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And to the Internet Gateway

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1 And to the Internet Gateway
The APRS Land Network Aa Digipeaters And to the Internet Gateway Multiple Hops

2 IGates (Global APRS!) An IGATE is a local APRS station that utilizes the APRS-Internet network to pass all packets heard on their local RF back to the Internet. (Gives global views to local activity.) Also act as two-way gateways for ALL APRS MESSAGES worldwide (Internet Û RF).

3 Global Mobile & Portable Com=APRS
WHO-IS server CQ server Other Sats QRZ APRSLink server WinLink Web Browser DTMF ONLY radio 144 144 144 RFID Server Radio HF TAG PSK-63 30 M Radio Mar 2010, K9DCI

4 APRS-Internet System (APRS-IS)
Situational awareness + Internet services

5 etc. Mapping Feb 2009, K9DCI
Internet tracking developed by Steve Demise – K4HG Feb 2009, K9DCI

6 WeLCARS Tech Fest Image from DB0ANF site Feb 2009, K9DCI

7 FINDU – Stations Near List

8 FINDU – Stations Near Map

9 FINDU - Messages

10 Weather Data Temperature & Dew Point Rainfall Rates

11 Locate on Weather Radar
Feb 2009, K9DCI

12 Spotter Network
Register with the Spotter Network Put !SN! in your comment You’re on their map. May 2011, K9DCI

13 Long Term Tracking Feb 2009, K9DCI
My travels in December 06 through May 07. Note lack of coverage areas. Feb 2009, K9DCI

14 APRS for Special Uses Bicycle rallies, races Walk-a-thons, Parades
Skywarn Weather Nets Crime prevention patrols Tornado recovery Damage assessment Direction Finding – Foxhunts Voice for communications, APRS for visual mapping Now integrating into APRN (Automatic Picture Relay Network)

15 Buoys & Stuff German Buoy and Balloon projects BUOY 4

16 Telemetry Plots
Google for “USNA Buoy” Select USNA-1 Google for “USNA Buoy” Select USNA-1

17 Other (APRS-IS) Services
World-Wide real-time one-to-one Messages - Via Internet. Very short one-to-one messages. Between any two active stations. Allows WORLD-WIDE Voice QSOs with IRLP Objects Send TO: Callsign-SSID - Goes into the Internet system. Very short messages. Single APRS message, Send only. Send TO: , SMAIL, or AE5PL-EM (added features) address first in message. Server sends ACK. WHO-IS or WHO-15 (some Digis require number SSID) Send TO: WHO-IS or WHO-15 Call sign is the message. License class, name, state & country are returned. CQ - World-wide real-time one-to-many messages (reflector). Send TO: CQSRVR Msg is CQ {groupname} Used on Field Day [CQ FD CQ FD...] Valid for 12 hours. APRS <> Winlink network. Send TO: WLNK-1 Multi-APRS messages required. See the command list May 2010, K9DCI

18 Other (APRS-IS) Services (Cont.)
Web Browser > RF messages. Via Findu or OpenAPRS APRS tt DTMF / Voice interface for anyone Another program on the Digi. Any DTMF radio can be put on APRS network. Voice response from APRS network. Also sends DTMF messages in DTSS format. Allows WORLD-WIDE messaging with IRLP Loosely related: PC with DTMF Decoder DTSS Radios. Several HTs have DTMF message receive capability Send and Receive DTSS Kenwood: TH-28A/48A/78A Yeasu: FT-11R,41R,51R ICOM: W31A Possibly: FT-50R, TH-79a , FT-470, VX-7R, VX-8R May 2010, K9DCI

19 APRS is in Orbit APRS space frequency is 145.825 MHz
Also via GO-32 on downlink, MHz up Feb 2009, K9DCI

20 Into Space..PCSAT The Prototype Communications Satellite, is a US Naval Academy Aerospace student project. ANDE and RAFT in Dec 2006 APRS space frequency is published as As of June 2008 currently useable: ISS, GO-32, ECHO and PCSAT when it is in good sun.

