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DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication SAVING AND CREATING JOBS AND REFORMING EDUCATION Florida Department of Education April.

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Presentation on theme: "DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication SAVING AND CREATING JOBS AND REFORMING EDUCATION Florida Department of Education April."— Presentation transcript:

1 DRAFT American Recovery and Reinvestment Act District Communication SAVING AND CREATING JOBS AND REFORMING EDUCATION Florida Department of Education April 6, 2009

2 2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Saving and Creating Jobs and Reforming Education “In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity - it is a pre-requisite. The countries that out-teach us today will out-compete us tomorrow.” - President Barack Obama, 2/24/09

3 3 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Historic, One-time Investment Over $100 billion education investment Historic opportunity to stimulate economy and improve education Success depends on leadership, judgment, coordination, and communication

4 4 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Guiding Principles

5 5 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Improve the Collection and Use of Data Support Struggling Schools Enhance Academic Standards and Assessments Achieve Equity In Teacher Distribution and Teacher Quality Advance Core Reforms: Assurances

6 6 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Significant Impact on High Needs Schools’ Budgets Additional funds available through ARRA over 2 years

7 7 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education PK-12 ARRA Formula Funds $3.5 Billion Funding CategoryAll StatesFloridaRecipientAvailable Stabilization Fund - Education (81.8%) $39.8B $2.2 BGov. 67% April 33% Fall Title I, Part A Recovery Funds $10 B $492.5 MSEA 50% April 50% Fall IDEA Part B grants to States $11.3 B $627.2MSEA 50% April 50% Fall IDEA Part B preschool grant $400 M $19.7MSEA 50% April 50% Fall School Lunch Equipment Grant (competitive sub-grant) $100 M $5.4MSEA100% April Education for homeless children and youths $70 M $3.1MSEA100% April Title I - School Improvement Grants $3 B $142.7MSEA100% Fall Educational Technology State Grants $650 M $30.3MSEA100% Fall

8 8 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education PK-12 ARRA Competitive Funds Funding CategoryAll StatesFloridaRecipientAvailable Stabilization Fund – Incentive Grant - “Race to the Top” $4.35 B TBD SEAFall 2009 Stabilization Fund – Innovation fund - “Invest in what works and innovation” $650 M TBD LEA or non profit TBD Title VIII - Impact Aid Construction (60% competitive) $100 M TBD LEA 40% in March 60% TBD Title V- Teacher Incentive Fund $200 M TBD SEAFall 2009 Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants $100 M TBD IHEFall 2009 Longitudinal Statewide Data System / Inst. of Education Sciences $250 M TBD SEAFall 2009

9 9 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Balance Speed and Effectiveness Balance speed and stimulus with careful planning and effective reforms States should award funds to LEAs as quickly as is prudent and LEAs should use funds expeditiously but sensibly LEA obligation timelines: –State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF): must be obligated by September 30, 2011 –Title I, Part A: in absence of a waiver, 85% by Sept 30, 2010; any remaining by Sept 30, 2011 –IDEA, Part B: majority during school years 2008/09 and 2009/10 and remainder by September 30, 2011

10 10 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Avoid “The Cliff” Maximize short-term investments with lasting results for: –students –teacher, school, and district capacity for improvement Minimize unsustainable ongoing commitments Integrate coherent improvement strategies that are aligned with the core reform goals

11 11 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Save and Create Jobs 1.Assign high-performing teachers to low-performing schools in tested areas. 2.Hire high-performing Teach for America (TFA) teachers in low- performing schools 3.Provide reading coaches and other appropriate coaches for all schools with focus on low-performing schools. 4.Provide district and school-level Response to Intervention (RtI) trained facilitators with focus on low-performing schools 5.Provide student services personnel for all schools with a focus on low- performing schools Provide social workers and psychologists at all Title I and Correct II schools to address attendance, intervention strategies, testing/placement, RtI, and Positive Behavior Support (PBS)

12 12 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Save and Create Jobs 6. Provide related services personnel for students with disabilities at all schools in order to provide services/therapies identified on the students’ Individualized Education Plans (IEPs); provide paraprofessionals in accordance with the students’ IEPs; and provide a full-time Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist at all Title I schools and schools with more than 20% ESE enrollment 7.Increase Public School PreK to full day (VPK half-day, Title-I or IDEA PreK the remainder) during the school year in low- performing schools

13 13 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles Professional Development 8.Provide intensive professional development focused on the language arts standards including RtI, integration of technology and access points for students with disabilities and English Language Proficient (ELP) standards for ELL students 9.Provide intensive professional development focused on the math standards including RtI, integration of technology and access points for students with disabilities (including teachers of SWD and ELL) 10. Provide intensive professional development focused on the science standards including RtI, integration of technology and access points for students with disabilities (including teachers of SWD and ELL) 11.Implement and provide professional development on the new reading assessment 12.Provide intensive professional development in Positive Behavior Support (PBS).

