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Networking Career Prospectors West EndFeb 17, 2009 By Charlie Wood of Attributes For Success Why Where When How.

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Presentation on theme: "Networking Career Prospectors West EndFeb 17, 2009 By Charlie Wood of Attributes For Success Why Where When How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networking Career Prospectors West EndFeb 17, 2009 By Charlie Wood of Attributes For Success Why Where When How

2 Why Network: Who is William Dawes? Who is Paul Revere? The Difference?. William Dawes Paul Revere

3 Networking was the Difference Night rides of April 18, 1775 from Boston to Concord “Paul Revere’s ride is perhaps the most famous historical example of a word-of-mouth epidemic” from “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell. Dawes route was similar –but Paul Revere knew which doors to knock on –he knew the militia leaders and many others in. People had confidence in Revere –They trusted him enough to get our to bed and go to war. Networking played a role in the first victory of the American Revolution. –It will help you find contacts and information. – Build relationships, confidence and trust. –Develop solutions.

4 “Six degrees of separation” Utilize your connectivity

5 Where, When and Who? Where do you start: –Start with the folks you know: Family, friends, neighbors, wedding, funerals, tailgates. Wherever you find people. –The University of Richmond had a job event connected to a basketball game last week. –Parties An acquaintance threw a party to announce his job loss and start the career search. –Volunteer at Civic & non- profit organizations, Church. Make contacts and positive impressions as you demonstrate your skills

6 Additional suggestions Get Business Cards – You need everybody to have your contact information and giving it to someone is an easy way to ask for theirs. Alumni & industry associations, BNI and networking group functions, –Volunteer at events. Work registration. The best place is from the front of the table where you can pin on the name tags on the “Right” side and shake hands. Job Fairs: –You may not find a job, but ‘work’ the event to find info & connection. –The hour before job fairs close is often very slow. It is time to ask for information and make connections with folks know about more than current jobs openings. Find “connectors”! They gained thousands of contacts by helping folks like you. –Fred Carreras knows everyone in Chesterfield and is waiting to meet you. It is a givers game: Give more, Get more contacts, leads, respect.

7 Let friends know of your job search Ask for help \ Contacts After an emotional loss it is often easier to talk with a stranger or associates than close friends. –Often in the case of a loss, friends do not want to approach the subject relating to your loss. –Friends are willing to help but do not want bring up a subject for fear of increasing your stress, grief or worry. –It is often easier if you bring up the subject. Suggestions: –Keep those close to you up to date on your job search. –Pick 3 to 4 people you are close with, ask them to help with your career search and to help you be accountable. –Send them a copy of your “elevator speech” and ask for feedback. Expect suggestions, leads and contacts.

8 A friend in need is a friend indeed ‘One who helps when you are in need is a true friend’ He does Clown around a lot. When I ‘fall off’ I want a person I can count on in my network.

9 Find your dream job “If you had $3 million, and still needed to have a job, what would you do?” –The answer helps you to focus your career search. (jobs you love and fit) Knowing ‘your job' will make you a more effective networker. If you don’t know ‘your job’ set a priority to determine what jobs are a best fit for you. –It will help communications with your existing network and friends.

10 A career search is a full time Job Networking is a Lifetime Job To be more effective: –Set action goals to increasing your network Events to attend, list of people you need to meet, number of new folks with whom you will speak ( all this week) –Find a tool to help organize your contacts: Microsoft Outlook is effective –Sorts by Name, Company, Categories, Distribution list –Once you develop relationships work to keep them. Find effective ways to stay in touch.

11 Do it List: Be action oriented—Just Do it. Attend events: –Be early for events, stay late (Prime time networking) –Focus on finding contacts, not the best table –Include strangers at your table –Long buffet lines present networking time for those who let others move ahead. ( Being amiable can also make a positive impression about you) Hold one-on-one meetings with other job seekers. –Enhances relationships, knowledge and trust of each other. –Opportunity to better understand what you do – will generate more leads. Find the folks that can \ are promoting you. –People are more receptive to someone else talking about your skills and accomplishments. It will open doors, but you still need to follow-up.

12 Elevator speech simple & to the point Less is More. To gain an opportunity to give ‘your speech’. –First Ask about the other persons occupation, or needs –Listen carefully as they may open the door to specific issues or contacts that you will need to inquire about. In your speech, do not explain all you do. –Keep to a single theme. –Use a memorable statement. –Too much info in an introduction can confuse listeners. Use I am … with comments of experience. Do not use I was…. –It may be hard but it is time to move on from the last position If you bore people, they will want to get away. –60 seconds too long. –Your should try to generate questions. –Exhibit the energy, passion and positive attitude you have for your career. Ask for specific information or contacts: -Example: If you ask for a contact in Biology at VCU, it may lead to a contact at UVA Ask the other party what they do and what challenge they are facing. Listen, Listen for a reason to follow-up with a visit / phone call

13 Only because I ask about you, your issues and concerns. I listened, offered to help and demonstrated that I care and am willing to help.

14 Information-Interviews are Focused networking May be the best tool in today’s job market. Use this tool to get information about the current state of the industry, company & to gain other quality contacts. Do not ask the contact for a job. –They may become defensive and refer you to HR, which is not the place you want to go. Focus on the needs & opportunities of the organization / of the contact. –Listen- Listen-Listen: Find a reason to follow-up. –Ask for permission to follow-up. Information-interviews can help build confidence in your attributes & skills. –This is like an inside One-on-One –Send a thank you note. –Follow-up on any open issues –You should become apart of this individuals network and they of yours After an interview, the contact will often mention and/or refer you to others

15 Network to build confidence People fearful of investing and spending in today's economy. The same is true for organizations and managers who create jobs. Network to develop relationships and build confidence among those who hire and influence managers who create jobs.

16 Network progression: It is not what you know, it’s who you know It is not who you know, it’s who knows you It is not who knows you it’s who has trust and confidence in you.

17 People remember you more for what you ask than what you tell. More for what you do than what you say. Networking is a givers game: Providing help for others will generate helping hands to solve your puzzles.

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