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Minnesota Online MBEI Conference Rochester October 11, 2002 Gary Langer Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Minnesota Online MBEI Conference Rochester October 11, 2002 Gary Langer Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minnesota Online MBEI Conference Rochester October 11, 2002 Gary Langer Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Programs

2 MnSCU Courses Online Fall ‘01 21 institutions 11 programs Over 300 online courses (credit/non-credit) Over 6,500 students enrolled in online courses (100% increase from Fall ‘00) Students from 38 states outside of MN enrolled Fall ‘02 31 institutions 28 programs (plus 7 partial) 834 courses (credit/non-credit) 10,520 students enrolled

3 E-Learning Current Programs Accounting Accounting Clerk American Sign Language AS/400 Operations AS/400 Programming Associate in Art Degree Associate Accounting Business Business Administration Business and Technology C++ Client-Server Programming C++ Windows Programming CAD Technician Computer Programming Computer Support Essentials Computer and Internet Literacy Computer and Network Technology

4 E-Learning Current Programs Digital Arts - Computer Graphics Healthcare Supervision and Leadership Human Resources Information Resource Specialist Liberal Arts and Sciences Marketing Communications Specialist Medical Transcription Microsoft Office Microsoft Office User Specialist Paralegal Studies Practical Nursing Web Applications Programming Web Design and Development Windsmith

5 E-Learning Future Programs Alexandria TC CAD: New Skills Education for Interactive Web-Based Graphic Design & Presentation Bemidji SU and MSU Moorhead Collaborative On-line Graduate Specialty in Education Distributed Learning in Teacher Education – DliTE Metropolitan SU Police Supervision Certificate Bachelor of Individualized Study Minnesota West C&TC Online Sign Language Normandale CC Vacuum Technical Education On-line Northwest TC Communications Industry Asynchronous Learning Network MSC, Southeast TC & Rochester C&TC Interactive On-line Media and Multimedia

6 Coordinating body for e-learning recommendations Coordinating body for e-learning recommendations Review standards for e-learning Review standards for e-learning NEA/BlackboardNEA/Blackboard Western CooperativeWestern Cooperative EDUCAUSEEDUCAUSE Draft Accreditation GuidelinesDraft Accreditation Guidelines Authorize Workgroups Authorize Workgroups e-Policye-Policy e-Programse-Programs e-Student Servicese-Student Services E-Learning Task Force

7 E-Learning Initiative Collaborative project of MnSCU Collaborative project of MnSCU campuses and system office campuses and system office Dates: March 1, ‘01–June 30, ‘03 Dates: March 1, ‘01–June 30, ‘03 Funding: Congressional Awards & MnSCU Funding: Congressional Awards & MnSCU

8 Congressional Award I Grant I. Determine Curriculum Requirements & Develop Courseware Design Models & Practices A. Environmental Scan Campus Capacity (Eduprise)Campus Capacity (Eduprise) Technology CapacityTechnology Capacity PwC Market SurveyPwC Market Survey State Economic DevelopmentState Economic Development B. Courseware and Delivery Standards B. Courseware and Delivery Standards C. Continuation of TIP Projects C. Continuation of TIP Projects

9 Congressional Award I Grant II. Development of e-Student Services & e-Mentoring to Support e-Learning Needs Comprehensive Review & Development of e-Student Service & Role of e-Mentoring Comprehensive Review & Development of e-Student Service & Role of e-Mentoring Integrated & Interactive Student Services Integrated & Interactive Student Services CAS CAS e-Mentoring e-Mentoring Intermediary Service (Online Call Center)Intermediary Service (Online Call Center) Campus Assistance CentersCampus Assistance Centers E-PortfolioE-Portfolio Help learner become responsible and active manager of learningHelp learner become responsible and active manager of learning

10 Congressional Award I Grant III. Formulate & Implement Pilot Policies for New Era in e-Learning A. Identify and Select Key Policy Issues in Consultation with Policy Makers B. Evaluation of Policy Issues B. Evaluation of Policy Issues C. Development of Pilot Policies C. Development of Pilot Policies