14 14 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles Technology 13. Provide necessary technology tools and other teaching resources (including appropriate accommodations and assistive technology) for reading, math and science for all students including ELL and SWD. 14. Bring schools and districts up to readiness level in technology (student/computer ratio; adequate data connection, appropriate capacity caching and proxy servers, etc.) To track student performance on all curriculum standards and in the accelerated programs To collect accurate and timely formative student performance data To access computer-based testing needs 15. Enhance the collection and reporting of data to provide accessibility and transparency for use of funds

15 15 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Increase Access to Rigorous Courses 16. Increase student participation in more rigorous advanced courses International Baccalaureate, Advanced Placement, Advanced International Certificate of Education, Dual Enrollment and Industry Certification Insure access by increasing classes and programs offered in accelerated programs Increase online opportunities Provide Professional Development for more teachers and counselors in those acceleration programs Plan additional parent information efforts Increase the availability of accelerated c0-curricular activities

16 16 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Quality Educators 17.Provide mentoring and induction for new and struggling teachers. 18.Provide teachers with the professional development necessary and/or with reimbursement for courses and certification examinations upon completion to become highly-qualified Provide incentives for Reading Endorsement, ESOL Endorsement, Content-area certification for ESE teachers

17 17 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Investment Strategies Aligned to Assurances and Principles: Leadership 19. Provide professional development to leadership teams that includes: monitoring instruction, lesson study, RtI, and how to schedule a school to provide embedded time for professional development and intervention. 20.Provide performance bonus pay for high-performing leadership teams and assign them to lowest-performing schools Other: 21.Other district-determined focused strategies aligned to the assurances and principles.

18 18 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program NationFlorida Education (81.8%) $39,743,348,000$2,208,839,244 General Services (18.2%) $8,842,652,000$491,453,230 TOTAL$48,586,000,000$2,700,292,474

19 19 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Draft Legislative Use of SFSF for the 2009/10 FEFP as of 4/6/2009 HOUSESENATE Amount% % State Funds8,166,719,61745.45%8,086,311,69745.20% Local Funds8,937,614,86449.74%8,939,511,47149.97% SFSF865,538,6234.82%865,538,6234.84% TOTAL17,969,873,104100.00%17,891,361,791100.00% UFTE2,607,935.17 $/UFTE$6,890.46$6,860.36 $SFSF/UFTE$331.89

20 20 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education

21 21 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Commitment to Advancing Education Reform As part of its application for Stabilization Funding, a State must assure that it will implement strategies to: Increase teacher effectiveness and address inequities in the distribution of highly qualified teachers; Establish and use a pre-K-through-college-and-career data system to track progress and foster continuous improvement; Make progress towards rigorous college- and career-ready standards and high-quality assessments that are valid and reliable for all students, including limited English proficient students and students with disabilities; and Provide targeted, intensive support and effective interventions to turn around schools identified for corrective action and restructuring. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

22 22 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education An LEA must submit an application to the Governor in order to receive funds. The LEA application must include basic GEPA assurances. The LEA application must address requirements in section 427 of GEPA, as applicable. The Governor may direct an LEA to provide in its application additional information that he or she may reasonably require, but may not restrict the LEA’s use of funds beyond the statutory limitations. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program LEA Application Requirements

23 23 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Prohibitions on an LEA’s Use of Education Stabilization Funds Cautionary Note: This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. LEAs must carefully review, for example, all requirements in Titles XIV, XV, and XVI of Division A of the ARRA relating to the Education Stabilization Fund. An LEA may not use Education Stabilization funds for – Payment of maintenance costs; Stadiums or other facilities primarily used for athletic contests or exhibitions or other events for which admission is charged to the general public; Purchase or upgrade of vehicles; Improvement of stand-alone facilities whose purpose is not the education of children, including central office administration or operations or logistical support facilities; Financial assistance for students to attend private elementary or secondary schools, unless the funds are used to provide special education and related services to students with disabilities, as authorized by the IDEA; School modernization, renovation, or repair that is inconsistent with State law; or Restoring or supplementing a “rainy day” fund. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

