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Published byJasmine Day Modified over 9 years ago
LAND COVER MAPPING AND LAND COVER CHANGES Project financed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) carried out by FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN in collaboration with Kenya Department of Resource Surveys and Remote Sensing (DRSRS) WRI - FAO - DRSRS Charles Situma
DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCE SURVEYS AND REMOTE SENSING (DRSRS) MANDATE Collection, storage, analysis, updating and dissemination of geo- spatial information on natural resources and environment to facilitate informed decision-making for sustainable development The data collected by the department forms the basis for formulation of sound development plans, policies and strategies various government ministries and agencies. DRSRS strives to meet objectives and aspirations of the Ministry and GoK as outlined in Vision 2030
Project purposes: - Update of Kenya land cover map (FAO Africover database) 2000 - 2010 - Land Cover Changes Analysis
DELIVERABLES - National harmonized land cover legend based on FAO/UNEP Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) - National Land Cover Database - National Land Cover Changes database (shapefile and mdb) PRODUCT DISSEMINATION -The data is hosted by DRSRS - Results could be downloaded through FAO’s geospatial data portal GeoNetwork
Satellite - Images acquisition Object based segmentation – Definiens Ecognition Software Legend - based on FAO Land Cover Classification System / Africover Prelabeling of images based on former FAO Africover Data Interpretation detail enhancement new tools for classification and labeling - FAO Madcat Software Fieldwork Activities Topology check Interpretation review based on field work results Review of homogenity and consistency of interpretation between photointerpreters Review of Database fields and codes GIS review – final topology check Final database output – Data overview through FAO ADG Software Satellite image interpretation for land cover mapping Land Cover update - Workflow
1) Satellite images Landsat (2000)Landsat (2005) Aster Google Earth Landsat AsterGoogle Earth
Overview Landsat image index
Overview Aster image index
A fieldwork campaign was carried out in March 2011. Areas to be surveyed were defined following a regular grid of 0.5 degrees 10*10 Km (ECONET) According with the accessibility of the areas (security issues, road network, time schedule) were defined 1 to 4 land cover classes to survey for each area. If the plot could not be reached, the points were selected out of the box in nearby areas.
The map shows the points for each one of the 3 fieldwork teams with additional points within the 10 km plots. (Source: DRSRS Final Report on Fieldwork Activities)
A sample field data record sheet filled in the field during survey –MDB format The total points visited by the 3 groups are as follows, Group1 : 60 points Group2: 84 points Group3: 50 points.
Sample point selection The FAO Afrocover methodology for land cover field survey was illustrated in the last 2 days of the workshop held in DRSRS in January 2011. Due to the fact that the preliminary interpretation was not yet completed was defined to use a regular grid as source to define the field points, as mentioned in the previous slide. Within this areas, according with the accessibility and land cover type available in the area, were defined specific locations to survey (1-4 points for each block). Each sample plot measured 10 Km x10 Km Figure 3.2). At least three sample points were surveyed in each plot The full procedure was run from the accessibility assessment, to the definition of field work results output. Sampling area Sample point 10 Km
Field Survey KE_167 Picture direction W Field Survey KE_167 Picture direction S For Each poin were recorded information about the land cover and 4 pictures in the cardinal directions N E S W The survey number and picture direction are visible in the blackboard in the picture After the field work, the data was downloaded and loaded in ArcGIS with all the details of each plot no and corresponding photos of each plot. An hyperlink was created in order to view the pictures linked to each point clicking on the point symbol
