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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Spectrum Disorder
FASD FACTS QUIZ Compiled By Dr. Lori Vitale Cox Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Alcoholic Beverage Contains The Greatest Amount Of Alcohol? A 12 oz. can of beer 5 oz. glass of wine One shot of hard liquor 12 oz. wine cooler All of the above are equal Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS e) All of these contain about ½ ounce of absolute alcohol.
The alcohol freely passes through the placenta. The level of alcohol in the baby will be much higher than in the mother. Alcohol causes fetal hypoxia. The baby cannot get the oxygen it needs. It also is unable to metabolize the nutrients essential for development. Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Which Substance Causes More Harm To The Developing Baby When Exposed Before Birth? Alcohol Heroin Cocaine Grass Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS a) Alcohol has a more harmful effect on the developing fetus than heroin, cocaine, or grass Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Are Individuals With FASD Intellectually Challenged? Never Sometimes Usually Always Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS b) Sometimes. Some people with FASD are intellectually challenged Many people with FASD are average or low average in overall ability level but their adaptive behavior level is deficient People with FASD are similar to people who have sustained an injury to the brain. They have specific areas of strengths and weaknesses. Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Is The Leading Known Cause Of Intellectual Disability--What Doctors Refer To As ‘Mental Retardation’? Down Syndrome Spinal Bifida Cerebral Palsy FASD Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS d) FASD is the leading cause of mental retardation in western world. The World Health Organization estimates: Incidence FAS 1-2 per 1000 Incidence FASD per 1000 Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Is The Estimated Incidence Of FAS and other Alcohol Related Birth Disabilities In Atlantic Aboriginal Communities According To Health Professionals In Those Communities? Less Than 10% 10%-19% 20%-29% 30% or More Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS c) In 2000, health nurses in Atlantic Aboriginal communities estimated the incidence of alcohol related birth disabilities—FASD-- as 20-29% Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Is The Incidence Of Alcohol Related Birth Disabilities In Your Community? Less Than 10% 10% 20% 30% or More Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS ? Do service professionals in your community recognize, screen and refer? Do medical professionals in your community diagnose or refer? Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Can Individuals With FASD Go To University? Never
Less Than Average Average Higher Rate Than Average Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS b) With support and early, appropriate intervention some individuals with FASD have gone on to university Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Percentage Of People With FASD Attain Independence In Living and Working? Less Than 10% 10- 20% 20-30% 30% or More Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS b) According to research about 18% of individuals with FASD lived independently Only 10% were able to live independently without employment problems This may have to do with lack of appropriate living & working environments Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Can A Person With FASD Be Really Good Looking? Yes
No Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS a) Yes, FASD is for the most part an invisible disability that only trained practitioners recognize Many individuals disabled with FASD have no outward physical signs Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Can FASD Be Cured?
Will Children Outgrow Their Problems? Yes No Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS b) FASD is a lifetime disability but people with FASD can live normal happy lives if they are diagnosed early and receive proper support in school, at home and at work It takes a longer time for people with neurological damage to develop and ‘grow up’ Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Will Diagnosing An Individual Label Them For Life?
Yes No Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS b) A diagnosis is respectful. It tells you what the problem is, helps you figure out how to treat the problem. It relieves the person with FASD of self-blame, doubt and shame It offers opportunity for growth A person can learn to make healthy choices to deal with disability Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Is The Most Harmful Aspect Of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure? Intellectual Disability Physical Changes In Face Physical Disability Neurological-Brain Dysfunction-Memory Problems, Attention Deficit Disorder, Lack Of Impulse Control Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS d) The most serious effect of prenatal exposure to alcohol are neurological-brain changes—especially impulse control problems Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Secondary Disabilities Are Associated With FASD? Trouble With The Law-Jail Trouble With School and Work Mental Health Problems Including Suicide Alcohol And Drug Problems All of the Above Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS e) All of these are secondary disabilities or problems.
90% of Individuals with FASD develop secondary disabilities especially mental health problems. Clinical depression, anxiety, auditory and visual hallucinations, suicide threats and attempts Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions Which Of The Following Are Protective Factors For FASD? Early Diagnosis Intellectual Disability Eligibility For Disability Services Stable Home Environment All Of the Above Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS e) All of the above are protective factors
Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions What Is A Safe Level Of Alcohol Consumption?
1-2 Drink Per Day 2-3 Drinks per Day 4 Drinks Very Occasionally None of the Above Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS d) There is no safe level of alcohol consumption. Effects depend on age of mother, pattern and quantity and the timing of drinking. Women who drink a few drinks a day can have a baby who is affected Women who binge on the weekend (3-4 drinks or more) before they knew they were pregnant can have baby severely affected. Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions In What Ways Can A Father’s Drinking Affect His Children? No Effect Lower levels of Testosterone Reduced Mobility Sperm, Reduced Sperm Count More Learning & Attention Problems In Offspring All Of Above Except a) Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS e) Research indicates all of the effects listed.
Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD Misconceptions How Much Does FASD Cost In the US and Canada?
Almost Nothing 1 Million Dollars A Year 20 Million Dollars A Year 200 Million Dollars A Year 1-2 Billion Dollars A Year Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS e) National Institute On Drug Abuse in US estimates 1.9 billion dollars a year to treat children and adults who are diagnosed. The real cost is much higher--most people with FASD are not diagnosed Exact Canadian figures not known Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
FASD FACTS FASD Is Preventable Dr. Lori Vitale Cox, 2005
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