24 24 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Authorized Uses of Education Stabilization Funds by LEAs (III – D-1) An LEA may use Education Stabilization funds for any activity that is authorized under the following Federal education acts – The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA); The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA); The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA); or The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins Act). To the extent consistent with State law, an LEA may use Education Stabilization funds for – Modernization, renovation, or repair of public school facilities, including modernization, renovation, and repairs that are consistent with a recognized green building rating system; or Construction of new school facilities; however, The LEA must comply with specific requirements relating to the use of American iron, steel, and manufactured goods used in the project. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

25 25 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education LEAs may also use funds for activities authorized under the broad Impact Aid authority (see Title VIII of the ESEA). This flexibility - Applies to all LEAs that receive Education Stabilization funds, and is not limited to those LEAs that also receive Impact Aid funds; May be used for educational purposes consistent with state and local requirements, subject to ARRA and other applicable Federal requirements; May be used to support both current expenditures and other expenses such as capital expenditures. Examples of authorized expenses are: paying the salaries of administrators, teachers, and support staff; purchasing textbooks, computers, and other equipment; supporting programs designed to address the educational needs of children at risk of academic failure, limited English proficient students, children with disabilities, and gifted students; and meeting the general expenses of the LEA. Cautionary Note: The minimal reporting requirements in place for funds appropriated under Title VIII of the ESEA (Impact Aid) are not applicable for Education Stabilization Funds. All funds appropriated under the ARRA will be subject to stringent reporting requirements. State Fiscal Stabilization Funds LEA’s Flexibility in Determining Uses of Education Stabilization Funds (III-D-6)

26 26 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education LEA’s Use of Stabilization Funds for Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Requirements (IV-B-1 ) With the Secretary’s approval, a State or LEA may treat stabilization funds used for education programs as non-federal funds to meet MOE requirements only if the following criteria are met: The State has auditable data that it is complying with stabilization program MOE requirements (unless granted a waiver). The State/LEA, on the basis of auditable data, demonstrates that the portion of its stabilization funds being used as MOE was spent in such a manner that it would have been permitted to be used to comply with MOE requirements, had it been state funds. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

27 27 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education The USDOE is currently developing a common reporting form that will describe for States a streamlined quarterly process for the required reporting on the use of the ARRA funds awarded by USDOE. Additionally, OMB is expected to issue government-wide guidance on the ARRA reporting requirements and procedures. Required Information for Quarterly Reports under the ARRA (VII-3) State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

28 28 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Annual Stabilization Fund Report Required Information (VII-4) For each year of the Stabilization program, the State must submit to the USDOE a report that describes: The uses of funds within the State; How the State distributed the funds it received; The number of jobs that the Governor estimates were saved or created with the funds; Tax increases that the Governor estimates were averted because of the funds; The State’s progress in reducing inequities in the distribution of highly qualified teachers, implementing a State longitudinal data system, and developing and implementing valid and reliable assessments for limited English proficient students and children with disabilities; A description of each modernization, renovation, and repair project funded, including the amounts awarded and project costs. The USDOE also intends to collect in the annual reports detailed data on: (1) A State’s compliance with the MOE requirements. (2) Any construction activities supported with Stabilization funds. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

29 29 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Rules Governing the Draw Down of Stabilization Funds (VII-6) States must have an effective system for managing the flow of funds that ensures that entities are able to draw down funds as needed to pay program costs but that also minimizes the time that elapses between the transfer of the funds and their disbursement by the grantee or subgrantee, Grantees and subgrantees must promptly, but at least quarterly, remit to the USDOE interest earned on advances. The USDOE will take appropriate actions against grantees and subgrantees that fail to comply with this requirement. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

30 30 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Receipt of Stabilization Funds (VII – 7) Receipt of any Federal funds obligates recipients to comply with Federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and age. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund Program

