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U.S. General Services Administration 2013 Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS) Certifier Refresher Training.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. General Services Administration 2013 Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS) Certifier Refresher Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. General Services Administration 2013 Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS) Certifier Refresher Training

2 Office of the Chief Financial Officer CERTIFIER REFERSHER TRAINING PURPOSE 2

3 Office of the Chief Financial Officer ETAMS Certifier Refresher Training - Purpose Review the Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS). Review the following: –Certifier schedule. –Certifier’s duties/responsibilities. –General Time & Attendance information.

4 Office of the Chief Financial Officer ETAMS REVIEW 4

5 Office of the Chief Financial Officer What is ETAMS? The Electronic Time and Attendance Management System (ETAMS) is the most widely used FEDdesk application. ETAMS is an exception-based Time and Attendance reporting system. Time and Attendance data is input at the customer's workstation and ETAMS submits the data to the payroll system electronically. ETAMS is accessed through FEDdesk at the following link:

6 Office of the Chief Financial Officer What is ETAMS? ETAMS is the system of record for all time and attendance information. Information contained in the Authorized Leave & Overtime Help Application (ALOHA) is supplemental to the information entered into ETAMS and must be consistent with the data contained in ETAMS. 6

7 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 7 The following ETAMS references are available On FEDdesk on the Reference Manuals tab: –Certifier Manual –Certifier Schedule –Labor User & Certifier Manual ETAMS Training in FEDdesk

8 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 8 ETAMS Messages Be sure to check the ETAMS Messages each time you log in. Pertinent system information will be provided here.

9 Office of the Chief Financial Officer ETAMS Reports ETAMS reports are accessed from the ETAMS Main Menu. Report information is generated from current Pay Period information and ETAMS History Archives records. The following reports are available: –Exception Code Report, information on specific exception codes. –Supervisor T&A Report, records of a pay period’s processing. This report needs to be certified by the Certifier each pay period. 9

10 Office of the Chief Financial Officer CERTIFIER PROCESSING SCHEDULE 10

11 Office of the Chief Financial Officer ETAMS Processing Schedule – Certifier Week One –Monday Deadline for signing Timecards is 11:00am (local time) on Monday with the following exceptions: –Holiday – when there is a Holiday on Monday, the deadline for completion of Timecards is 11:00am (local time) on Tuesday. –Thursday Review and certify the Supervisor’s T&A Report. Week Two –Monday and Thursday Ensure that all Base Schedules and Amendments are signed. 11

12 Office of the Chief Financial Officer ETAMS Processing Schedule – Certifier WEEK 1 SUNDAY MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYEFT PAYDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY WEEK 2 SUNDAY MONDAYTUESDAYOFFICIAL PAYDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY Base Schedules Add, Modify, Obtain Signatures ETAMS Lockout 3:30AM – 5:30AM CST Timecards & Labor Records are created today for the new Pay Period. ETAMS Lockout 1:30PM – 4:00PM CST Timecards & Labor Records are collected today for last Pay Period. Certifiers Review and Sign Timecards BEFORE 11:00 am local time. 12:30AM – 3:00AM CST Processed Timecards and Amendments are moved to History. ETAMS Lockout 3:30AM – 5:30AM CST Payroll Corrections & Leave Balance data are returned today. New Leave Balances are available for review. Certifiers Review Payroll Corrections and Certify Supervisor’s T&A Certification Report. Timecards & Amendments can be entered daily. Amendments are collected daily but are not processed until the second week of the Pay Period. Timecards & Amendments can be entered daily. Amendments are collected daily but are not processed until the second week of the Pay Period. Certifiers Sign Base Schedules and Amendments. Certifiers Sign Base Schedules and Amendments.

13 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Certifier Processing Schedule Notes If computer/LAN problems prevent the facility from completing tasks on schedule, call the National Payroll Branch (NPB) at (816) 823-3900 immediately. If Timecards are not signed before ETAMS lockout: –The signed Base Schedule is collected in lieu of the Timecard. –The unsigned Timecard then becomes an Amendment. If neither the Base Schedule nor Timecard is signed, no Timecard will be processed for this Pay Period through ETAMS. Modified Timecards and Amendments must be re- certified.

14 Office of the Chief Financial Officer CERTIFIER RESPONSIBILITIES 14

15 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Responsibilities - Certifier Ensure ALL Timecards are signed BEFORE the collection deadline. –N–No later than 11:00 am (local time), the first Monday after the end of the Pay Period. Review and Process System Logon Messages: –U–Unsigned Base Report –P–Payroll Corrections to Review Report –E–Employees Not Validated –U–Unsigned Amendments Report –U–Uncertified Supervisor’s Report Certify bi-weekly Supervisor’s T&A Certification Report.

