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“Community Benefits of Earth Science” SPECIAL WASTE COMMITTEE MEETING of the California Integrated Waste Management Board FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Presented by.

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Presentation on theme: "“Community Benefits of Earth Science” SPECIAL WASTE COMMITTEE MEETING of the California Integrated Waste Management Board FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Presented by."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” SPECIAL WASTE COMMITTEE MEETING of the California Integrated Waste Management Board FEBRUARY 9, 2005 Presented by Waste Tire Enforcement Section

2 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Agreement with San Jose State/NASA Ames Research Center to develop a method to accurately locate and monitor waste tire locations using currently available satellite imagery Overview of Proposal

3 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” INTRODUCTION CHP Aerial Photography located numerous sites but accurate determination of location was limited and photos did not provide view of larger area. There is a need to accurately locate new or expanding waste tire locations Satellite imagery may provide a cost effective method to locate and monitor waste tire locations as needed.

4 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” CONCEPT Use currently available satellite technology to accurately locate waste tire locations –Satellite imagery is currently used for various purposes by: CALTRANS, OES, CDF, Resources Agency, and other public and private organizations Data from Satellite Imagery will be analyzed to locate waste tire piles (additional information provided by San Jose State University) Agreement with San Jose State University in cooperation with NASA Ames Research Center. Project will be supervised by NASA/Ames Scientists

5 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Proposed Scope of Work Proof of concept project Develop method to use current technology and satellite imagery to remotely locate waste tire locations. CIWMB will provide the contractor with two areas in California containing numerous waste tire locations: –Sonoma County –High desert areas of San Bernardino and/or Los Angeles –Several waste tire locations in each area will be provided to the contractor for project development; however, several waste tire locations within the above areas will be withheld to confirm the applicability of the final product. This technology may become applicable for other CIWMB or Cal/EPA programs.

6 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Presentation by San Jose State University and NASA Ames Research Center

7 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” DEVELOP Internship Program NASA scientists supervise this student-led / student-run program, which produces earth science-based pilot projects. DEVELOP students use NASA facilities, techniques, computers, and technology. Research primarily directed towards environmental issues, community development, management, and/or local policy.

8 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Using Satellite Imagery to Detect Waste Tire Disposal Sites C atherine Huybrechts DEVELOP Internship Program NASA Ames Research Center Mentors: Ms. Cindy Schmidt & Dr. Jay Skiles California Integrated Waste Management Board Special Waste Committee Meeting Sacramento February 2005

9 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Project Partners & Customers California Integrated Waste Management Board NASA Ames Research Center San Jose State University

10 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Presentation Agenda Project Goal Map of Project Test Sites Technology Benefits of Satellite Imagery Methodology Final Products

11 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Tire Project Goal Design a proof of concept project using satellite image processing techniques to efficiently locate waste tire disposal sites in California.

12 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Waste Tire Disposal Test Sites California Rural region - Open spaces - Watersheds Past use of tires to control erosion Desert region High potential for dumping Sonoma San Bernardino Counties shown are typical examples of climate regions with known waste tire sites

13 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Technology Satellite Image Interpretation *: * Vegetation in this image appear red and buildings appear blue TIRES Computer analysis techniques test separability of tires from other dark features in imagery such as water and shadows.

14 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Benefits of Satellite Imagery Cost effective -- Satellite imagery is generally less expensive than air photos Time efficient -- Image accuracy reduces fieldwork and data processing time Accuracy -- Computer automation decreases human error Coverage -- Commercially available for the entire state Information -- Each satellite image contains more information than a comparable aerial photograph

15 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Technology Spectrometer (light-meter): Tool used to determine spectral signature of tires. This signature can be used to separate tires in an image from other dark features, such as water and shadows. Spectral signatures were obtained for two used tires and one new tire. BLUE LIGHTGREEN LIGHTRED LIGHTNEAR INFRARED LIGHT HIGH LOW

16 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Technology Computer Processing: Geospatial software enables in-depth and extensive image analysis Map production is easy and precise Tire site maps digitally overlay onto county parcel and road maps All satellite imagery is geographically referenced, which is useful for accurately locating tire waste disposal sites on the ground

17 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Methodology Obtain satellite imagery of study areas Collect field data at tire sites - measure spectral signature of waste tires Use computer processing techniques to locate tires in satellite imagery Map present tire distributions of known and unknown locations

18 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Final Products Project Report (digital & hard copy) Maps of waste tire stockpiles in test areas Provide training of image analysis techniques to project partners Digital multimedia representation of project for public relations purposes

19 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Questions ??

20 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Options For Board Approve Resolution Number 2005-38 and the proposed Scope of Work for Agreement with California State University San Jose to develop a Model for use of currently available Satellite Imagery to Locate Waste Tire Piles in California (Attachment 1). Approve the Scope of Work with specified changes and approve Resolution Number 2005-38. Direct staff to make changes to the proposed Scope of Work and return to the Board at a later date for further consideration.

21 “Community Benefits of Earth Science” Questions & Thank you

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