31 31 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education “Race to the Top” State Incentive Funds Under the Stabilization Funds, $5 billion reserved for competitive grants to states States compete for $4.35 billion "Race to the Top" fund to help drive substantial gains in student achievement Purpose is to support states making dramatic progress on the four reform goals and effectively using other ARRA funds Grant amount based on information provided in state applications which may include a state’s need for assistance to help meet assurance objectives At least 50 percent of grant is to be provided to LEAs via subgrants Race to the Top grants will be made in two rounds—fall 2009 and spring 2010

32 32 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education “Invest in What Works and Innovation Fund” $650 million of the $5 billion set aside in the "Invest in What Works and Innovation" fund Competition to districts and non-profit groups with a strong track record of results. Guidelines and applications for the competitive funds will be posted expeditiously. Race to the Top grants will be made in two rounds—fall 2009 and spring 2010).

33 33 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Fiscal Technical Assistance Guidance applies to all of the various ARRA programs (Stabilization, IDEA, Title I, etc.) Provisions of the General Terms, Assurances, and Conditions submitted previously remain in effect and apply to ARRA programs The “Green Book” also applies to ARRA subgrants

34 34 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Application Procedures Project application documents are specifically designated for each program Applications contain a unique Project Budget Narrative Form modified to incorporate ARRA requirements In order to complete these streamlined applications, must refer to materials provided with program-specific applications

35 35 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Accounting Procedures Each grant award will be assigned a unique 13-digit number which will identify the recipient, the ARRA program (i.e., IDEA, Part B), and the type/year of the award Project number will be identified on the Project Award Notification (DOE 200) This number must be used in all cash advance requests (CARD) and expenditure reports

36 36 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Accounting Procedures Unique special revenue fund codes have also been designated: 430 – ARRA Economic Stimulus Funds 431 – State Fiscal Stabilization Funds 432 – Targeted ARRA Stimulus Funds 433 – Other ARRA Stimulus Grants Capital expenditures related to construction, renovation, remodeling should be accounted for in the capital projects fund: 399 – ARRA Economic Stimulus Capital Projects

37 37 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency ARRA Reporting Requirements Like other federal programs: –Report aggregate expenditures monthly in CARDS –Submit a final Project Expenditure Report In addition: –Provide quarterly reporting of expenditures tied to the assurances, principles, and strategies (web-based system for reporting based on original budget)

38 38 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency ARRA Reporting Requirements Quarterly reports must be submitted by DOE on the 10 th day after the end of each quarter Districts are asked to submit reports by the 5 th day after the end of each quarter First reports will be due July 5, 2009 School-based expenditure reporting may be necessary – additional information will be provided

39 39 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Other Fiscal Matters Amendments – process as specified in the Green Book Indirect Cost – may be charged to ARRA funds as they are to all other federal programs using the approved indirect cost rate Supplement/Not Supplant and Maintenance of Effort – review program-specific guidance for details

40 40 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Budget Narrative Form & Instructions Special Revenue Code – will be pre-populated on all forms Column 1 – ARRA specific codes (Assurances, Priorities, and Strategies) identical to those contained in the Focused Strategies document Column 2 – Identifies whether the proposed expenditure is school-based or district-based

41 41 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Budget Narrative Form & Instructions Column 3 – Program Set-Aside Codes specific to IDEA and Title I, respectively Column 4 – Description of the Activity (e.g., Provide training to 200 teachers on RTI) Columns 5, 6, and 7 – Same as standard Budget Narrative Form (Function, Object, and Account Title/Description)

42 42 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Budget Narrative Form & Instructions Column 8 - FTE Positions –Job Codes –Number of FTEs saved –Number of FTEs created –Number of FTEs continued –Total Column 9 – Proposed Expenditure Amount

43 43 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Budget Narrative Form – Instructions: Coding Attachment Refer to the “Focused Strategies for Use of Stimulus Dollars” for additional information –Assurances –Principles –Focused Strategies Program Set-Asides –Title I, Part A –IDEA

44 44 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Expenditure Report Form Will be web-based Identical to the Budget Narrative Form with the addition of –A column to should any amendments to the budgeted amounts –A column for Cumulative Expenditures Reporting site will be pre-populated with originally approved budget information

45 45 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Accountability and Transparency Expenditure Report Form Reports will be made quarterly for the duration of the project (through September, 2011) –July 5 –October 5 –January 5 –April 5

