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Office of Research Information Systems Walk-Thru of Proposal Submission.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Research Information Systems Walk-Thru of Proposal Submission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Research Information Systems Walk-Thru of Proposal Submission

2 Office of Research Information Systems CoeusLite Overview The web-based system for preparing, routing and submitting proposals. Can access CoeusLite from any computer with internet access and a VPN connection. Available at You must request access to use CoeusLite, unless you already have access to Coeus Premium. –Access is granted by your department. –Request access using the button on the login page.

3 Office of Research Information Systems Why Choose CoeusLite? Allows users to check against requirements at and general NIH guidelines before the proposal is submitted. Automatically populates the required NIH forms… even if the forms change. Administrative information (such as Cognizant Agency, F&A rate agreement date & Assurance Numbers) are completed for the user. Budget calculates increases, F&A and fringe rates; user only needs to enter direct expenses.

4 Office of Research Information Systems Prepare to Submit a Proposal Items that will be needed: –Program Announcement/ Funding Opportunity number –Biosketches for Key People –Scientific Attachments –Current Base Salaries for Personnel –Expenses for Budget –Special Review (Animal/ Human Subject, etc.) Protocol Submission Status

5 Office of Research Information Systems Create a New Proposal From the top menu, select My Proposals Then click Create New Proposal

6 Office of Research Information Systems General Information Tab Six key fields must be completed to save the proposal.  Note: While it is not necessary at this point, you will eventually need to state the Program Announcement/ Funding Opportunity to which you are responding.

7 Office of Research Information Systems Tab To connect to, first enter the Program Announcement/ Funding Opportunity in on the General Info Tab. Then click the tab from the left navigation. Click Select for the Opportunity you would like to sync with.

8 Office of Research Information Systems The tab populates with information specific to the announcement selected.

9 Office of Research Information Systems Since the proposal is now connected to, there is a visual indicator at the top of every page in the proposal. Now the 424 forms can be viewed as information is entered in the proposal. It is also possible to run Validation checks now that the proposal has been synced with It is a good idea to run Validation checks frequently. This will show you any errors that you have made so far and the areas that information must still be entered.

10 Office of Research Information Systems Organization Tab The organization information is automatically added based on your primary department. Performance sites must be listed, for on campus sites Johns Hopkins is already listed. Other sites, either off campus or a sub site must be added.

11 Office of Research Information Systems Add a Location: Click the Add Location button, once the new line appears, select Find Address. A new window will open.  Note: If you do not find a location through this rolodex search, it will need to be added by using Coeus Premium. See the ORIS website for more details.

12 Office of Research Information Systems Sponsor Search In the Sponsor Name field, do a wide search by using part of the name and asterisks (*) Click search. From the results, find the site to add, highlight and click to add to the proposal.

13 Office of Research Information Systems The selected information is transferred into the Location section. Next, click the blank line and enter the name of the location added. Then click Save.

14 Office of Research Information Systems Investigator/Key Persons Tab Actions to perform on this tab include: –Adding Investigators/Key Persons –Certify Investigators –Add degree information –Verify addresses  Remember: Key People are defined by NIH as individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of the project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not salaries are requested.

15 Office of Research Information Systems Adding Investigators/ Key Persons: Key Persons fall into two separate categories in CoeusLite. –Employees: people that work at Hopkins - such as Investigators, Study Coordinators, Post-Docs and Collaborators. –Non-Employees: people outside of Hopkins - such as Co- Investigators and Consultants. Select the appropriate button: Employee Search or Non-Employee Search.  Note: A Non-Employee Search is through the Rolodex. If a name is not in the Rolodex it will need to be added by using Coeus Premium. See the ORIS webpage for more details.

16 Office of Research Information Systems Search for the person by last name.  Note: You may want to use an asterisk (*) before and/or after the name to broaden the search. Once the results return, click the name.

17 Office of Research Information Systems Review the information retrieved. Enter ERA Commons User ID for any Investigators. Select the Proposal Role from the drop down menu. –If the role selected is “Key Study Person,” enter a project specific title in the “Key Person Role” field to the right. Add Percent Effort to be expended on the project. Click Save.

18 Office of Research Information Systems Notice that once the Investigator/ Key Person details have been saved, the person appears below in a list of Investigators/Key Persons.  Note: The information entered in Investigator/ Key Person details for an individual may be accessed again by clicking a name in this list. Continue searching for and adding Investigators/ Key Persons until all Key People have been added.

19 Office of Research Information Systems Certify any Investigators: From the list of Investigators/ Key Persons select Certify. A new window will open. Answer all of the questions by clicking the appropriate radial buttons. Click Save.

20 Office of Research Information Systems Once information has been saved, CoeusLite will return to Investigator/ Key Persons window. Now a green check mark visually indicates that certification questions have been answered. Add Degrees: It is not an NIH requirement for Degree Information to be entered. If Degree Info is entered, the PI’s information must match that in ERA Commons. From the list of Investigators/ Key Persons, click Details to access the degree details.

21 Office of Research Information Systems A new window opens, degrees are in the lower section. Click Add Degrees. A series of fields appear. From the Degree Type, choose one of the accepted degrees. Add the degree abbreviation to Degree field. Enter the Graduation Year. Click Save.

22 Office of Research Information Systems If needed, return to the list of Investigators/ Key Persons to continue adding people or degrees.

