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Chapter 10 The Water Soluble Vitamins (WSV) – B vitamins and Vitamin C.

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1 Chapter 10 The Water Soluble Vitamins (WSV) – B vitamins and Vitamin C

2 True/false 1.Taking vitamin supplements is never harmful because your body eliminates any excesses that you don’t need 2.Taking vitamin C supplements can help you ward off the common cold

3 Vitamins False 1.Some vitamins are stored in the body and can build up to toxic levels if taken in excess 2.There is no clear evidence that vitamin c supplements protect you from the common cold

4 Overview Vitamins differ from CHO, fat, and protein in 3 ways: Structure –Single units –Not linked together Function –Do not yield energy –They assist enzymes that release energy from CHO, fat, and protein Measurement –Micrograms (ug or mcg) –Milligrams (mg)

5 Overview Bioavailability –Amount absorbed and used by the body Precursors –Inactive forms of some vitamins, also known as provitamins Organic – –Being organic, they can be destroyed Solubility –Water soluble vitamins are hydrophilic –Fat soluble vitamins are hydrophobic Toxicity –Too much of some vitamin can be harmful to the body

6 What are Vitamins Needed for growth, reproduction and overall good health They are essential nutrients Deficiency of one will cause physiological symptoms There are 13 vitamins, can be water soluble or fat soluble Vitamins D, K, niacin and biotin can also be synthesized (made) by the body

7 Vitamins Water soluble vitamins can be destroyed by air, water, or heat Vegetables and fruit begin to lose their vitamins almost immediately after being harvested Fat soluble vitamins tend to be more stable Some preparation treatment can cause the loss of vitamins

8 Fat-Soluble and Water-Soluble

9 Preserving your vitamins Don’t expose your produce to air, keep in air tight container Cook with minimal liquid to prevent loss of vitamin through leeching Washing rice before cooking will wash away all the b vitamins that were sprayed on during enrichment process

10 Preserving your vitamins Prolong heating will destroy water soluble vitamins, especially vitamin C Vegetables cook in microwave or stir fry can have 1 ½ times more vitamin C after cooking than if they were boiled Keep your fruits and vegetables cool

11 Characteristics of WSV B vitamins share a common role as coenzymes to help several enzymes produce reactions in the body cells Deficiencies of WSV are rare in USA Deficiencies in the B complex and vitamin C is associated with alcoholism and the elderly, related to diets that are not balanced B vitamins are needed to use all macronutrients efficiently

12 Thiamin (B1) The first to be discovered Chief Functions –Part of coenzyme Thiamin pyrophoshotate (TPP) needed for energy metabolism –Helps to break down alcohol in the body Food sources –Enriched and whole grains such as bread and ready to eat cereal, pasta, and rice. –Pork, is the biggest source of naturally occurring thiamin Easily destroyed by heat

13 Thiamin (B1) Toxicity –Nontoxic, so no upper limit has been set RDA : –1.1milligram (mg) women daily –1.2mg men daily Deficiency Diseases –Beriberi –Wernicke-Korsakoff found in alcoholics

14 Thiamin (B1) Deficiency symptoms –Enlarged heart –Cardiac failure –Muscular weakness –Poor short-term memory –Confusion –Anorexia –Weight loss

15 Riboflavin (B2) Light sensitive B vitamin, easily destroyed by ultraviolet light and irradiation Abundant in milk Functions –Part of coenzymes that helps to turn carbohydrate, proteins, and fats, into energy and to keep cells healthy –Enhances the functions of niacin and B12 Sources –Milk, yogurt, enriched grains RDA: –women - 1.1milligram (mg)/day –Men – 1.3 mg

16 Riboflavin (B2) Deficiency Disease –Ariboflavinosis Deficiency Symptoms –Sore throat –Swollen mouth –Inflamed tongue –Dry and scaly lips –Skin lesions Toxicity - None

17 Niacin (B3) Other names: nicotinic acid, nicotinamide and niacinamide Tryptophan is a precursor of niacin Functions –Needed to use the energy in food –Keep skin and digestive system healthy and functioning –Helps to lower LDL, raise HDL cholesterol –Nicotinic acid as a drug is 40 times the RDA prescribed by doctors to lower LDL Deficiency Disease –Pellagra (Four Ds) common among alcoholics and people with poor diet

18 Niacin (B3) Deficiency Symptoms –Dermatitis- inflammation or irritation of the skin –Dementia – loss of memory –Diarrhea –Death




22 Niacin (B3) Sources –meat, fish, poultry, enriched whole grain breads and fortified cereals, Toxicity –No known danger from consuming too much niacin from foods –Over consuming niacin supplements may lead to: painful flush, liver damage, high blood glucose, nausea, vomiting –Never consume high amounts of niacin unless prescribed by a doctor