16 Logon System Messages Review and take appropriate action on log on messages. Unsigned Base Report – sign any unsigned Base Schedules. Payroll Corrections to Review Report – review payroll corrections. Employees Not Validated – contact the NPB for assistance in resolving. Unsigned Amendments Report – review Amendments and delete or sign. Uncertified Supervisor’s Report – certify the unsigned report.

17 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Logon System Messages Unsigned Base Report

18 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Logon System Messages Payroll Corrections to Review Report

19 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Logon System Messages Employees Not Validated

20 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Logon System Messages Unsigned Amendments Report

21 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Logon System Messages Uncertified Supervisor’s Report

22 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Uncertified Supervisor’s T&A Report Reminders for reviewing the Uncertified Supervisor’s T&A Report : –Current Pay Period (PP) – Time in Pay, Retro – Time in Pay, and PAR Errors folders have an ‘NPC’ column. An asterisk in the ‘NPC’ column means that the NPB has either changed the record or created the record after it was collected (now a Payroll Correction). Give special attention to the review of these records; an Amendment may be required. PAR Errors messages: –Missing T&A – NPB created a Timecard for the employee. –Retro Error – There was an error when PAR tried to process the record, action is required. –Retro Unedt (Unedited) – An Amendment received by PAR has not yet processed.

23 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Uncertified Supervisor’s T&A Report Current PP – Time in Pay and Retro or Time in Pay, are the two worksheets that must be certified. –By default, the certified box is checked for all records. –If you uncheck a name, it will not be certified. –Uncheck any records that you are not certifying or leave all records checked to certify the complete report. After reviewing the report, click the Certify button. The Certifier’s name and date displays next to each record. When all records for the Pay Period to which the Supervisor has access have been certified, the report is Certified. If a Supervisor’s T&A report for a prior Pay Period has not been certified, you will not be able to certify the current Pay Period’s report.

24 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Base Schedules Verify employee information: –Name –Status –Block Number –Area/Team –Tour of Duty (Full-time/Part- time/Intermittent) –Alternate Work Schedule (AWS) Verify regular tour of duty days/hours: –Valid exception codes are 01 (Regular Scheduled Hours) or 00 (Regular Day Off ). Code 00 is replaced by an ‘X’ automatically. –All 14 days must have an entry.

25 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Base Schedules New and changed Base Schedules and Labor records, must be signed NO LATER THAN Close of Business (COB) on the 2nd Friday of the Pay Period in order to have the changes in effect for the next Pay Period. If both the Timecard and Base Schedule are unsigned, no record is picked-up for the employee for the Pay Period and the unsigned Timecard is NOT moved to Amendments.

26 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Timecards Timecards should be signed no later than 11:00 am (local time), the first Monday after the end of the Pay Period. Unsigned Timecards (if they have a signed Base Schedule) are sent to the Amendment option at pick-up time and replaced with the signed Base Schedule. Verify that all Timecards are signed and ready for pick up by deadline.

27 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Amendments An Amendment is a modification to a previous Pay Period Timecard. Amendments should reflect actual hours worked and leave used. At collection time, an employee’s Base Schedule is submitted in lieu of an unsigned Timecard. At that time, the unsigned Timecard moves to the Amendment file and remains there until it is signed.

28 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Amendments A remark should be entered by the Timekeeper to inform the Certifier why the Amendment is being processed. Amendments can be entered daily and signed as they are completed. Signed Amendments are collected daily; however, they are not processed in the payroll system until Week 2 of the Pay Period. Amendments for the last Pay Period cannot be entered until Thursday (Week 1).

29 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Review and Sign Amendments Select an Amendment to review on the ETAMS – Amendment Select screen. – Review the Amendment for accuracy. – Sign the Amendment.

30 Office of the Chief Financial Officer TIME AND ATTENDANCE INFORMATION 30

31 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Leave Coding Leave/Time Off Hours on a Timecard: – ALL regular scheduled hours in an employee’s tour of duty are recorded to code 01 (Regular Schedule Hours). – Record leave, time off (credit hours, comp time, etc.) and LWOP hours used in the exception code field using the corresponding exception code (codes in red are for hours used). – Record time off hours earned in the exception code field using the corresponding exception code.

32 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Leave Annual Leave: – Exception Code – 40 Annual Leave Used. – Advanced Annual Leave is allowed up to the balance of hours an employee can earn through the end of the leave year. Sick Leave: – Exception Code – 50 Sick Leave Used. – Advanced Sick Leave is allowed for up to 240 hours. Negative leave balance at time of Separation/Retirement: – The NPB will deducted from final wages, if possible, the pay for these hours. – If the NPB is unable to deduct the amount of the negative leave balance from the final wages, a debt will be created.