23 Office of Research Information Systems Special Review Tab The items listed under this section are subject to review. Use the drop-down menu to select the type of Special Review item, eg: Human/ Animal Subjects Choose the Approval status from the drop-down selections Click Save.  Note: For a Protocol that is exempt, be sure to write the abbreviation in the Comments section as shown above.

24 Office of Research Information Systems Yes/ No Questions (YNQ) Tab There are two tabs of questions that must be answered in the Yes/No Questions section. – tab- These questions fill fields on the 424 forms –eIS Questions- are for internal use here at Hopkins.

25 Office of Research Information Systems Answer all of the questions listed by selecting the appropriate radial button. Once you have answered all the questions, click Save. Then, click the eIS Questions tab and answer those questions. Click Save.

26 Office of Research Information Systems Upload Attachments Tab Attachments consist of Proposal Attachments and Personnel Attachments primarily. –Proposal Attachments include the various scientific information, including budget justifications. –Personnel Attachments are files that pertain to a specific individual such as BioSketches or Current and Pending Support. Upload Attachments Tab opens to the Proposal Attachments. First use the drop down menu for Attachment Type and select the category that the attachment falls under.

27 Office of Research Information Systems Next, click Browse to search your computer for the file to upload. Click on the correct file. Then click Open. 1st 2nd 3rd

28 Office of Research Information Systems Click Save. Information is saved under List of Proposal Attachments. Continue to add proposal attachments by following the previous steps.

29 Office of Research Information Systems Personnel Attachments: This section is primarily used for Biosketches. Select the tab for Personnel Attachments Then use the drop down menu to select the Attachment Type. Using the next drop down menu, choose a Person to which the file is associated. The names available were previously entered on the Investigators/ Key Person Tab. Next Click Browse to search your computer for the PDF of the file to attach.

30 Office of Research Information Systems Find the file to upload. Then click Open.

31 Office of Research Information Systems Validate a Proposal Validating your proposal is helpful throughout the preparation of the proposal. This will show any errors, as well as the items that still must be completed. When you submit your proposal for approval the same validation checks will be performed. The proposal can be validated from within the Tab or Validate Tab. –Validate Tab checks against general NIH Guidelines – Tab compares against requirements

32 Office of Research Information Systems Grants.Gov Tab At the bottom of the page, review the included forms column, to be sure that all needed forms will be sent with the proposal. Then select the Validate proposal button. If no problems are found the message “All Validations Passed Successfully” will appear. Otherwise, CoeusLite will show where information is incomplete.

33 Office of Research Information Systems Validate Tab: Click the Validate Tab on the left navigation The Validations will begin to run. Again, Coeus will notify user if the proposal has passed the validation checks or not.

34 Office of Research Information Systems Budget Tab This section is an overview of how to create a simple detailed budget or modular budget. If you want to learn about advanced features within the budget section, enrollment in one of the courses provided through FITT is strongly encouraged. When creating a new budget in CoeusLite, it is not necessary to enter any indirect (F&A) expenses. CoeusLite automatically calculates these expenses behind the scenes. Tasks to complete in the budget section: –Add Personnel –Add Other Expenses –Generate Expenses for Subsequent Years –Make Any Changes to the Generated Periods

35 Office of Research Information Systems Adding Personnel: First, set up the personnel information. Select Personnel under Budget Set Up.  Note : The The list of Personnel automatically shows anyone who was added previously to the Investigator/ Key Persons Tab. To include additional personnel, click Add Employee. In the window that opens, search by entering a last name.

36 Office of Research Information Systems Now that all personnel have been added, enter the current base salary, or the salary cap. Click Save.  Note: CoeusLite currently calculates salary increases on the fiscal year. The default increase is 3%. This can be changed by using the advanced feature Proposal Rates.

37 Office of Research Information Systems Once personnel have been added to the Budget Set Up section, personnel expenses may be added to the Budget Periods. On the left navigation under Budget Periods, select Personnel Budget. Then click Add Person to include people listed in the Budget Set Up section in this period’s expenses.  Note: Period 1 is initially the only period available. Use period 1 as a template to base calculations, until generate all periods is selected.

38 Office of Research Information Systems Select the Salary Type from the drop down menu. Choose the correct Period from the listed options. Enter the amount for % charge and % effort. Then Save. Coeus will make calculations based upon your entries.

39 Office of Research Information Systems Other Expenses: Use the tabs under the Budget Periods Section to add additional expenses.  Note: Equipment, Travel, Participant/ Trainee and Other Direct Costs look and function in a very similar manner. Therefore, this demonstration will only show Other Direct Costs.

40 Office of Research Information Systems Click Other Direct Costs. Then, use the drop down list to select the Type of expense. Finally, add the expense in the Funds Requested column. If you need to add another expense, click Add Direct Costs.

41 Office of Research Information Systems Generate “Out” Years: CoeusLite will generate remaining project years based upon the first year (template year) entries.  Note: The Generate Periods utility disappears once data has been entered so make sure that you have completed all required information for Period 1 under each section Click Generate All Periods. Once your periods have been generated, you may return to each budget section (Personnel, Equipment, Travel, etc.) to review and make adjustments

42 Office of Research Information Systems Modular Budget Tab If you have prepared and completed your detailed budget, you can use the Sync with Detailed Budget to have Coeus insert the required details. If needed, adjust the suggested module amount manually. Click Yes when the confirmation window opens.  Note: Modular budgets are a submission option for NIH ONLY.

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