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1 Warm Up: Complete the handout: “Professional Conduct– Or Not?”

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1 1 Warm Up: Complete the handout: “Professional Conduct– Or Not?”

2 2 New Teacher Orientation August 15, 2013 Success From the Start - Strengthening Instruction through Professional Conduct and Classroom Management

3 3 Today’s Objective Participants will examine various strategies to manage one’s self and one’s classroom in order to develop a plan that establishes a safe and orderly learning environment.

4 4 Maryland Teacher Professional Development Standards Content Standards V. Student Learning Environments – Effective professional development ensures that all teachers are able to create safe, secure, and supportive learning environments for all students. Indicator 5b. Professional development provides opportunities for teachers to develop and practice student ownership of management routines and practice creative solutions to conflicts.

5 5 Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluation Domain 2: Classroom Environment 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2b Establishing a Culture for Learning 2c Managing Classroom Procedures 2d Managing Student Behavior 2e Organizing Physical Space Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities 4a Reflecting on Teaching 4b Maintaining Accurate Records 4c Communicating with Families 4d Participating in a Professional Community 4e Growing and Developing Professionally 4f Showing Professionalism

6 6 Agenda Warm Up Motivation - Film Clip Professional Conduct/Managing One’s Self- Tri-Fold Procedures/Routines/Room Arrangement – Carousel Brainstorming/Gallery Walk, Tri-Fold Managing the Classroom – TPS, Tri-Fold Building the Student-Teacher Relationship – Tri-Fold Summary

7 7 Video Clip How is the actress exemplifying problems with professional conduct? Review the warm up responses. Watch the video clip from Bad Teacher.

8 8 BCPS Policy and Rule 4100 Review the documents in your packet. As you read, reflect on the following questions: What does this mean for you? What surprises you? What are the consequences? Paired Verbal Fluency Activity 45 sec: Partner A shares reflections, Partner B listens. 45 sec: Partner B shares reflections, Partner A listens. 30 sec: Partner A shares reflections, Partner B listens. 30 sec: Partner B shares reflections, Partner A listens. 20 sec: Partner A shares reflections, Partner B listens. 20 sec: Partner B shares reflections, Partner A listens. Click here for the online stopwatch.

9 Managing One’s Self Define Your Role. 9 You are a Teacher. You are Not the parent. You are Not a peer.

10 Set Boundaries Students need adults that respect and maintain appropriate boundaries. Engage in appropriate conversations. Learn to compliment, commend, and discipline students without touching them. 10

11 Become a Positive Role Model Dress professionally. Speak and write correctly. Manage your on-line footprint. Be respectful. Maintain student confidentiality. Plan for success. 11

12 12 Take a moment to reflect on the warm up activity, the video clip, BCPS Board Policy and Rule 4100.Board Policy Rule 4100 On your tri-fold, predict how managing one’s self will affect managing one’s classroom. Contact your principal with any questions. REFLECTION: Maintaining Professional Conduct

13 13 Agenda Warm Up Motivation - Film Clip Professional Conduct/Managing One’s Self- Tri-Fold Procedures/Routines/Room Arrangement – Carousel Brainstorming/Gallery Walk, Tri-Fold Managing the Classroom – TPS, Tri-Fold Building the Student-Teacher Relationship – Tri-Fold Summary

14 14 Rules and Procedures/Routines What are the differences between a rule and a procedure/routine? A rule sets limits to guide behavior and provides consequences, positive or negative. A procedure is a method of how activities are to be done in the classroom/school.

15 15 Rules vs. Procedures Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the classroom. You are responsible for make-up work. Please raise your hand to speak. Please pick up your make-up work from the green bin.

16 16 Gallery Walk – Establishing and Maintaining Routines Stand in front of your designated poster with your assigned group. When the instructor tells you to begin, discuss the routine with your group and write how you could establish this routine in your classroom. After 1 minute, you will move with your group to the next poster to discuss and write about the next routine. When you have finished adding ideas to all of the posters, add 2 routines to your tri-fold that you will establish in your classroom. Chart paper is posted around the room with five routines that are important to establish and maintain in your classroom.

17 17 “A smooth running classroom is the responsibility of the teacher, and it is the result of the teacher’s ability to teach procedures.” --American Federation of Teachers The effective teacher MANAGES a classroom. The ineffective teacher DISCIPLINES a classroom. --Harry Wong

18 18 3 Steps to Teaching Procedures Explain. State, explain, model, and demonstrate the procedure. Rehearse. Rehearse and practice the procedure under your supervision. Reinforce. Reteach, rehearse, practice, and reinforce the classroom procedure until it becomes a student habit or routine.

19 19 REFLECTION: Routines and Procedures On your tri-fold, reflect on the following question: What is my plan for establishing and maintaining class routines and procedures?

20 20

21 Procedures and Room Arrangement An important component in successful classroom management is to arrange the physical setting to support the procedures and routines you will establish in your classroom. Well-planned room arrangement can help you cope with the complex demands of teaching 25 to 30 or more students five times a day. 21

22 22 Six Keys to Effective Room Arrangement Design the classroom to reflect the personality and instructional style of the teacher and needs of the students. Keep high traffic areas free of congestion. Arrange students where they can be easily seen by the teacher. Place frequently used teaching materials and student supplies where they are readily accessible. Place displays and instructional presentations where they can be easily seen by students. If you are required to float into another teacher’s classroom, or to share space, consider how you will communicate your needs and how you can make use of the space. Consult a department chair or team leader for support.