Legend Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code A11 - Cultivated and managed terrestrial areas LCCS Class Name Broadleaved evergreen forest plantation 1TPLbe 10153-1-W7 Needleleaved evergreen forest plantation 1TPLne 10153-5671-W7 Permanently cropped area with rainfed tree crops. Large sized fields (> 4 ha) 1TLPL 10495-11341-W7 Citrus plantation. Surface Irrigated 1TLMi_ci 10499-1888-S0606W8 Small sized fields (<2ha) of rainfed tree crops 1TS 10541-W8 Scattered Isolated small fields (<2ha) of rainfed tree crops 1TS-is 10557-W8 Large to medium (>2ha) sized rainfed shrub crops. 1SLM 10567 Large to medium (>2ha) sized rainfed shrub crops. Pineapple 1SLM_p 10567-S0619 Large to medium (>2ha) sized rainfed shrub crops. Coffee 1SLM_co 10567-S0802 Large to medium (>2ha) sized rainfed shrub crops. Tea 1SLM_t 10567-S0804 Large to medium (>2ha) sized rainfed shrub crops. Sisal 1SLM_s 10567-S0913 Small (<2ha) rainfed shrub crops 1SS 10613 Scattered Isolated small (<2ha) rainfed shrub crops 1SS-is 10629 Large to medium (>2ha) rainfed herbaceous crops 1HLM 10637 Large to medium (>2ha) rainfed herbaceous crops. Cereals 1HLM_ce 10637-S3 Large to medium (>2ha) irrigated herbaceous crops. 1HLMi 10651 Large to medium (>2ha) irrigated herbaceous crops. Sugar cane 1HLMi_su 10651-13227-S0915 Scattered isolated large to medium (>2ha) rainfed herbaceous crops 1HLM-is 10717 Scattered isolated large to medium (>2ha) rainfed herbaceous crops. Cereals 1HLM-is_ce 10717-S3 Small (<2ha) fields of rainfed herbaceous crops. 1HS 10756 Small (<2ha) fields of rainfed herbaceous crops. Second layer: sparse trees 1HS+2TS 10285 + 20053 Small (<2ha) fields of rainfed herbaceous crops on sloping land. Second layer: sparse trees 1HSS+2TS 10756-L2 + 20052 Small (<2ha) fields of rainfed herbaceous crops. Cereals 1HS_ce 10756-S3 Small (<2ha) fields of post flooding herbaceous crops 1HSY 10760 Small (<2ha) fields of irrigated herbaceous crops. 1HSi 10763 Scattered isolated small (<2ha) fields of rainfed herbaceous crops 1HS-is 10796 Scattered isolated small (<2ha) fields of rainfed herbaceous crops. Cereals 1HS-is_ce 10796-S3 Scattered Isolated Small (<2ha) fields of post flooding herbaceous crops 1HSY-is 10800 Greenhouse 1GH 11438-11971(2)[Z4] 70 classes
A12 – Natural or semi-natural terrestrial vegetation Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Tree closed (>65%) 2TC 20282 Closed (>65%) broadleaved evergreen forest 2TCbe 20634 Closed (>65%) bamboo forest 2TCba 20282-Zt2 Trees open (40-65%) with shrubs closed to open (15-65%). 2TO_sco 20326-1 Trees very open (15-40%) with shrubs closed to open (15-65%). 2TVO_sco 20326-3012 Trees very open (15-40%) with sparse (<15%) shrubs 2TVO_ss 20336-3012 Sparse Trees (< 15%) on sparse (<15%) herbaceous 2TS 20505 Closed (>65%) shrubs 2SC 20357 Open (40-65%) shrubs 2SO 20385-1 Very open (15-40%) shrubs 2SVO 20385-3012 Very open (15%-40%) shrubs with sparse (<15%) trees 2SVOTS 20393-3012 Sparse (<15%) shrubs 2SS 20511 Closed to Open (15-100%) herbaceous 2HCO 21644 Closed to open (15-100%) herbaceous with sparse (<15%) trees 2HCOTS 21646 Sparse (<15%) herbaceous 2HS 20060 A23 – Cultivated aquatic or regularly flooded areas Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Large to medium (>2ha) paddy rice fields 3RLM 3030-S0308 Small(<2ha) paddy rice fields 3RS 3045-S0308 A24 – Natural or semi-natural aquatic vegetation Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Closed (>65%) trees on permanently flooded land. Brackish water 4TCFFbr 40040-R2 Open (15-65%) trees on temporarily flooded land 4TOF 40047 Open (15-65%) shrubs on temporarily flooded land 4SOF 40053 Closed to Open (15-100%) Shrubs On Permanently Flooded Land 4SCOFF 41970 Closed to open (15-100%) herbaceous with sparse (<15%) trees on temporarily flooded land 4HCOTSF 42175 Closed to open (15-65%) herbaceous on permanently flooded land 4HCOFF 42347 Closed to open (15-100%) herbaceous on temporarily flooded land 4HCOF 42348
B15 - Artificial surfaces and associates area(s) Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Urban areas 5U 5003-9 Rural areas 5UR 5003-9-A44Zp1 Airport 5A 5003-A21 Refugee camp 5UC 5003-A34 Quarries 5Q 5004-2 B16 – Bare area(s) Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Bare rock 6R 6002-1 Gravels, Stones And/Or Boulders. River bank and rock debris 6GR 6002-2 Bare soil 6S 6005 Loose sand 6L 6006 B27 – Artificial water bodies, snow and ice Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Artificial lake and pund 7WS 7002-5 B28 – Natural water bodies, snow and ice Class User Name Map Code LCCS Gis Code LCCS Class Name Perennial rivers 8WFP 8002-1-V1 Perennial lakes 8WSP 8002-5 Non-Perennial Natural Waterbodies (Flowing) with Scattered Vegetation 8WFTv 8003-1-U1 Seasonal rivers 8WFT 8003-4 Seasonal lakes 8WST 8003-7 Tidal area 8Wt 8004-19 Perennial snow 8SP 8006
