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Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Personalisation Sub Group 11 th May 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Personalisation Sub Group 11 th May 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Personalisation Sub Group 11 th May 2012

2 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Aim 1 To make sure the Personalisation sub group is working well

3 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We asked people who know about Personalisation to join our meeting We invited someone from Care Management, and people that have a support plan and personal budget

4 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board It was really useful to hear people’s different ideas We still have not found anyone to take over the job of co-chair from Vivienne

5 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Aim 2 To make sure people are aware of Personalisation in Bromley

6 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We feel that lots of people do not understand what Personalisation is We want to spread the word so that people have more choice and control over how they live their lives 6

7 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We want to make sure there is good information about Personalisation There are leaflets, a newsletter and website about Personalisation all in easy read

8 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We have been working with groups of people to tell them about Personalisation These include schools, families, providers and speaking up groups

9 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We will be holding a workshop on Personalisation This will be at the next Partnership Board meeting in September 9

10 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Aim 3 To make sure people have choice and control over the way they live their lives

11 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We talk to people who have support plans to find out what they want to do We make sure these are reviewed and that people are doing the things they want to

12 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We have spoken to the speaking up group and young disabled people about what they like and don’t like This has included how they want to be supported, new skills they want to learn and social activities 12

13 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board If somebody does not get the right support or is not able to do the things they want to they can talk to the Personalisation advocate, who will support the person to have their voice heard 13

14 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board Aim 4 To know what can be done to make Personalisation better

15 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board We have talked to people about their experiences of Personalisation These are being made into a film to share with other people

16 Bromley Learning Disability Partnership Board This information will be shared with London Borough of Bromley and will be used to plan future services 16

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