21 PCSAT Satellite Launched Sept 2001 from Kodiak Alaska
The first APRS satellite, and has since been joined by 5 other such satellites Can capture Emergency /Priority messages from THD7 / D700 radios anywhere on the globe and retransmit these signals on the USA VHF APRS frequency. See live downlink on

22 International Space Station
ARISS supports APRS on its / packet system. Use digipeater path VIA ARISS. PCSAT2 was also on ISS Also has FM voice repeater capability PCSAT2, was the second APRS digipeater satellite. See live downlink on

23 Now GO-32 TECHSAT-1b GO-32 now supports APRS on its / packet system. APRS up on (PC’s and messages) Mic-E up on (D7 and D700’s) 9600 Baud! See live downlink on

24 GO32 -EZ - MOBILE Satellite Prediction and Tracking
No computer needed Two or more solid TX/RX passes every day Two additional TX passes 100m before and after! Fri 26 Oct is day8

25 Tracking ECHO (AO51) too! Friday October 26th is day 4!
No computer needed Two or more solid passes every day

26 LEO Pass Geometry Bottom line: 10 dB gain Horizon-to-horizon
98% of all in-view times Using $75 TV rotator only

27 Omni SatGates Up coming satellite strength in next two hours minute ticks. Feb 2009, K9DCI

28 Set the D700 or D710 to digi from B side Sat freq to A side 144.390
Anyone can be a SATgate! Omni Antenna Gain 7 dBi ! 1% 30% The 2 meter 1/4 antenna has good gain at satellite elevations on both 144 & NO Sat tracking necessary! 3/4 1/4 Best elevation for reception 70% Set the D700 or D710 to digi from B side Sat freq to A side Data from omni antenna & GPS satellite strength. Percents are passes in each region. Feb 2009, K9DCI

29 Packets Received Per Minute vs. Satellite Elevation
Omni SatGates Packets Received Per Minute vs. Satellite Elevation This is with a 3/4 wave vertical. Below 25 degrees, satellites are further, thus 6-10 dB weaker. Feb 2009, K9DCI

30 ASatLogger APRS Satellite Tracker Feb 2009, K9DCI Current Ver 0.6.1
Beta 0.6.2 Feb 2009, K9DCI

31 ASatLogger Features Facilitate comms with APRS and Packet Satellites.
Control Kenwood D7, D700, D710's - serial port. Adjust D7 and D700 radio's automatically for Doppler shift - not the D710. ASatLogger reconfigures D7/D700/D710 in seconds for different satellite. Relay satellite packets to the APRS-Internet System and Log Packets to disk for a permanent record. Allow others to monitor Satellite communications via your station. Control a D7, D700, D710 and operate AsatLogger via Internet. Files for common satellites and radios included. Track multiple satellites - requires a Nova DDE Server and D7, D700, D710.

32 APRS Emergency Comms Satellite-Simulated Emergency Test – SSET
- Send an emergency via Satelilite Meteor-Scatter Monitoring Network (6 meters) - Dozens of Igates monitoring MHz - Message Throughput in minutes - Using surplus 110 Watt 6m radios - Simple 100’ long wire gain antennas

33 Other Items Local Info Packet Cluster D700, D7 & D710 display them.
Local repeater Freq & PL sent by digi. Meetings, Nets & Hamfest Info. Packet Cluster D700, D7 & D710 display them. HF APRS 30 Meter HF APRS frequency. Caution: Carrier out of band (10.151). 300 baud. Subject to normal skip. PSK 63 New in 2010 HF APRS Boat and RV Tracking Net. Carrier Mode NORMAL USAGE LSB Regional HF tracking nets LSB National HF tracking freq LSB DX tracking freq LSB Packet Keyboarding freq RFID New 125 kHz. Tags send into APRS network - At Dayton 2010 Ken-Key - Keyboard interface for the TM-D700 John Hansen W2FS Does NOT work with the D710 according to John. May 2010, K9DCI

34 APRS Emergency Power 200W Solar Power - Continuous
10 kW gas Generator 220 VDC - Auto-runs as needed - lightweight wires Bob Bruninga’s Solar augmented Prius Low Cost Feb 2009, K9DCI

35 Questions ? ? ? WHO-IS server CQ server Other Sats QRZ APRSLink server WinLink Web Browser DTMF ONLY radio 144 144 144 RFID Server Radio HF TAG PSK-63 30 M Radio Slides from Bob Bruninga except as noted. Many were modified for this presentation May 2010, K9DCI

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