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The 6 Elements of Geography

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1 The 6 Elements of Geography
Part 1

2 6 Elements Many geographers use the six essential elements to organize their study. The World in Spatial Terms Places and Regions Physical Systems Human Systems Environment & Society Uses of Geography

3 The World in Spatial Terms
Geographers look at where things are on the Earth’s surface. Changes in settlement patterns over time are also important.

4 The World in Spatial Terms
It tells us where this place is in relation to other places? Or, its LOCATION

5 The World in Spatial Terms
“Where are we?” Absolute Location: Latitude and longitude (global location) Sugar Land is located at 29°N, 96°W Street address (local location)

6 The World in Spatial Terms
Relative Location: Described by landmarks, time, distance from one place to another, etc. Sugar Land is southwest of Houston College Station is 1 hr 45 min away Israel is next to Lebanon & Jordan



9 Arctic Circle, /2ºN North Pole, 90ºN Tropic of Cancer, 23 1/2ºN Tropic of Capricorn, 23 1/2ºS South Pole, 90ºS Antarctic Circle, 66 1/2ºS


11 Practice Name the global address of:
What major city has the following coordinates? 41ºN, 73ºW (USA) 33ºN, 13ºE (Africa) 33ºS, 71ºW 34ºS, 150ºE Name the global address of: Hanoi, Vietnam Athens, Greece Tehran, Iran Sugar Land, TX

12 Winkel Tripel Projection

13 Robinson Projection

14 Goode’s Interrupted Equal-Area Projection

15 Mercator Projection

16 Title -Describes what the map shows (place, time period, etc.)

17 Orientation -refers to directions shown by compass rose
* cardinal directions = N, S, E, & W * intermediate dir. = NW, NE, SW, & SE * must have at least North

18 Date & Author -helps us judge accuracy of the map
Date usually down here, too

19 Legend

20 Scale -shows relationship between map measurements
and actual distances

21 Index -alphabetical list of places shown on a gridded map or set of maps (gives addresses of places listed)

22 Grid -Set of intersecting lines that determine absolute location

23 Source -used if information not obtained by direct experience or observation

24 Surrounding Places -identifies places or features that border the area depicted on a map

25 Types of Maps General Purpose
Physical: shows topography (shape) of Earth Displays relief: differences in elevation, landforms, etc. Political: shows boundaries of countries, states, etc. Displays human-made features (capitals, roads, etc. Open to page 106 & 107

26 Types of Maps Special Purpose
Emphasize a particular kind of information Climate (pg 122) Vegetation (pg 123) Population density (pg 108) Economic activity (pg 109) Cartogram (RA38) Other Thematic Maps (AIDS, Child Labor, Oil Production, etc)



29 Uses of Geography Historians use geography to understand history.
Not only do they look at when things happened, but where and why they happened. Geography helps people understand the present as well as the past.

30 Satellite image of Texas, Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico
Uses of Geography Geographers use many tools including maps, charts, and graphs. What else might they use? High-tech tools such as satellites provide detailed images Computer databases, like Geographic Information Systems, (GIS) store huge amounts of data. Satellite image of Texas, Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico

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