46 46 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I Allocations Title I, Part A ARRA: $462 million Basic: $633 million (projected) Title I, Part D ARRA: $8 million Entitlement: $10 million Title I, School Improvement (1003(a)) ARRA: $19 million Basic: $25 million

47 47 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education TOTAL 2009-10 Title I Allocation April 2009 First 50% of ARRA Funds July 1, 2009 First 42% of Regular Title I Funds September 30, 2009 Remaining 50% of ARRA Funds October 1, 2009 Remaining 58% of Title I Funds Title I - Distribution of Funds

48 48 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I- Obligation Period Same as other federal education programs 27 months to disburse or obligate, depending upon the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Guidance: 76.707.pdf 76.707.pdf

49 49 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I – Potential Waivers Cap on 15% carry forward 20% set-aside for Choice with Transportation and Supplemental Educational Services Cap on 5% for incentives Paraprofessionals

50 50 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I - Use of Funds All uses of funds must meet the requirements of the federal program –All Title I set-aside requirements apply –All equitable services for private schools apply –Part D program requirements apply, including transition services Improve teaching and learning Focus funds on short-term investments with the potential for long-term benefits Outcomes will be monitored by the Department

51 51 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I - New Schools US Department of Education encourages funding secondary schools May open as school-wide programs if the district determines less time is needed for planning May open as targeted assistance programs if the districts determines more time is needed for planning

52 52 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I Private Schools Consultation must occur with new and existing private schools All equitable services requirements apply Waived set-aside amounts are subject to equitable services

53 53 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Title I School Improvement Fund Grants Total $142.76 million to improve lowest performing schools Florida allocation will be made available by Fall 2009 (1003(g)) States will give priority to LEAs that: –Serve the lowest-achieving schools –Demonstrate the greatest need for such funds –Demonstrate the strongest commitment to ensuring that such funds are used to enable the lowest-achieving schools to meet the progress goals in school improvement plans

54 54 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Parentally Placed Private School Students Ensure consultation with private schools Ensure consultation with representatives of parents Consultation should include how additional funds will be used for parentally placed children with disabilities

55 55 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education IDEA, Part B – ARRA: Flow of Funds Florida’s Award Part B ARRA:$ 627,262,665 Entitlement$ 628,343,023 Total: $1,255,605,688 Part B, Preschool ARRA:$ 19,700,808 Entitlement$ 18,170,242 Total: $ 32,871,050 –Districts will submit an application for 50% of ARRA funds. These funds are considered an advance on the total 2009-10 allocation. –The application will be completed on-line and assumes all assurances associated with IDEA regulations provided in 2008-09 application still apply, with additional assurances required in the application.

56 56 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Maintenance of Effort (MOE) IDEA allows a local education agency (LEA) to reduce their MOE requirement by up to 50% of the increase in allocated Part B funds that exceed the amount of Part B funds allocated for the previous year. Preschool funds are not applicable to this reduction in MOE. The determination of whether or not an LEA has met the MOE requirement for 2009-10 will be made based on a comparison of the district’s state and local expenditures for 2008-09 compared with state and local expenditures for 2007-08. An LEA must receive a determination of “Meets Requirements” in order to take advantage of MOE flexibility.

57 57 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) IDEA also allows an LEA to use up to 15% of its funds for CEIS. DOE will direct LEAs identified for significant disproportionality in identification, placement, or discipline to set aside the full 15% for CEIS. CEIS funds can be used to support Tier II and Tier III Response to Intervention (RtI) activities (behaviorally or academically struggling students not yet identified as a student with a disability).

58 58 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Florida Department of Education More Information and and State Fiscal Stabilization - John Newman (850) Title I, Part A & Part D- Lisa Bacen & Iris –Lisa Bacen (850) 245-9939 Iris Wilson (850) 245-0509 IDEA Part B - Bambi Lockman (850) –Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Karen –Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Karen Denbroeder (850) IDEA application - Virginia Sasser (850) School Lunch Equipment Grant Linda Champion(850) Education for Homeless Children and Youths School Improvement Grant –Lisa Bacen (850) 245-9939 Iris Wilson (850) 245-0509 Educational Technology State Grant - Pam Stewart (850) Teacher Incentive Fund - Pam Stewart (850) Teacher Quality Partnership Grant - Pam Stewart (850) Impact Aid Construction - Linda Champion (850) Tax Credit Bonds - Linda Champion (850) Longitudinal Data System - - Jeff Sellers (850)

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