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Directions 1.Divide participants into two teams to compete. 2.Person in charge of game (Moderator) should print out copy of the Answer Key (slide 53).

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Presentation on theme: "Directions 1.Divide participants into two teams to compete. 2.Person in charge of game (Moderator) should print out copy of the Answer Key (slide 53)."— Presentation transcript:


2 Directions 1.Divide participants into two teams to compete. 2.Person in charge of game (Moderator) should print out copy of the Answer Key (slide 53). 3.Select “Slide Show”, then “View Show”. 4.Start on slide #3 (the main board). 5.Decide which team will go first (Team 1). 6.Team 1 will select a category and point value (Turn). 7.Click on point value of the selected box: You will be sent to the question (white lettering). 8.Team 1 will answer the question in the form of a question (example: “What is the Drug War?”). Moderator will check Answer Key to verify answer. 1.If Team 1’s answer is correct, points will go to Team 1, and Team 1’s turn will continue. Team 1’s turn will continue until they answer a question incorrectly. If answer given by Team 1 is incorrect, Team 2 has chance to answer question and get points. 2.If Team 2 answers correctly, points will be given and Team 2 will have the next turn. 9.Once answer is given by Team 1 correctly or by both teams, Click once on question slide to view answer (black lettering). 10.After viewing the answer, click on HOME (picture in lower right corner) to go back to main board. 11.Continue counting points until all questions have been asked. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins!

3 Name that Drug Stats Movies on Drugs Celebrity Drug Facts Know Your Rights 100 200 300 400 500

4 This drug is the most widely used illicit substance in the U.S.

5 What is marijuana?

6 Psilocybin is the chemical found in this drug.

7 What are mushrooms?

8 Users “roll” on this drug, which is associated with raves.

9 What is ecstasy OR MDMA?

10 Until 1929, this illicit drug was an ingredient in some soft drinks.

11 What is cocaine?

12 This drug accounts for the most fatalities of any drug in the U.S.

13 What is tobacco?

14 The U.S. has 5% of the world’s population, but incarcerates this percentage of the world’s prisoners.

15 What is 25%?

16 This percentage of Americans has admitted to using an illicit drug at least once.

17 What is 46%?

18 The US government has spent approximately this much money on the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign.

19 What is 1.5 billion dollars?

20 This many would-be students have been denied financial aid due to a drug conviction.

21 What is about 200,000?

22 This percentage of illicit cocaine is intercepted by the U.S. government.

23 What is 30%?

24 This movie stars Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, and a van made entirely of marijuana.

25 What is Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke?

26 In this movie, Bob Saget stated “marijuana is not a drug”.

27 What is Half Baked?

28 Identify this movie from the quote: “you can turn your back on a person, but, never turn your back on a drug. Especially when it’s waving a razor-sharp hunting knife in your eye.”

29 What is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

30 This movie produced by Flex Your Rights educates citizens about their rights during police encounters.

31 What is Busted?

32 This movie is based on the life of George Jung, a drug dealer/trafficker whose rise and fall coincides with cocaine’s becoming the drug of choice for the rich and famous in the 1970’s.

33 What is Blow?

34 In his interview after his escape from jail to Algeria, how many times did Timothy Leary claim to have done LSD?

35 What is over 500 times?

36 What famous singer/songwriter told Playboy in 1966 “Opium, hash, and pot—now those things aren’t drugs, they just bend your mind a little. I think everybody’s mind should be bent once in a while.”

37 Who is Bob Dylan?

38 This famous singer asked President Nixon to be made a "Federal Agent-at-Large" in the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs?

39 Who is Elvis Presley?

40 Of the following people, this celebrity was/is passionately anti-drug: Frank Zappa, Woody Allen, or Tommy Chong?

41 Who is Frank Zappa?

42 Of the following people, this celebrity did not die of a heroin overdose: Janis Joplin, Shannon Hoon of Blind Melon, or Layne Staley of Alice in Chains?

43 Who is Shannon Hoon?

44 This amendment allows us to meet as a group and discuss drug policy.

45 What is the first amendment.

46 The ACLU is an acronym for what organization.

47 What is the American Civil Liberties Union.

48 This amendment protects a citizen against unlawful search and seizure.

49 What is the fourth amendment.

50 Asserting this amendment in court protects a citizen from self-incrimination.

51 What is the fifth amendment.

52 This is required for police to search a vehicle, paraphernalia is plain view is an example of this.

53 What is probable cause.

54 Name that Drug StatsMovies on Drugs Celebrity Drug Facts Know Your Rights What is marijuana? What is 50 billion dollars? What is Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke? What is over 500 times? What is the first amendment? What is mushrooms? What is 46%?What is Half Baked? Who is Bob Dylan? What is the American Civil Liberties Union? What is ecstasy/MDMA ? What is 1.5 billion dollars? What is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas? Who is Elvis Presley? What is the fourth amendment? What is cocaine? What is 200,000? What is Busted? Who is Frank Zappa? What is the fifth amendment? What is tobacco? What is 30%?What is Blow? Who is Shannon Hoon? What is probable cause?

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