Land Cover Interpretation Kenya Land Cover Map Preliminary Results Overview
Kenya LC database before field survey activity
Land Cover Data – National Level 1 Total Areas: 1970’s, 1980’s, 2000, 2010 2Changes: area values - percentages Results Overview
Forest, Agriculture, Urban areas Area Km 2 Land cover type Results Overview
Overview: Spatial Distribution Kenya 2000 Tree closed, Tree open and Woody closed areas Results – Woody Coverage
Closed forest coverage – Kenya Provinces Results
Urban areas – Kenya Provinces
Forest Plantations – Kenya Provinces Results
a Agricultural Area Changes – Areal Distribution Of Changes a1) 1970’s - 2000 a2) 1970’s - 1980’s a3) 1980’s - 2000 b Agricultural Field Density b1) 1970’s b2) 1980’s b3) 2000 Results – Agriculture
Agricultural areas – Kenya Provinces Agricultural Areas Km2 Results – Agriculture
Kenya Land Cover Change analysis Agricultural areas The map shows the field density within the polygon area. According with LCCS in the agricultural fields classification there are 3 levels of spatial distribution: Continuous fields Scattered clustered Scattered isolated Continuous fields cover > 80% of the polygon area when in single class codes and 50-80% when in mixed units Scattered clustered between 20 and 50% of the polygon area Scattered isolated between 10 and 20% of the polygon area Agricultural field density 1970’s Results – Agriculture
Kenya Land Cover Change analysis Agricultural areas The map shows the field density within the polygon area. According with LCCS in the agricultural fields classification there are 3 levels of spatial distribution: Continuous fields Scattered clustered Scattered isolated Continuous fields cover > 80% of the polygon area when in single class codes and 50-80% when in mixed units Scattered clustered between 20 and 50% of the polygon area Scattered isolated between 10 and 20% of the polygon area Agricultural field density 1980’s Results – Agriculture
Kenya Land Cover Change analysis Agricultural areas The map shows the field density within the polygon area. According with LCCS in the agricultural fields classification there are 3 levels of spatial distribution: Continuous fields Scattered clustered Scattered isolated Continuous fields cover > 80% of the polygon area when in single class codes and 50-80% when in mixed units Scattered clustered between 20 and 50% of the polygon area Scattered isolated between 10 and 20% of the polygon area Agricultural field density 2000 Results – Agriculture
Forest, Agriculture, Urban land cover area Area Km2 Land cover type Results Overview
Land Cover Changes 2000 - 2010 – Partial results TOTAL AREAS 2000 Ha2010 Ha% of change Agriculture724206674083412.3 Rangeland36518205365176330.0 Trees1060190610464454-1.3 Forest Plantation10846198870-8.8 Urban Areas82710892948.0 Water14638151440852-1.6 N.B. Total areas calculated considering the main class in mixed classes
Planning ( Land Use and Planning, Development Activities Planning ) Education Research ( Activities within Research Institutions and Universities ) Water ( Water Conservation, Use and Control ) Agriculture ( Soil and Land Conservation, Pest Control, Crop Monitoring ) Environment ( Forestry, Biodiversity, Wildlife, Sensitive Areas, etc.) Monitoring ( Food Security, Early Warning ) Health ( Disease control, health infrastructure, vaccination campaigns, etc.) Other Application Dataset Applications Main fields of application:
Database Request Statistics
Total approved requests2095 Kenya - Spatially Aggregated Multipurpose Landcover database (Africover)372 Kenya - Thematic Grassland Aggregation (Africover)131 Kenya - Thematic Agriculture Aggregation (Africover)216 Kenya - Thematic Woody Aggregation (Africover)142 Kenya - Thematic Aggregation Geomorphology / Lithology104 Kenya - Thematic Aggregation Geomorphology / Landform113 Kenya - Boundaries, Towns, Roads, Rivers1017 Total number of request for Kenya 2323 – pending 9 – rejected 219 Total number of delivered data for Kenya
DRSRS is involved in: ◦ Clinton Climate Initiatives on land cover mapping of Kenya ◦ KFS REDD Readness plan for MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification on Forests) ◦ FAO/DRSRS Dryland forest mapping for REDD PASCO/KFS/RCMRD/DRSRS Other Initiatives
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