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Domen Božeglav Arnes, p.p. 7, SI - 1001 Ljubljana Konferenca Arnes, Ljubljana 12. 11. 2009 AAI promotion workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Domen Božeglav Arnes, p.p. 7, SI - 1001 Ljubljana Konferenca Arnes, Ljubljana 12. 11. 2009 AAI promotion workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domen Božeglav Arnes, p.p. 7, SI - 1001 Ljubljana Konferenca Arnes, Ljubljana 12. 11. 2009 AAI promotion workshop

2 AGENDA Brief (I promise) introduction to AAI Where are we now? Workshop goals


4 … BUT IT’S MUCH MORE Simplified Administration of users Provision of services Single login Security Federations (of trust)

5 CASE: ADOBE CONNECT Provision at home organization User authenticates “at home” Necessary data sent to service User allowed to use it (CC) Blackandecker/Flickr.

6 2010 REALITY 2009: Tomi@Vienna 2010: AAI is up and running 2010: Federation is ready 2010: but …

7 2010 Few users Universities Few schools (Eduroam driven) Few services Adobe connect (Production) School portal (AAI and standard login) (CC) Flickr.

8 But to succeed we need a critical mass of services and users! (CC) /Flickr.

9 What now? Services? Hard to “boost” Users? Let’s target them ResearchUniversitiesCulture (CC) /Flickr.

10 Let’s target schools! 60 % of all organizations ~ 65 – 70 % of all users but … it’s not that easy!!! (CC) /Flickr.

11 LET’S TARGET SCHOOLS! No money for IT Few technicians (they are usually not decision makers) Poor motivation for change (CC) /Flickr.

12 ON THE OTHER HAND A lot of unnecessary administrative work with students New services, that need provision And after all more and more demanding kids/parents (CC) Flickr.

13 LET’S DEFINE AAI MESSAGES! We would like to create a brochure Now we need appropriate messages We can “borrow” some ideas from GARR, CARNET, ourselves

14 GARR Single access to shared services. reducing the number of passwords to remember simplifying access to online resources, wherever where you are cost reduction for the service management greater control over authentication and authorization

15 CARNET Do you need access to a wireless network, scholarly bibliography, a system for e- learning, a web application or internal School web site? AAI enables use hundreds of different network services and applications from connecting to the Internet, to complex applications, such as A system for distance learning.

16 ARNES arnesAAI is your universal user name ArnesAAI allows secure access to applications with a single username and password 3 necessary steps to login Single brochure targeting all our target groups Beside the AAI web page only PR material for now

17 LET’S GET TO WORK We split into 4 groups targeting: Headmasters (decision makers) Technical staff (if any) Teachers Students/Parents We report our ideas

18 I know it’s early, but … (CC) Blackandecker/Flickr.

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