secondments (post- qualification) South West 2%

Paul Jenkins QC, the Treasury Solicitor, is Head of Profession for the GLS. Paul is also Head of the Treasury Solicitor’s Department (TSol) - the biggest legal team in the GLS. The Treasury Solicitor is accountable through the Attorney General to Parliament.

7 WHAT DO WE DO? We advise Ministers and policy colleagues on their legal powers and responsibilities. We help develop primary legislation (i.e. Bills, which become Acts of Parliament); We draft secondary legislation (i.e. Statutory Instruments). We help negotiate and draft EU statutes and international treaties We have only one client; the government of the day. ******************************************** We turn policy into law from conception to birth. Primary leg: policy development, Instructions to OPC, parliamentary debates. Secondary leg: policy development (often with industry, draft, parliamentary debates, if nec. EU leg: UK policy developments, attend Council Working Groups in Brussels, draft UK amendments, negotiate with Cion & CLS, attend JL, implement leg.

8 WHAT DO WE DO? We litigate for the Government, including proceedings in: The Administrative Court (Judicial Review); The European Court of Justice (ECJ); The European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg (ECtHR); and The Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Prosecute in areas not covered by the CPS. Many of our cases enjoy a high public profile and involve new and interesting points of law. What happens when the law we have nurtured takes on a life of its own ie after it has come into force? Advise Ministers and policy colleagues on its effect. Litigation. Tsol instructed in around 1000 new cases p.a. Train policy colleagues, incl servicer personnel, so that they are aware of their legal duties & responsibilities.

9 From Aviation to Zoology via:
Banking Bona Vacantia Charities & trusts Climate change Commercial Constitutional & Administrative law Criminal Education Employment Environmental European Financial Services FOI & Data Protection Human rights Government involved in almost every aspect of our lives & so the GLS is too. One of the unique features of the GLS: opportunity to work in huge variety of areas.

We provide our client with legal advice We represent our client in court We recruit lawyers and trainees We provide a clear career path

11 HOW ARE WE DIFFERENT? We only have 1 client – the government of the day We advise Ministers and colleagues on their legal powers and responsibilities We turn policy into law – this is unique to government legal work We work with a large variety of colleagues (from PM to prison officers) in hugely varied areas of the law (from aviation to zoology).

12 WHY CHOOSE THE GLS ? Early involvement in high quality, high profile legal work at the cutting edge of law and government. Lawyers and trainees take responsibility for their work, clients and the public service they provide. No requirement to specialise – GLS lawyers encouraged to work in different departments on different areas of law throughout career. Knowledge shared between lawyers and legal teams. Coordination across Whitehall is crucial. High quality training throughout. Dynamic and stimulating environment Range of legal points, factual / policy backgrounds Range of skills to develop Opportunity to move around depts Working with people Making a difference on a macro level Independence & responsibility unique constitutional role in assisting government of day in formulating policies, carrying out decisions & administering public services. Must do so with integrity, honesty, impartiality & objectivity.

13 WHO DOES IT APPEAL TO? Anybody interested in the development of law
Anybody interested in the interaction of politics and law Anybody with a motivation for public service Anybody who wants early responsibility

14 MY LEGAL CAREER SO FAR TSol 1: employment litigation for most OGDs transsexuals seeking legally recognition in new gender for purposes of employment service of homosexuals in HM Forces continued service of pregnant women service of women in front line of HM Forces HMPS equal pay cases independence of part-time judge

15 MY LEGAL CAREER CONT. TSol 2: Home Office public law and national
security litigation: transsexuals, children and mothers & babies in prison CRB role following Soham MDP conduct and discipline Opportunity to work with medical experts, social services, Official Solicitor & HMPS staff

16 MY LEGAL CAREER CONT. MoD advisory:
Advising SSD, Ministers, policy clients (and once No 10) on service personnel issues from cessation of Operation Banner to Gurkha TACOS review Colleagues: Operational and International Humanitarian Team (from PJHQ to piracy) General team (from inquiries and inquests to dolphins and other protected species (environment and planning)) Legislation team

17 MY LEGAL CAREER CONT. HM Treasury Advisory EU financial stability
EU financial supervision EU litigation Regulatory work eg regulation of Islamic finance for the first time Work is predominantly EU. Advise Ministers & policy colleagues on EU proposals. Represent UK at meetings in Brussels about proposals. Draft UK amendments. Implement EU legislation, generally by drafting secondary leg. Attend parliamentary debates on secondary leg. Colleagues working on: Banking Financial sanctions & asset freezing Financial crime New FS Bill

