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ZOONOTIC DISEASES Tartu 10.3.-11.3.2004 Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "ZOONOTIC DISEASES Tartu 10.3.-11.3.2004 Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZOONOTIC DISEASES Tartu Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

2 DEFINITION diseases from animals to humans or visa versa
directly from animals by inhalation, contact or bites indirectly by contaminated soil or other material by vectors (insects) Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

3 IMPORTANCE in industrialised countries by food or drinks (water, milk etc) as occupational diseases rare in animal contact in environments where animals are Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

4 IN EU Council Directive 92/117/EEC:
yearly report on the zoonoses situation in the country the following is based on the Finnish zoonoses report in Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

TBC free status of bovine herds eradicated in 1960´s for the most part latest detection 1982 no TBC isolated from deer, swine or zoo animals in 2002 in man M. bovis found 0-1 times a year Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

6 BRUCELLOSIS brucellosis free status of bovine herds
latest case in cattle in 1960 brucellosis free status of ovine (sheep) and caprine (coat) herds never recorded in Finland porcine brucellosis has been recorded in Finland 0-2 human cases a year; mostly from food eaten abroad Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

7 SALMONELLA in 2002 found in two broiler breeding flocks and in one turkey breeding flock no cases in egg production in 9 herds of cattle none in swine in man domestic cases yearly; abroad no occupational cases known Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

8 TRICHINELLA trichinellosis has been detected in a few domestic swine every year during the last 20 years in 2002 two cases in over 2 million samples none found in horses two in farmed wild boars in wild animals 55 positive of 296 samples no human cases in 2002 Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

9 RABIES since 1991 Finland is free of rabies no positive cases in 2002
vaccination programme: to immunise wild animals coming from Russia immunisation baits spread by plane in south-eastern border area of 250 km long and km wide no human cases Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

10 LISTEROSIS listed as a zoonotic disease even if it is mostly a microbe of the soil for animals Listeria rarely causes diseases importance in food-chain: it can grow in temperatures found in refrigerators commonly found in soil and animal faeces commonly by food, very rarely by direct contact to sick animal Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

11 YERSINOSIS the third most common cause of bacterial gastrointestinal infections (after Campylobacter and Salmonella) cases reported by food or drinks according to the serologic studies occupational exposure is evident, but clinical disease? Occupational nature no shown Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

found in reindeer close to the Russian border and from imported horses in 2002 in 21 reindeer out of samples tested none found in cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, pigs, horses or moose in 2002 no human cases in 2002 Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

13 TOXOPLASMOSIS found in cats, wild animals etc
causes abortions and malformations in humans 34 human cases reported in 2002 it has been estimated that each year about 50 children are borne with toxoplasmosis no reported cases as an occupational disease in Finland Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

14 EHEC 1 definition disputable verocytotoxic E. coli (serotype O157) new
cattle is the main reservoir animals are not effected in ,3 % of all herds were positive Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

15 EHEC 2 EHEC dies in heating but can survive freezing and stands well acid environment (German type sausages) in humans the toxins (Stx1 and Stx2) causes the symptoms hemorrhagic diarrhoea mortality 5 % in children under 5 y Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

16 EHEC 3 in the beginning 1990 only a few sporadic cases from abroad
in the disease spread to Finland in 2002 at slaughter 9 positive samples out of 195 17 human cases Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

17 EHEC 4 not known occupational diseases
but cases of children living in farms have been reported children living in farms are in risk Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

18 ERYSIPELOTHRIX common microbe in soil causes typical disease in swine
about 5000 cases in swine yearly in abattoirs and in farms can be an occupational diseases: causes skin infection in damaged skin septic form rare Markku Seuri, FIOH, 2004

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