11 Learner Segments 19.4% 18.3%19.2% * See Note 32.2% 7.4% 3.5% Note: Life Fulfillment Learners counted in Professional Enhancement Learners

12 E-Learning Drivers Meet Market Demand Meet Stakeholder Expectations Promote Access Respond to Increased Competition

13 E-Learning Definition “Teaching and learning at MnSCU that is predominantly provided through or enhanced by one or more modes of technology delivery that meet the diverse needs of students” Adopted by the E-Learning Task Force, 2001

14 E-Learning Vision The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities will be a trusted provider of choice for high quality e-learning opportunities expanding access for a community of lifelong learners within Minnesota and beyond. Adopted by the E-Learning Task Force, 2001

15 E-Learning Guiding Principles Provide high quality programs and services Promote coordinate specialization designed to leverage unique strengths Promote strategic collaboration and partnerships, both internally and externally

16 E-Learning Guiding Principles (cont’d) Embrace change and determine the best way to respond to change by encouraging innovation where and when it makes sense and is aligned with MnSCU’s mission and e-learning vision

17 Congressional Award II Grant I. Emerging Curriculum for the 21st Century $1,000,000 II. Development of an e-mentoring environment to support e-learning needs. $1,000,000 a) Enhance intermediary call center b) Provide e-community services to students b) Provide e-community services to students c) Interface e-portfolio to ISRS c) Interface e-portfolio to ISRS d) Continue development of e-mentoring model including services of tutoring, online assessments, study skills, orientation and instructional support e) Increase web-enabled Student Information System services d) Continue development of e-mentoring model including services of tutoring, online assessments, study skills, orientation and instructional support e) Increase web-enabled Student Information System services

18 Congressional Award III Grant $2,500,000 for: Curriculum development including new ways to deliver course content Curriculum development including new ways to deliver course content Faculty, staff and student training and professional development Faculty, staff and student training and professional development Continued e-mentoring to support e-learning needs Continued e-mentoring to support e-learning needs

19 E-Learning Central Services Central Services: - Technical Support - Student Mentoring - Library Reference - Faculty Online Training

20 E-Learning Areas of Development (PwC ) 1) Information Technology 2) B usiness and Management Education 3) Teacher Education (K-12) 4) Nursing Education 5) Workforce Education, e.g. manufacturing

21 Potential E-Learning Areas: MnSCU Programs of Excellence 1) Business/Agri-Business/Information Technology + Business and Management Education 2) Education Teacher Education (K-12) 3) Health Care Nursing Education 4) Engineering/Manufacturing Technology Workforce Education, e.g., manufacturing 5) Protective Services/Law Enforcement

22 Citizens Advisory Commission Recommendations u Lead a system-wide information technology initiative that coordinates the development and implementation of on-line courses, programs, services as well as related faculty, staff, and curriculum development u Evaluate the return-on-investment of on-line learning programs and services to ensure they are serving the targeted learner segments and identified market needs. u Maximize the way its institutions efficiently and effectively use on- and off-campus facilities and technology to serve students where they live and work.

23 Relation to MnVU and ACVE Minnesota State Online - key partner in MnVU Minnesota State Online - key partner in MnVU MnVU is a founding member of a national organization of virtual universities - American Council for Virtual Learning - that promotes: MnVU is a founding member of a national organization of virtual universities - American Council for Virtual Learning - that promotes: e-learning policy marketing and communication portal research and grant opportunities



26 DARS DARS CAS CAS ISEEK - MnVU ISEEK - MnVU MnLINK MnLINK e-Portfolio e-Portfolio Electronic Services for Learners

27 MnOnline Governance Model 1. “Innovative Enterprise” within MnSCU 2. Partnership of campuses and Office of the Chancellor Collaboration Consortium Compact Central Services


