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EHD 178 SEMINAR.  PROCEDURE: 1. Pick a Packet from the Welcome Table. 2. Pull a Number for your Seating Assignment. 3. Please Find the Attendance Board.

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Presentation on theme: "EHD 178 SEMINAR.  PROCEDURE: 1. Pick a Packet from the Welcome Table. 2. Pull a Number for your Seating Assignment. 3. Please Find the Attendance Board."— Presentation transcript:


2  PROCEDURE: 1. Pick a Packet from the Welcome Table. 2. Pull a Number for your Seating Assignment. 3. Please Find the Attendance Board that matches the Beginning Letter of your Last Name. 4. Put a Green Card that has Your Name on it in a Pocket—indicating you are present. 5. Choose a classroom ‘job’ on the Job Stick by clipping the clothes pin with your name on it to your selected ‘job’ for the day. Remember your ‘job’ because you may be called upon to ‘perform’ it today. 6. Quietly find your Table and BE READY TO LEARN

3  California Standards for the Teaching Profession: 1. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Students 2. Developing as A Professional Educator 3. (Teacher Performance Expectations: 10, 11, 12 & 13)

4  Teacher Candidates will identify and practice effective classroom management procedures and strategies.  Teacher Candidates will begin to know what to look for in a well-managed learning environment.

5 1. Role Play (sometimes you will be ‘the student’). 2. Direct Instruction (you are familiar with this mode from college classes). 3. Modeling and Guided Practice (in each instance, we will model a skill or strategy for you—then you and your ‘table groups’ will work collaboratively to generate additional strategies). *TAKE NOTES: This handout will become a valuable ‘bank’ of ideas to access when you become a teacher!

6  Dear Teacher Candidate, We have a short time to explore this crucial topic. Therefore, when you need to address physiological needs, pick up a BATHROOM PASS and GO (bathrooms are to the East of the entrance double doors). AND, PLEASE REMEMBER TO TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE. THANK YOU

7  FACILITATE Your Students’ PRACTICE OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS with Teambuilding exercises that incorporate: 1. Active Listening 2. Restating 3. Making Inferences about Feelings 4. Questioning 5. Summarizing


9 1a.b.Have students turn their own cards (green= here!) (Philosophy: The more children are ‘in charge’ of their environment, the more they value it). 2a.b. Have the class ambassador take role. (Philosophy: Developing social skills is at the heart of an orderly and civil learning environment).

10  1a.b. Shape Organizers  2a.b. Playing Card Organizers  3a.b. Puzzle Pieces (Philosophy: Random groupings help students to learn to work with ‘different others’).  4a.b. By Interest (Philosophy: When students are intrinsically interested in a topic or activity they will be more motivated and learn more).  5a.b. By Skill & Understanding (Philosophy: Grouping by skill mastery level makes sense based on assessment. Not all students master objectives at the same time).

11  1a.b.My Personal Goal Folder (Philosophy: We are all working on becoming our ‘better selves’). All students can make a contract for improvement. 2a.b.Classroom Jobs for All (Philosophy: Want your classroom to run smoothly whether you are there or not?) When all children have ‘jobs’ all contribute. 3a.b.Morning Meetings A daily experience of socialization in primary grades a weekly forum in intermediate grades. 4a.b. Hal Urban’s Good Ideas:

12  “No put downs compliments spoken here.”  “No discounts everyone counts.”  “Essential #1 is a good person.”  Spray Negativity Away  “Possibilities?? Why not your best?”  “Kind words cost little but accomplish much.”  “It’s OK to fail everyone else has.” “Honesty is still the best policy.”  “Real motivation comes from within.”  “There’s no substitute for hard work.”

13  1a.b.Special Claps!  2a.b.Ticket for Terrrriiiiffffficc Thinking  3a.b.Preferred Activity Time (P.A.T) My Personal Goal Folder

14  1a.b.Classroom Meeting (Nelsen) (Philosophy: Effective Community Members are Problem- Solvers)  2a.b.Bully Intervention (CRETE) (Philosophy: Teacher’s first job is student safety…all students!)  3a.b Peer Mediation (Philosophy: You won’t be going to college or to the work place with them. Teach them how to resolve conflicts respectfully)  4a.b. Peace Bridge or Peace Path (Philosophy: Younger children need scaffolded problem- solving steps)


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