33 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Leave Without Pay (LWOP) Ensure the appropriate exception code is used: –60 LWOP –61 AWOL (Absent Without Leave) –87 LWOP Workman’s Comp used Ensure that Timecards are signed so that ETAMS does not revert to the Base Schedule paying the employee for the LWOP hours.

34 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Family Medical Leave Act Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – An entitlement provided to associates for 12 weeks of Leave Without Pay (LWOP) during any 12 month period for events such as birth and newborn care, adoption, foster care, care for a family member with a serious health condition, or care of your own serious health condition. Employees can use annual or sick leave in lieu of the LWOP if they carry a leave balance in these leave types.

35 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Family Medical Leave Act FMLA Exception Codes: –Code 57 – Family serious –Code 58 – Employee serious –One of the following codes is required to be used with the FMLA codes: 40 Annual Leave 44 and 45 Restored Leave 50 Sick Leave 54 Award Leave 60 LWOP 85 Donated Leave Annual

36 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Family Medical Leave Act Annual Limits – FMLA Serious (codes 57 and 58): –Up to 480 hours of LWOP (including hours used under FFL). –May substitute accumulated annual or sick leave. –FMLA runs for 12 months from date of initial use. Pay Period/Daily total FMLA hours (codes 57 and 58): –Hours cannot exceed regular tour of duty. –Hours cannot exceed the total offsetting leave hours used. Family Friendly Leave Policies link:

37 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Compensatory Time Compensatory time (comp time) is time off for irregular or occasional overtime work instead of overtime pay for that work. Employees may earn comp time only if it is approved in advance, the same as other overtime. At the end of the leave year, comp time balances carry over to the next leave year. Comp time expires 26 pay periods after it is earned. Depending on the employee’s Fair Labor Standards Act code (FLSA), expiring comp time will be paid at overtime rates for FLSA nonexempt employees. For active exempt employees, expiring comp time will be forfeited. For separating exempt employees, comp time will be paid out at the overtime rate.

38 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Separations Verify that the Separated Indicator (Sep Ind) has been changed from ‘No’ to ‘Yes’. Verify that there is a ‘Remark’ on the Timecard to note the last workday. Verify an ‘X’ code has been entered for EVERY day of the tour that is not worked, if the employee left in the middle of the Pay Period. Employee Separations – Retirement, Termination, Resignation, Transfer to another Agency, or Death

39 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Separations Sign the Timecard, if all items above have been certified correct. Verify that the Base Schedule has been made ‘Inactive’ to prevent future Timecards from being generated. Make certain a Timecard does not get processed for the following Pay Period. Ensure that the proper paperwork has been submitted to Human Resources.

40 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Telework The Telework exception codes are used to designate when an employee is teleworking or working from an alternate location. These codes have to be used in conjunction with code 01, Regular Scheduled Hours. –90 – Telework - Emergency –91 – Telework - Situational –92 – Telework – Routine Long Term It is essential that telework be coded accurately as this information is tracked and reported to the Office of Personnel Management on an annual basis. 40

41 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Timecard Reminders Timecards can be signed anytime BEFORE the deadline. Deadline for Timecards is 11:00am (local time) on Monday (Week 1) with the following exception: –Holiday – when there is a Holiday on Monday (Week 1), the deadline for completion of Timecards is 11:00am (local time) on Tuesday. If computer/LAN problems prevent the facility from completing these tasks on schedule, notify the NPB at 816-823-3900 immediately. During collection, access to ETAMS is blocked.

42 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Timecard Reminders Only SIGNED records are collected. Employees on the ‘Employees Not Validated’ Report, cannot be signed and therefore cannot be collected. If a Timecard is not signed before the ETAMS lockout: –The signed Base Schedule is collected in lieu of the Timecard. –The unsigned Timecard record then becomes an Amendment. If neither the Base Schedule nor Timecard is signed, no Timecard is processed for this Pay Period.

43 Office of the Chief Financial Officer REFERENCES 43

44 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Additional Resources Human Resources and Payroll Publications: –Pay and Leave Administration (OAD P 6010.4) ( –Timekeeper’s Handbook (CFO P 4282.1) (’s Handbook –Payroll FAQ's (( FEDdesk: ( –ETAMS - Version Information ( Information ETAMS: –Help Menu - FEDdesk: Help ( Help

45 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Contact Information National Payroll Branch Customer Service Helpdesk (Payroll Policy; Pay status; etc.) – –800-676-3690 x33900 –816-823-3900 FEDdesk Helpdesk (FEDdesk log on, printing problems; Application response time; IT- related issues; etc.) –OCFOService desk@gsa.govOCFOService –866-450-6588

46 Office of the Chief Financial Officer Quiz Please complete the following quiz. You must receive 70% or better to receive credit for completing this course.

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