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New Clerk Academy Tallahassee, Florida. OVERVIEW Technical Services.

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1 New Clerk Academy Tallahassee, Florida

2 OVERVIEW Technical Services

3 3 Governance Structure FCCC Technical Programs 1.Clerks of The Circuit Court Provides overall objectives and policy direction 2.Project Committees (Clerks of Court) Provides policy and operational oversight 3.Configuration Control Boards (Representatives of User Groups) Provides monitoring and recommendations for application enhancements

4 4 Technical Staffing FCCC currently maintains a Technical Staff of 54 that includes: Programming and Application Development Service Center Support Training and Documentation Database Administration Systems/Network Support Project Management All Technical Projects are developed, maintained and supported by FCCC Staff.

5 Statewide Systems Court Applications Criminal Civil Traffic Probate Criminal (LOGAN) Reporting Your Clerk’s Office Technology Other Applications Recording/Indexing Jury Child Support (CLERC) Finance Applications Payroll Accounts Receivable/Payable General Ledger Miscellaneous Applications Office Automation Web Sites/E-Commerce Technical Infrastructure PC’s, Servers Networks Devices CCIS Upload – Case Data Traffic (TCATS) Reporting Article V Leg. Reporting FDLE Criminal History Judicial (SRS) Reporting Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) Clerk of the Court Operations Corporation (CCOC) Comprehensive Case Information System (CCIS) Internet Portal - ECommerce Internet Portal Credit card/Epayments Child Support State Disbursement Unit (SDU) Child Support Payments TAP Technical Assistance Program Electronic Filings - Electronic Filing ePortal

6 5 Year Mission Efficiency Through: Paperless Operations Secured Public Access Integration with Partners FCCC – 5 Year Strategic Technology Plan Statewide Data Vaulting Service Desk, Technical Assistance Program (TAP) Data Center, Statewide Network Scalable Technical Infrastructure in Place 3 Year Mission Continued Investment Statewide Standards Local Control eFiling/eRecording Portal Enhance Record Keeping Systems Current Mission Maintain Leadership Role Leverage Existing Programs TCATS Child Support

7 Agenda Service Center Statewide Programs CLERC (Child Support System) Traffic Citation Accounting and Transmission System Comprehensive Case Information System ePortal Tour of Data Center

8 Agenda Specialized Services: Clericus Court Case Management System Official Records Management System eRecording Jury Management System Data Vaulting Technical Assistance Program

9 9 FCCC Service Center Single Point of Contact for Clerks End-user Support including Application and System End-user Training Documentation Software upgrades, enhancements and implementation E-Commerce Support E-Filing Support

10 10 FCCC Service Center Single Point of Contact for Clerks The Service Center utilizes a call support system known as HEAT (Helpdesk Expert Automation Tool). This tool gives FCCC the ability to assist with the tracking of all county issues through one single resource. If you need.… Answers Assistance Training To be pointed in the right direction Have a concern Give us a call Call 850-414-2210 E-mail


12 12 The website provides statewide internet access to local and state government services and information. Electronic commerce over the internet, through the website is an easy-to-use, cost-efficient way of handling transactions that would normally be handled either through the Clerks walk-in counter or mailroom. Official Records Index Single Search Document Ordering Subscriber Service Online Child Support Payments Online Traffic Payments Cashiering System

13 13 Funds Reconciliation Transactions Placed into 24 Hour Batches Summary Reports Detailed Activity Reports Refund/Void Reports Internal Accounting and Audits

14 14 Payment Volume 1st Quarter2nd QuarterJul-12Aug-12Sep-123rd QuarterOct-12Nov-12 Over the Counter$26,409,447$22,623,066$7,603,063$7,595,170$7,177,427$22,375,661$8,186,094$7,186,113 ORI$27,778$30,406$11,892$9,692$7,585$29,169$10,446$8,488 Traffic$3,881,851$4,507,343$1,410,670$1,427,814$1,143,113$3,981,596$1,334,272$1,079,069 Child Support E-Check$13,072,505$13,056,415$4,326,134$4,417,556$3,852,531$12,596,221$4,488,109$4,141,593 Child Support Amscott$3,264,066$3,519,544$1,194,612$1,179,734$1,091,471$3,465,818$1,281,065$1,218,014 Child Support Credit Card$17,340,864$17,920,053$5,994,808$6,096,266$5,379,765$17,470,838$6,460,698$5,990,260 Total$63,996,511$61,656,827$20,541,178$20,726,232$18,651,892$59,919,303$21,760,685$19,623,537

15 15 CLERC Overview "Clerk of Court Child Support Collection System" or "CLERC System" means the automated system established pursuant to s. 61.181(2)(b)1., integrating all clerks of court and depositories and through which payment data and State Case Registry data is transmitted to the department's automated child support enforcement system. Participation is mandatory - Chapter 61 of the Florida Statues.