18 TRAINING WITH THE GLS Based in “Home Department”, but usually seconded during training Trainee Solicitors - 4 six-month seats; at least one litigation seat Pupil Barristers – 12 months; either 8 months in Home Dept and 4 months in Chambers or 6/6 ‘On the job’ training, supplemented by comprehensive internal training programmes

19 POST-QUALIFICATION Usually qualify into your Home Department
Opportunities to move around and within Departments in the years following training Secondments available to other Departments and the private sector Every opportunity to build the career which best suits you

20 KEY BENEFITS 1st year salary range: £23,280 - £25,600
On qualification: £32,000 - £40,000 1 year PQE: £43,000 + Vocational course fees paid and substantial bursary for vocational year  Generous annual leave entitlement (25-30 days per year) Flexible working pattern encouraged

Intellectual and analytical ability Written Communication Oral Communication Judgement Constructive and innovative thinking Team working Drive and determination Motivation

BUSINESS , INNOVATION AND SKILLS 2 trainee places Trainee Solicitor/Pupil Barrister COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT 1 Trainee Solicitor WORK AND PENSIONS / HEALTH 2 Trainee Solicitors HM REVENUE AND CUSTOMS 4 trainee places (3 Trainee Solicitors, 1 Pupil Barrister) MINISTRY OF JUSTICE SERIOUS ORGANISED CRIME AGENCY TSOL 9 Trainee places (7 Trainee Solicitors, 2 Pupil Barristers)

ONLINE APPLICATION FORM Verifies Eligibility 2800+ candidates applied in 2010 for posts ONLINE SITUATIONAL JUDGEMENT TEST Assesses candidates’ judgement required for solving problems in work-related situations candidates reached this stage in 2010 ONLINE VERBAL REASONING TEST Assesses candidates’ analytical skills 400 + candidates reached this stage in 2010 Application process Stage 1 – Application form. Candidates are required to provide evidence that they meet the minimum nationality and academic criteria. Stage 2 – Online tests. Candidates who meet the minimum criteria will be asked to sit two online tests. The situational judgement test (which replaces the previous ‘challenging question’ is a psychological aptitude test which is used to assess candidates’ judgement required for solving problems in work-related situations. The verbal reasoning test presents candidates with a number of passages of text. Candidates are required to analyse these and answer a series of questions about the text. The highest scoring candidates at following these stages will be invited to the Assessment Centre.

The highest scoring candidates at the application stage are invited to attend an Assessment Centre (AC). They are assessed against the core competencies through two exercises: In candidates were invited. Written Exercise Candidates required to provide written advice on a scenario. Technical Interview Competency based interview with two senior GLS lawyers. Assessment Centre Candidates are assessed in three exercises over half a day. Written exercise – a practical legal problem, which candidates are asked to analyse and on which they are asked to advise by providing a written reply. This is not a test of legal knowledge and candidates must not be given credit for any evidence of legal knowledge beyond the information included in the supporting material provided. Behavioural Interview - This interview tests constructive and innovative thinking, influential communication, team working, drive and determination and potential for self development. Technical interview - This interview tests analytical ability, judgement, influential communication, motivation for the law and motivation for the GLS.

THE GOVERNMENT LEGAL SERVICE Eligibility Criteria Nationality – under Civil Service nationality rules, applicants must be UK,EEA or Commonwealth citizens. Immigration – successful candidates must be legally entitled to reside and work in the UK. Academic - Candidates studying law cannot apply any earlier than the penultimate year of their degree. Candidates studying a non-law degree cannot apply any earlier than their final year. All applicants must have, or be predicted to obtain, a minimum 2:1 degree which does not have to be in law. The GLS is part of the wider Civil Service and therefore the Civil Service nationality rules apply. Applications can be accepted from nationals from: - the United Kingdom - the Republic of Ireland - the Commonwealth - the European Economic Area (EEA) & Switzerland (Please note that there are may be some conditions/restrictions on the entitlement of nationals of those member States who acceded to the EU in 2004 and Nationals of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia may be affected by the Worker Registration Scheme; Romanian and Bulgarian nationals by the Workers Authorisation Scheme). - Turkish nationals are required to meet certain conditions which are detailed in the Civil Service nationality rules. - Certain family members of EEA, Swiss and Turkish nationals who are not themselves EEA, Swiss or Turkish nationals, may also be eligible to apply. Please see the nationality rules for details of the provisions. - Individuals with dual nationality are in principle eligible for employment in the Civil Service provided that they meet the requirements of these rules in relation to one of their nationalities. Full guidance on the requirements can be found at the website below

26 FURTHER INFORMATION? Pick up a brochure
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