23 Niacin (B3) RDA : –Women - 14 milligram/day –Men – 16mg/day Upper level –35mg/day

24 Vitamin B6 Other names: –Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, prydoxamine Functions –An active co-enzyme with over 100 enzymes involved in the metabolism of proteins –Needed to convert tryptophan into niacin and serotonin –Needed to make red blood cells –Recently found that B6 along with folate and B12 help reduce risk of heart disease

25 Vitamin B6 Deficiency symptoms –Sore tongue –Scaly red skin –Depression –Confusion –Possibly anemia –convulsions

26 (B6) Sources –Ready-to-eat cereal, meat, fish, poultry, shellfish, legumes, fruits, green and leafy vegetables –Easily destroyed by heat Toxicity –Supplement abuse (500-6000mg/day) for two months may result in Difficulty walking Tingling sensations in legs and feet RDA: –Women - 1.3 to 1.5 milligram/day –Men – 1.3 to 1.7 mg/day Upper level –100 mg/day

27 Folate There are two forms: –Folate – naturally occurring in food –Folic acid or folacin – synthetic form, added to food or found in supplements Functions –Vital for synthesis of DNA –Helps to maintain healthy red blood cell –Helps red blood cells divide and increase in adequate numbers –Prevents birth defect (neural tube defects) –Helps to fight cancer – colon Cancer –Helps the body use amino acids

28 Folate Deficiency Stops cell division (beneficial in cancer pt, by stopping growth of tumor cell) Neural tube defects –Spina bifida Spinal cord and backbone aren’t properly developed Learning and physical disabilities Inability to walk –Anencephaly lack of complete brain, Baby can’t move, think, or function death shortly after birth

29 Folate Deficiency Megaloblastic anemia –Abnormally large red blood cells –Decreased oxygen carrying capacity Macrocytic anemia - result of megaloblasts –Feel tired, weak and irritable –Shortness of breath Because folate needs vit B12 to produce healthy red blood cells, a deficiency of either vitamin can lead to macrocytic anemia

30 Folate deficiency results in macrocytic anemia.

31 Recommendation for women Take folate 1 month before conception and through the 1 st trimester to prevent neural tube defects. Synthetic folic acid has a stronger protective effect than the food folate Since 1998, the FDA has mandated that folic acid be added to all enriched grains and cereal products




35 Folate Sources –Enriched pasta, breads, rice and cereals, leafy green vegetables, legumes, seeds, asparagus, broccoli Toxicity – from synthetic –Masks vit B12 deficiency symptoms –Sleep disturbances, irritability, GI problems RDA: The body absorbs synthetic folic acid more easily than folate from foods. (1.7 times more efficiently) –400 microgram for most adults –Pregnant women - 600 microgram/day –Upper limit – 1000 microgram/day from enriched and fortified foods

36 Vit B12 (cobalamine) Needs intrinsic factor to be absorbed Functions –Needed to use certain fatty acids and amino acids –Needed to make DNA –Needed for healthy nerves –Activates folate and folate can activate b12 to coenzyme –Part of the heart healthy B vitamins

37 Vit. B12 Deficiency –Pernicious (harmful) anemia Occurs in individual who are not able to absorb B12 because of lack of intrinsic factor Gets regular shot of B12 directly into the blood stream Can take years to develop because the liver stores plenty of B12 –Can also cause macrocytic anemia because B12 works closely with folate

38 Vit B12 (Cobalamine) Food Sources –meats, fish, poultry, milk and milk products, fortified foods Toxicity -None RDA: 2.4 microgram/day for most adults

39 Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Functions –Act as coenzyme needed to make and use certain amino acids –Needed to make collagen – the most abundant protein in the body Collagen connects and supports all your body part like glue Needed for healthy bones, teeth, skin, and blood vessels –Act as antioxidant –Helps in iron absorption in plant foods –Boost the immune function system by Helping the body to produce white blood cells to fight infections

40 Vitamin C Deficiency – affects the entire body –Scurvy Bleeding gums Rough rash on the skin Wounds that won’t heal Anemia Sources –citrus fruits, Red and green sweet peppers, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi fruit, cantaloupe, mangoes,, tomatoes, potatoes, green vegetables, fortified fruit juices.


42 Vitamin C Toxicity from supplements –>1000mg or 1g may cause iron overload (hemochromatosis) –>3,000 mg has been shown to cause diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramps RDA: –Women - 75 milligram/day –Men – 90 milligrams/day –Smokers + 35 mg/day Upper level – 2,000 milligrams

43 Supplement Smarts

44 How Should You Get Your Vitamins? FDA approval not required for ingredients in use prior to 1994; FDA cannot remove supplement from marketplace until shown to be harmful Consult health professional before taking vitamin/mineral supplements –Read supplement label carefully USP seal of approval tests supplement to ensure quality and safety (but does not endorse or validate health claims)

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