16 16 CLERC System Overview Maintains All Child Support Depository Cases The application is used by all 67 Florida Counties All 67 Counties are interfaced to the State Disbursement Unit (DOR)

17 17 TCATS Program Overview Florida Statutes Chapter 318.18 ( 8) 1 (a) … the department shall contract with the Florida Association of Court Clerks, Inc., to design, establish, operate, upgrade, and maintain an automated statewide Uniform Traffic Citation Accounting System to be operated by the clerks of the court which shall include, but not be limited to, the accounting for traffic infractions by type, a record of the disposition of the citations, and an accounting system for the fines assessed and the subsequent fine amounts paid to the clerks of the court. On or before December 1, 2001, the clerks of the court must provide the information required by this chapter to be transmitted to the department by electronic transmission pursuant to the contract.

18 18 TCATS Program Overview Traffic Citation Accounting & Transmission System (TCATS) Provides an automated statewide traffic system to improve the accountability and reliability of traffic citation information Provides a means by which all 67 counties can communicate with a UTC repository. Provides Law Enforcement the means of transmitting UTC data electronically. Provides for electronic reporting of UTC to DHSMV including Dispositions and Suspensions Provides for Independent Ad-Hoc Reporting Provides audit reports to Clerks and DHSMV

19 19 CCIS Program Overview Established in July 2002 as an initiative of Florida’s Clerks of Court to view court case information across county and circuit line Developed and maintained by Clerks pursuant to s 28.24[12](e) CCIS provides a simple method to share and report information related to court cases maintained by the Clerks Searchable by name or case number, through a secured point of access on the available 24/ Provides a statewide methodology for data sharing among the judiciary, criminal justice and information user agencies

20 20 CCIS Program Overview All Court Case Types in the 67 Clerks’ Offices Criminal, Civil, Juvenile, Probate, Traffic 255 Million Searchable Names 106 Million Searchable Cases Data Elements Individual Name Demographic Information Case/Charge Information Court Events Progress Dockets Financial (Assessments/Collections) Warrant/Summons Information Sentencing Information Links to Document Images

21 21 CCIS Users CCIS Users are restricted to governmental agencies from the Federal, State and Local levels Each user is assigned a security level which complies with access to court records as defined in Florida Statutes 40,000+ active users

22 CCIS DEMO Comprehensive Case Information System 12/05/201222

23 E-FILING OVERVIEW The Florida Courts ePortal 12/05/201223

24 ePortal Governance 12/05/201224 The Florida Courts ePortal is housed within a public entity called the “Florida Courts E-Filing Authority” The E-Filing Authority is a Chapter 163 Public Entity established by Interlocal Agreement The Florida E-Filing Authority contracts with the FCCC for the development, implementation, operation and maintenance of the ePortal E-FILING AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hon. Tim Smith, Putnam County Clerk and Comptroller - Chair Hon. Joseph E. Smith, St. Lucie County Clerk and Comptroller, Vice Chair - District V Hon. Bill Kinsaul, Bay County Clerk and Comptroller, Secretary/Treasurer - District I Hon. Thomas D. Hall, Clerk of the Supreme Court Hon. Bob Inzer, Leon County Clerk and Comptroller - District II Hon. P. Dewitt Cason, Columbia County Clerk and Comptroller, - District III Hon. Gloria Hayward, Sumter County Clerk and Comptroller - District IV Hon. Karen Rushing, Sarasota County Clerk and Comptroller - District VI Hon. Sharon Bock, Palm Beach County Clerk and Comptroller - District VII

25 How We Got Here Development of the ePortal began in 2010 Civil eFiling capability was established in January 2011 Criminal eFiling capability has been established and will be implemented with a phased approach throughout 2013 Appellate eFiling capability will be established in 2013 and phased in, beginning with the Supreme Court in February More than 230,000 cases with more than 325,000 documents have been electronically filed through the ePortal in 2012 12/05/201225

26 What is the ePortal? eFiling and eRecording Capability Single statewide login for all users Single web access used to submit court documents Transmits to local Clerk case maintenance and recording systems Provides electronic notifications to the filer and to the Clerks’ offices 12/05/201226

27 ePortal Usage Overview Create case documents on your computer as normal (MS Word, WordPerfect, or PDF) Login to the ePortal website Complete the required information and attach your document(s) Pay if required and submit the filing Receive automated filing confirmation from the Clerk’s Office Access to all of your electronic filings on the ePortal or at the Clerk’s website 12/05/201227

