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26/10/2011, Nairobi, Kenya Global Monitoring for Food Security 3 ESA’s Crop Monitoring And Early Warning Service.

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Presentation on theme: "26/10/2011, Nairobi, Kenya Global Monitoring for Food Security 3 ESA’s Crop Monitoring And Early Warning Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 26/10/2011, Nairobi, Kenya Global Monitoring for Food Security 3 ESA’s Crop Monitoring And Early Warning Service

2 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Outline This presentation Background Partners Services Early Warning Agricultural Monitoring CFSAM

3 Nairobi 26/10/2011 ESA Stage 3 Background GMFS started in 2003 New contract GMFS3 -> 2013 Continuation of services to Stage 2 users Focus is on Sustainability

4 Nairobi 26/10/2011 4 Partners Nr.CompanyCountryGeneral competences, tasks & responsibilities 01VITOBelgiumProject management, early warning, Medium/(high) resolution optical and training, information packaging, promotion Secondment to FAO through visiting scientists programme 02Consorzio ITA ItalyAgriculture Mapping with optical remote sensing and ground statistics - Validation methodology definition – Training: MALAWI 03EARSNetherlandsFAST Meteosat based Early Warning Services for African regions. Generation of rainfall and evapotranspiration data fields. Production of crop yield forecasts. Provision of dedicated user software (Imageshow 2) and training. 04EFTASGermanyAgriculture Mapping with optical remote sensing and ground statistics, with radar data - Validation data collection - Service network support: SUDAN 05SARMAPSwitzerlandAgriculture mapping with radar – Software programming – Training package: RCMRD 06ULgBelgiumEarly warning support and Service portfolio evolution for Early Warning Services: AGRHYMET 07GeoVILLEAustriaSoil Moisture Indicator products

5 Nairobi 26/10/2011

6 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Early Warning Crop Yield and Vegetation Monitoring Service FAST Service Soil Moisture Monitoring Service Agricultural Monitoring Support to the Optimization of the National Agricultural Survey Service Agricultural Mapping Service SAR Knowledge Transfer Service CFSAM Support Support to Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission Service Zimbabwe MoA Senegal CSE Overall Management VITO Southern Africa Regional coordinator ESA Technical officer User BoardScientific Board West Africa Regional coordinator AGRHYMET(CRA) East Africa Regional coordinator RCMRD West Africa regionEast Africa region Southern Africa region Mozambique INAM Ethiopia MoARD Sudan FMoAF Malawi MoAFS Mali LaboSEP Service Groups 7 GMFS3 Services

7 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Early Warning Service Crop Yield and Vegetation Monitoring Soil Moisture Analysis FAST

8 Nairobi 26/10/2011 MERIS Vegetation ASCAT Soil moisture MSG Rainfall Radiation SUPPORT EW ANALYSIS TRAIN HOW TO USE THE DATA Early Warning Service  3 independant sources of information  Convergence of evidence analysis

9 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Early Warning Service

10 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Context: In Sahel Region the start of Season is a first indicator of crop development success or failure (Approach published in the CILLS bulletin) Qualitative Analysis: Early or Late Start of the Growing Season Profile Matching Approach: - Compare the fAPAR profile for the 3 first months of the 2011 season with the average 1999-2010 -Display the shift that have the best fit with the Long Term Average - Give an overview of the anticipated or delayed area at pixel level Crop Yield and Vegetation Monitoring Phase/shift

11 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Crop Yield and Vegetation Monitoring Qualitative Analysis of ongoing Growing Season for Agricultural Monitoring based on low Resolution Data Context: Standard Anomaly Maps based on comparison with LTA give a good spatial overview of anomalies, this approach adds duration and intensity to the maps Cluster analysis : - Iso data classification based on the relative difference between 10 day VI and -Display classified map with the corresponding classes profiles

12 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Crop Yield and Vegetation Monitoring Yield Estimation based on Low Resolution Monitoring Context: Non Parametric Yield Forecast Similar Years to Yield estimate Similarty Analysis : - CROP MAP ! - for each pixel the most similar year is found -Display classified map -Per ADMIN percentage

13 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Crop Yield and Vegetation Monitoring USERS Participatory Development Yield Forecasting

14 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Soil Moisture Monitoring FAST Service

15 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Agricultural Monitoring Support to the Optimization of the National Agricultural Survey Service Agricultural Mapping SAR Knowledge Transfer

16 Nairobi 26/10/2011 “ASO” service: “support to the optimisation of national surveys”. In collaboration with JRC this service is focussed to consultancy on the introduction of area frame sampling approaches, making use of EO data which i stechnically sound and sustainable in the Malawian context ASO in Malawi 1. EO data are used for the design of the sampling frame and its realisation: location of sample points, interpretation and classification, masking and stratification. Points vs. segments 2. EO data are used with GPS for survey optimisation and execution, e.g. maps for identifying the sampled points, planning of itineraries, control (synergies with field area measurements for APES, etc. see also proposals by MoAFS on the use of IT, FAO) 3. EO data are also used as auxiliary variables (land cover/land use classified images) to improve the accuracy in the estimation of the crop acreage by means of ad hoc statistical procedures. Point frame: 500 m spacing, - approx. 4 points per km2 to be interpreted and classified Based on a simple LCLU legend Up to 58.000 points are visited on the ground (sampling rate around 15 %)

17 Nairobi 26/10/2011 2 Scales, Medium Resolution, High Resolution LCCS support High Resolution Satellite Image coverage NKOR Multi resolution segmentation of NKOR Harmonized field work Outputs Data & processing support for current LCCS mapping recent HR Satellite image mosaic on state level Segmentation layer Field work ASO + AM North Sudan

18 Nairobi 26/10/2011 GMFS fAPAR-EoG North Sudan 2010 ASO + AM in North-Sudan GMFS fAPAR-EoG North Sudan 2005 Change maps: Context: there is a huge variability in the extent of growth (EoG) in North Sudan, based on MERIS-FR fAPAR images and analysis is made on this difference. Maps can be used in support of the Agricultural Survey Indication upon differences in growth activities Training on use of change maps is currently ongoing (September 2011)

19 CFSAM support to FAO/WFP FAO publication explaining the importance of Environmental Remote Sensing indicators for monitoring, using amongst others ESA-MERIS RR fAPAR (data processing + methodology = GMFS)

20 Nairobi 26/10/2011 Thank you ! Questions?

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