29 Centralized/Campus Services Home/Provider Model Revenue Sharing Tuition costs Faculty Online Training Shared Services Technical Support Library Reference Student Mentoring E-Learning Issues

30 Web-enabled ISRS for online application, registration, assessment, payment. Etc. Seamless Education Services Project Intermediary page with phone, email, fax, mail address information Direct link to sites & services Minnesota Online

31 WCET Guide to Developing Online Student Services Information for Prospective Students Admissions Financial Aid Registration Orientation Services Academic Advising Technical Support Career Services Library Services Services for Students with Disabilities Personal Counseling Instructional Support and Tutoring Bookstore Services to Promote a Sense of Community Health Services Student Life


33 1) MnSCU will move forward at a strategically aggressive pace to implement Minnesota State Online, including centralized support when appropriate, faculty training/training centers, student services, curriculum development and marketing. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

34 2) Minnesota State Online will operate as an innovative enterprise in which policies and procedures could be adopted and adapted that would permit e-learning programs and services to be more flexible and responsive to the needs of students, faculty, institutions, communities, businesses and organizations. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

35 3) Minnesota State Online e-learning will operate to better respond to identified current and future market needs and improve student access to MnSCU curriculum. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

36 4) Minnesota State Online e-learning opportunities will meet or exceed MnSCU system defined quality and courseware standards which are based on nationally recognized standards. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

37 5) Minnesota State Online will make targeted learner segments aware of the products and services available. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

38 6) Minnesota State Online will provide high quality, interactive student services to learners at the level recognized as a national standard by the Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

39 7) MnSCU will give the highest priority to providing expanded faculty access to e- learning training, development resources, and expertise. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

40 8) MnSCU will evaluate Minnesota State Online to determine benefits and outcomes. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

41 9) Minnesota State Online will serve as a model for system wide collaboration that is standards based and coordinated to maximize effectiveness and efficiencies. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

42 10) The Task Force also recommends establishing an e-learning Council to oversee Minnesota State Online and that it resemble the E-Learning Task Force, i.e., made up of a cross section of administrators, faculty, students and potential partners. E-Learning Task Force Recommendations

43 Appropriate accreditation for programs Appropriate accreditation for programs Sound pedagogy Sound pedagogy Continuous evaluation of student progress, retention, faculty/ student satisfaction. Continuous evaluation of student progress, retention, faculty/ student satisfaction. Accessible student services Accessible student services Quality Standards

44 Courseware Standards Technology Info to students (packets, etc.) Info to students (packets, etc.) ID of Tech (browser, hardware req., etc.) ID of Tech (browser, hardware req., etc.) Audience capability (software/internet skills) Audience capability (software/internet skills)

45 Usability Interface consistency Interface consistency Learner support Learner support Navigational effectiveness/ efficiency Navigational effectiveness/ efficiency Communication integration Communication integration Courseware Standards

46 Student Services Standards Follow Western Cooperative’s “Guide to Developing Online Student Services” Follow Western Cooperative’s “Guide to Developing Online Student Services” Recommendations for regional accreditation agencies Recommendations for regional accreditation agencies

47 Accreditation Issues Some institutions use AQIP, some traditional ‘Change Request’ Some institutions use AQIP, some traditional ‘Change Request’ Recent visits: Lake Superior College and Metropolitan State University Recent visits: Lake Superior College and Metropolitan State University Higher Learning Commission wants a MnSCU solution Higher Learning Commission wants a MnSCU solution

48 Accreditation




52 Minnesota State Online
























76 e-Portfolio Contains: Demographic Info Demographic Info Assessments: Academic, Skills, Interest… Assessments: Academic, Skills, Interest… Academic & Career History Academic & Career History Essays & Publications Essays & Publications Work Samples Work Samples Resumes Resumes Files: Video / Audio / Photos Files: Video / Audio / Photos Hyperlinks Hyperlinks











87 Thank You! Questions? __________________________________________________________________ Gary Langer

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