28 2012 eFiling Statistics 12/05/201228 FilingsDocuments YTD TotalAvg / MonthYTD TotalAvg / Month 233,57523,358325,14132,514 Total Registered ePortal Users 17,623

29 2012 eFiled Cases by Month 12/05/201229

30 2012 eFiled Cases by Type 12/05/201230

31 2012 eFiled Cases by Division 12/05/201231

32 Current eFiling Status 54 counties have completed Live eFiling Verification in the Civil divisions  13 counties are continuing implementation in 1 or more Civil divisions 4 counties currently accepting eFilings on existing Criminal cases  Criminal Pilot Program underway with 11 Clerks partnering with State Attorney and Public Defender offices Appellate eFiling is completing testing and implementation  Will begin with a Pilot Program of selected attorneys and cases in the Supreme Court 12/05/201232

33 Court Ordered Mandatory Dates E-Mail Service by Attorneys  September 1, 2012 Mandatory Civil eFiling  April 1, 2013 Mandatory Criminal eFiling  October 1, 2013 Mandatory Appellate eFiling  Supreme Court: February 27, 2013  District Courts of Appeal: Phased in from July to December 2013 Electronic Transmission of Records on Appeal (Clerk’s office to Appellate Court)  July 1, 2013 12/05/201233



36 Solution Overview CLERICUS is a Florida-based Case Maintenance System CLERICUS is developed by and for Florida’s Clerks of the Courts CLERICUS Standards Microsoft.Net Service-Oriented Architecture ITIL Development Methodology Clerk Oversight and Ownership 36

37 Functionality 37  All Court Case Types  Central Cashiering/Finance Interface  Configurable Security Profiles  Configurable Imaging Workflow & Queues  Document Generation/Notification w/Electronic Signatures  Event Scheduler & Tickler  In Court Processing  Standard API for data sharing  Parking Tickets  E-Marriage Licenses  Juvenile Module  Passport Module  Tax Deed Module  E-Filing & E-Recording Interfaces  Pro Se E-filing Interface  Collection Agency Module  Article V Reporting Subsystem  Configurable Reporting Subsystem  System Audit Tracing  Local Options/Integration

38 Solution Overview 38  Participation is open to all Florida Clerks  35 Clerks Currently Participating  21 Counties Live in all Court Divisions  System Roll-Out in Progress

39 Implementation Status

40 E-FILING TO CMS (END-TO-END) DEMO The Florida Courts ePortal and CLERICUS 12/05/201240

41 Statewide Access/Standards Case Management Reporting Statewide Reporting Integration with Partners Statewide Integrated Court System Replaces 3 Delivery Methods In Person Mail E Documents 67 Clerks of Court Case Initiation, Indexing, Docketing Official Court Record/Document Prep Fee Collection and Accounting Local Clerk CMS Local/Statewide Integration Judicial Law Enforcement State Attorney/Public Defender Filers SA/PD Existing Systems STAC/Other Systems New Cases Existing Cases Web ECF XML Statewide ePortal

42 42 Official Records The CLERICUS Official Records Recording and Indexing application provides a tool to maintain and monitor official documents. Features include: Tracking recorded instrument and parties relationships Instrument management controls Sequence and verification features Management of fees, daily receipting and fee distribution reports Charge management utilities Common name tables to reduce data entry requirements Public access options Imaging – Interactive and Batch

43 43 FCCC Jury Application The Jury application supports a state approved random Petit or Grand Jury selection method, and management of said jury through payment of services. Meets statutory requirements that include: Drivers license file usage Convicted felon disqualifications Excusal of disabled persons Reinstatement of Eligibility Non-driver additions to venire Donation of jury checks to charity Multiple summons format Barcode feature for juror management The Witness management section supports witness services, history, print options and payment of services

44 44 What is TAP ? (Technical Assistance Program) A program which provides general technical services for participating counties The nature of the technical support is based on the specific needs of the individual Clerk’s office Services are provided from qualified FCCC technical staff Onsite and remote support are available Participation is voluntary

45 45 Goals of TAP Provide the highest level of support based upon individual needs Emphasize proactive support Provide a single point of contact for all technical support, if desired Offer a wide variety of specialized technical services Respond to customer requests in a timely, courteous manner Minimize System Downtime

46 FCCC Data Vaulting Solution The FCCC Services Group is partnering with Hayes Computer Systems and EMC to provide a Data Vaulting Solution to Clerks Each participating Clerk will purchase a local data storage appliance manufactured by EMC This device can be easily integrated into the existing IT environment The local device will be networked with the Central Vault in Alpharetta GA to provide a comprehensive solution 46

47 QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/DISCUSSION Technical Services 12/05/201247

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