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Organization & Research. Presentation Organization Objectives Introduction Body Conclusion Documentation Transition.

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Presentation on theme: "Organization & Research. Presentation Organization Objectives Introduction Body Conclusion Documentation Transition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization & Research

2 Presentation Organization Objectives Introduction Body Conclusion Documentation Transition

3 Research  Your experience  Library  Observation  Interviews  Surveys  Internet

4 Experience  Be systematic and take notes while brainstorming  Have I taken a course?  Do I have life experience?  Have I written anything?  Have I read something?  Have I discussed or conversed with someone?

5 Library  Searching the library:  Catalogue  Books  Video  Periodical Indexes  Book Reviews  Government documents

6 Internet  Search Engines  Boolean searching  Credibility  Citations

7 Observation, Interviews, Surveys  How to maintain Objectivity?  How to maintain Accuracy?  What kind of Questions?  Ethics?  Samples?

8 Organize, Investigate & Present

9 Evidence and Support  Examples  Vivid images  Narratives  Comparison/Contrast  Testimony  Statistics  Definitions  Analogies

10 General McCaffrey says the Dutch approach to drugs “hasn’t worked.” The Facts say: It has!

11 Drug War vs. Legalization IssueUnited StatesThe Netherlands Use of Marijuana by older teens (1994) 38%30% Use of marijuana by 15- year-olds (in 1995) 34%29% Heroin addicts (in 1995) 430 per 100,000160 per 100,000 Murder rate (in 1996) 8.22 per 100,0001.8 per 100,000 Crime-related deaths 8.2 per 100,000 (1995) 1.8 per 100,000 (1994) Incarceration rate (1997) 645 per 100,00073 per 100,000 Per capita spending on drug-related law enforcement $81$27

12 Are we so committed to past mistakes that we cannot shift to more effective strategies? Visit Drug War Facts at: Facts based on official statistics from Holland and the United States. Citations available @


14 Definitions  Denotative  Dictionary  Connotative  Experiential

15 Analogy  Simile  Like or AS  Metaphor

16 Organize Logos

17 Investigate Logos Ethos

18 Logos Ethos Pathos Present

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