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Mapping Community Assets for Food Entreprenuers Carol Richardson Smith National Catholic Rural Life Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Community Assets for Food Entreprenuers Carol Richardson Smith National Catholic Rural Life Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Community Assets for Food Entreprenuers Carol Richardson Smith National Catholic Rural Life Conference

2 MAPS  Maps are models of the world; they draw out and place on paper the images we have of place and mind

3 MAPS …..  Sort, prioritize and focus information  Present a picture of the environment which helps us to understand context  Encourage us to “reinhabit” a place with new ideas and linkages by allowing us to see “what if”

4 MAPS SHOW:  Key landmarks, assets, actors, processes  Relational, position and placement information  Routes, connections and linkages

5 USE MAPS TO:  Picture what is known and reveal gaps  Find patterns of information, strategy, linkages and connections  Define and structure issues  Discover new linkages, structures, processes

6 BASIC STEPS 1. Choose a basic map 2. Assemble a mapping team 3. Put in key landmarks: places, people, assets, processes 4. Add relationships: positions, linkages and connections 5. Look for possibilities

7 1. Choose a basic map….  Geographic maps: state, county, township, city maps, GPS maps, ”then” and “now” maps  Process or system maps: process flow of a product or systems diagram as a “skeleton”, describe categories  Issue maps: select issue, put in center circle--put related ideas around outside on radiating lines, related information below the lines

8 …….Choose a basic map  Brainstormed maps: phrase a question, brainstorm the answers one concept per paper, post, sort  Associational maps: name organizations, businesses, or people, make shapes sized to perceived importance in environment, draw connections with size/color

9 2. Assemble a mapping team  This is a synthetic, participatory process  Focus is on bringing perspectives together, finding common ground, tapping local knowledge  Name the perspectives needed to make the map complete and find people who represent them  Invite people personally, make sure they understand the importance of their knowledge to the map results

10 3.Put in key “landmarks”  Geographic locations, business locations  Process steps or system parts  People, organizations  Important issue components  Assets and resources

11 4. Add relationships  Positions: use size to indicate importance  Connections and linkages: use thickness or color code to indicate strength  Information flow: indicate direction

12 5. Look for possibilities  Reinhabiting is: looking at what is familiar, what is already there, with “new eyes’ Resources and assets can fill gaps New positions may be needed New patterns, connections, linkages could be created Information flow can create new strategic outlooks Renewed structures and processes could result

13 Analyzing local food systems for success The project : Process/system map Food system skeleton Socio-technical Participation from all stakeholder groups Analyze: “what is”, assets, gaps and resources, strongest and weakest linkages and connections “Reinhabit”: look at how to add value and create opportunities with local food Sponsored by: Leopold Center at ISU Iowa Network for Community Agriculture (INCA) NCRLC Local economic development and extension

14 What we are learning…….  This is “connecting the dots” and public deliberation that is in itself an asset…..the conversation is very, very important!  Farmers who are diversifying are entreprenuers, their enterprises and connections are important to local economies  Biggest system gaps that might be opportunities for other food entreprenuers are probably in processing and strategic brokering

15 …..What we are learning  More assets than we think! There are markets: People who want fresh, natural food in their daily diet, tourists; visitors interested in “the country” and food There is labor: Underemployed people looking for livelihood, work near home There is a base to work from: Lots of small enterprises,r eservoirs of information: growing, cooking, preserving food There are facilities and outlets: Commercial kitchens, farmer’s markets, convenience stores People and relationships add value: Pioneers that are connected, passion for the work can build communities of practice

16 To summarize :  All maps draw out and picture on paper what is in the minds of the mappers  A mapping exercise is synthetic, it brings together many perspectives.  The conversation connects the dots and becomes a public deliberation  Focus on assets or what adds value to be of most help to entreprenuers  Use those assets to “reinhabit”

17 Thank you! For more information about NCRLC and DIRECTIONS of the Ligutti Rural Community Support Program

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