23 23 Various Seating Arrangements Rows - reduce distractions and social interaction Clustering – facilitates differentiated learning for students with special needs and second language learners Horseshoes – allow for more space and reduces interaction Circular – encourages debate and discussions Consider how your room arrangement will support the procedures you teach. Make notes on your tri-fold to help you align your room arrangement to your procedures. REFLECTION: Room Arrangement

24 24 Option A: A Problematic Classroom 1.Review the resources provided for effective room arrangement. 2.Independently or with a partner, look at Figure 1.2. Develop a list of ways this room arrangement could be problematic. (hint: the answer key identifies 9 problems) 3.When you are finished, compare your response to the answer key. What did you learn? Option B: My Classroom Plan 1.Review the resources provided for effective room arrangement. 2.Consider the space and furniture available to you in your own classroom. 3.On blank paper, develop a diagram for how you will arrange your room. 4.Share with a partner and discuss why you chose this option.

25 25 Agenda Warm Up Motivation - Film Clip Professional Conduct/Managing One’s Self – Tri-fold Procedures/Routines/Room Arrangement – Carousel Brainstorming/ Gallery, Tri-Fold Managing the Classroom- TPS, Tri-Fold Building the Student-Teacher Relationship – Tri-Fold Summary

26 26 Managing Your Classroom “Say what you mean, and mean what you say.” Fred Jones

27 27 Managing Your Classroom Think back to a teacher you respected. Think-Pair-Share how expectations for student behavior were established, communicated, and reinforced by this teacher.

28 28 Managing Your Classroom Students will be judging your management style from the first day of school. Ascertain what the school norms are regarding discipline and rules.

29 29 Important Considerations for Establishing Class Rules Rules should be specific, to the point, and consistent with established school rules. Rules should clearly cover one behavior. Rules should be written using positive language. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in the classroom. You are responsible for make-up work. Rules should be limited to 3 – 5 in number. Rules and consequences should be posted.

30 30 Method of Setting Rules Tell students you want them to succeed and that you do not want anything to interfere with their success. Tell students that in order to work together as a team, there must be a climate of structure and comfort. Tell students that you have established a set of rules to promote an orderly and comfortable environment that will support learning. Introduce rules. Ask students why rules are needed and how your particular rules will help them succeed.

31 31 REFLECTION: Managing Your Classroom Rules should be specific, to the point, and consistent with established school rules. Rules should clearly cover one behavior. Rules should be written, using positive language. Rules should be limited to 3 – 5 in number. Rules and consequences should be posted. Review the following important considerations about establishing class rules and develop a set of rules you will use in your classroom on your Tri-fold.

32 32 Agenda Warm Up Motivation - Film Clip Professional Conduct/Managing One’s Self- Tri-Fold Procedures/Routines/Room Arrangement – Carousel Brainstorming/Gallery Walk, Tri-Fold Managing the Classroom – TPS, Tri-Fold Building the Student-Teacher Relationship – Tri-Fold Summary

33 33 Building Relationships No significant learning occurs without a significant relationship. -- Dr. James Comer

34 34 Suggestions for Building Relationships Address students by name. Demonstrate civility (Say, “Please,” “Thank you,” “I’m sorry.”). Smile. Be approachable and capable, but don’t be a pal. Know your students.

35 35 Add 2 strategies to your tri-fold that you will use to create relationships with the students in your classroom. REFLECTION: Building the Student-Teacher Relationship

36 36 Agenda Warm Up Motivation - Film Clip Professional Conduct/Managing One’s Self – Tri-fold Procedures/Routines/Room Arrangement – Carousel Brainstorming/Gallery Walk, Tri-Fold Managing the Classroom – TPS, Tri-Fold Building the Student-Teacher Relationship – Tri-Fold Summary

37 37 Today’s Objective Participants will examine various strategies to manage one’s self and one’s classroom in order to develop a plan that establishes a safe and orderly learning environment.

38 38 Summary Clearly define classroom procedures, routines, and rules. Teach students, procedures, routines, and rules. Monitor student behavior. Handle inappropriate behavior promptly and consistently. Plan effective lessons every day. Model respect to get respect. Build positive relationships. Clearly define your role as a teacher and set boundaries.

39 39 “What you do on the first days of school will determine your success or failure for the rest of the school year. You will either win or lose your class on the first days of school.” --Harry Wong

40 PowerPoint To access a copy of the PowerPoint presentation for this workshop, as well as many other useful resources for BCPS new teachers, go to the New Teacher Resource Portal. A link to the New Teacher Resource Portal is included on the flash drive you received in your tote bag. 40

41 41 Resources Bad Teacher. Dir. Jake Kasdan. Perf. Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, and Justin Timberlake. 2011. DVD. Columbia Pictures. Baltimore County Board of Education. Policy and Rule 4100. Howard, Lynn F. Ready for Anything - Supporting New Teachers for Success. Englewood, CO: Advanced Learning Press, 2006. Jones, Fredric H. Positive Classroom Discipline. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1987. Lindberg, Jill A. Common-Sense Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers. Thousand Oaks, CA: A Sage Publications Co., 2005. McCarney, Stephen B., Kathy Cummins Wunderlich, and Angela M. Bauer. Pre-Referral and Intervention Manual. Columbia, MO: Hawthorne Educational Resources, 1999.

42 42 Resources Orange, Carolyn. 44 Smart Strategies for Avoiding Classroom Mistakes. Thousand Oaks, CA: A Sage Publications, Co., 2005. Paterson, Kathy. 55 Teaching Dilemmas. Ontario, Canada: Pembroke Publishers, 2005. Rutherford, Paula, Why Didn’t I Learn This in College?. Alexandria, VA: Just Ask Publications, 2002. Staff of Canter & Associates, eds. First-Class Teacher: Success Strategies for New Teachers. Santa Monica, CA: Canter and Associates, Inc., 1998. Wong, Harry K. and Rosemary T. Wong. The First Days of School. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc., 2005.

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