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KNAW’s new Research Information System NIOO November 10, 2014

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1 KNAW’s new Research Information System NIOO November 10, 2014
PURE KNAW’s new Research Information System NIOO November 10, 2014

2 Personal Metis – Personal Pure
Registration of * Research output = publications * Activities = range of actions where a person can be involved in Person = author = researcher Personal User = researcher who can log in to Pure and add content

3 Personal overview Not in use yet: Research output Activities
Press Clippings = writings/media attention about NIOO or its employees Not in use yet: Applications Grants Projects Curriculum Vitae

4 Research output For an institutional overview
Delete the ‘My Content’ Filter Open Filter and search for organisations Chooose NIOO (or a department) Selected and all underlying organisations Sort by for example Authors last name In the bottomline you can choose to export the list as PDF or in another format. With the pin button you can save your search

5 Activities Filter on Type: Conferences Lectures Outreach
Editorial Activities

6 Profile User profile In right hand corner:
Language setting and default and messages setting. Trusted user assign a person who can complement your registrations Personal profile = portal profile In Metadata you can edit your personal information: * Orcid * Research Interest * Upload your piucture Edit your organisational affiliation to change or add supervision In Relations are listed your research output and your activities

7 Personal Profile To show at your own personal overview page and on your portal site.

8 ADD Research output Activities * Contribution to a journal/periodical:
Article, book review, special issue * Chapter in book/encyclopedia/conference proceedings * Contribution to conference Paper [do NOT use poster or abstract] * Patent * Other contribution * Book/report * Working paper/ online paper / webarticle * Non-textual form Software, database, dataset, digital products, website * PhD Thesis Activities * Awards,, prize, honorary degree, electrion to learned society * Conference Participation , workshop seminar (select role: NOT participant, choose from organiser, speaker) * Business and Community Panel, consultancy * External academic engagement Peer review external org., invited talk, research and teaching elsewhere, inaugural speech * Public engagement and outreach Public lecture, media participation, schools, exhibitions * Editorial work Only editorial activity, NOT publication peer review

9 Add research output Choose content type (article)
Choose Category (professional) Choose State (published) Fill in other details: title, journal etc. In bottom bar choose the status: Entry in progress (when you want to change/complete later) For validation (to state it is ready and can be used in the reports) [validated by library]

10 Add Activity Choose content type (participation in conference)
Add Event Choose Role (invited speaker) Do not forget to save.

11 Report for Factsheet At the end of the year check if you have sent all the new records ‘For validation’. Only then we can validate them and they can count as official output/activity for your department. In the selection of ‘My content’, filter on WORKFLOW and search for Entry in Progress Check what is still missing, complete the entry and change the status to ‘For Validation’.

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