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Bahrain eGovernment “TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE” through CONNECTED GOVERNANCE Mohammed Ali Al Qaed Chief Executive Officer, eGovernment Authority 1 st GCC eGovernment.

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Presentation on theme: "Bahrain eGovernment “TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE” through CONNECTED GOVERNANCE Mohammed Ali Al Qaed Chief Executive Officer, eGovernment Authority 1 st GCC eGovernment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bahrain eGovernment “TOWARDS A BETTER LIFE” through CONNECTED GOVERNANCE Mohammed Ali Al Qaed Chief Executive Officer, eGovernment Authority 1 st GCC eGovernment Conference 2009 Muscat, Oman 21‐23 December 2009

2 Contents 1.Our Vision 2.eGovernment Strategy 3.Our Principles towards connected governance 4.Where does Bahrain stand as per eGovernment Stage Model? 5.Lessons from our experience 6.Road Ahead - Recommendations

3 Our Vision The Vision 2030 “Build a productive and globally competitive economy through EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT to ENSURE EVERY BAHRAINI HAS the means to live a secure and FULFILLING LIFE and reach their full potential” “Build a productive and globally competitive economy through EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT to ENSURE EVERY BAHRAINI HAS the means to live a secure and FULFILLING LIFE and reach their full potential” eGovernment Vision – Towards a better life “Deliver Customer value through Collaborative Government” Effective Government Efficient Government Fulfilling Life to Citizens

4 Data Centre Government Data Network Data Security National Data Set eOffice Customs eHealth Education Real Estate eProcurement G2B Gateway G2E portal Social Information Tourism Case Management Services Gateway Enterprise architecture Authentication (Single Sign on, Smart card) Enterprise architecture Authentication (Single Sign on, Smart card) Mobile gateway National contact centre Common service centre eGovernment portal SCICT eGovernment Authority BPR & Legal Capacity Building Marketing & Awareness International Events International Benchmarking Programme management Monitoring & Evaluation eGovernment Strategy for Connected Governance

5 Our Principles towards Connected Governance Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships

6 Our Principles towards Connected Governance Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships

7 Citizen centricity – Co-design approach Effective & Efficient service delivery eGovernment Initiatives Stakeholder Needs Voice of Customer Survey eParticipation Feedback & suggestions Customers eMinistry eBusinesseSociety Stakeholder Value One stop shop Quality of service Multiple channels 24X7 access Savings in time & money Transparency

8 Public Service Delivery eGovernment Portal Mobile Portal National Contact Centre Common Service centre 8 Citizen Centricity – Channels of Choice

9 Citizen Centricity - Service Orientation Birth Education Employment Family & Youth Oldage Citizens Death Heath Housing Legal & Justice Public utilities Social welfare Events Lifecycle Starting a business Employing Staff Funding Business Operations and Trade Levies Business Legal and Regulatory Innovation Premises and Environment Returns and other obligations Expanding your business Selling to Government Closing your business Events Lifecycle Service design around Life cycle model Deliver complete Service at first instance Minimize the number of interactions for service delivery Increase the depth and breadth of the service Provide Quality service with optimum cost Provide personalized service Key drivers

10 Our Principles towards Connected Governance Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships

11 More than Automation - eGovernment is more than mere Automation

12 Government Data Centre DR Site Government Data Network Ministry 1 Ministry 2 Ministry n Hosting services Government e-mail Government DNS Service Government Internet Service Internet  12 More than Automation – Integration of Ministries

13 Objectives  Committed to deliver the maximum quality standards for services developed internally or externally  To maintain same quality and consistent services, eGA has adopted international standards to software development and project management.  Projects within the eGA are following the same standards  Services developed externally are expected to follow defined necessary standards as well “eGA Standards and Guidelines: Leading to high quality services” 13 More than Automation – Policies & Standards

14  Following are the various standards used for all services and procedures at eGA:  Service Development Framework (SDF)  Conceptualization  Analysis & Design  Produce & Implement  Manage & Change  International Standards  CMMI  PMI  World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  Change Control Procedure  Validation Criteria & Verification Procedure  Testing  Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)  Marketing evaluation criteria  Review Procedure Service Development Framework (SDF) 14 More than Automation – Policies & Standards

15 Business Process Reengineering Before Pay the Insurance at the insurance company Stamp the form, pay contraventions if any Visit the post office, submit the form, insurance card and pay the fees Post office settles the fees through the centralized system with GDT Post office forward the form to GDT GDT process the form, produce the badge, forward back to Post office Post office sent the badge to the customer After Pay the Insurance at the insurance company Pay the contravention and reg. fee online Post office forward the form to GDT GDT process the forms online, produce badge and forward to post office Post office settles the fee thro’ centralized clearing system with GDT Post office sent the badge to the customer Visit the post office, submit the form, insurance card and pay the fees 15 More than Automation – Process reengineering

16 16 More than Automation – Process reengineering eInvestor Objectives  To simplify business processes for investors into the Kingdom of Bahrain.  Providing one-stop-shop for investments in the Kingdom.  e-Investor seamlessly integrates all different bodies of the Government of Bahrain.  Encouraging higher investments into the Kingdom by having simple online processes.  e-Investor maintains operational efficiency and customer orientation through delivery services based on the best practices and solutions. Future Schools Objective  Integrated online systems for learning for all government schools  Organization and management at project management and school levels.  Infrastructure: buildings, furniture, equipment, networks, connectivity and electronic learning management system.  Curricula.  Training.  Evaluation and supervision.  Partnerships and social support.

17 Our Principles towards Connected Governance Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships

18 Ensuring Sustainability & Uptake - Encouraging Citizen & Business participation in eGovernment Programme Delivering Promise to citizens through Customer Charter Enabling Bahrain to experience eGovernment through Capacity building & Awareness

19 eMagazine eNewsletter eMagazine eNewsletter Marketing & Awareness Marketing & Awareness Ensuring Sustainability & Uptake – Reaching the citizens

20 eGate Customer charter eParticipation Ensuring Sustainability & Uptake – Innovative projects

21 Our Principles towards Connected Governance Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships

22 Enterprise Service BusHighly available and secure Infrastructure DR Site Governm ent Data Centre Governm ent Data Network Ministry1 Ministry 2 Ministry 3 Interne t  National Data Set Bahrain Enterprise Architecture Framework eServices & Channels 360 o Integration – Horizontal & vertical

23 Our Principles towards Connected Governance Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships

24 eGovernment Portal – eGovernment Portal – Highlights  Visitors from over 190 countries  Over 36 % of new visitors  Average time spent – 6 minutes  100 vital services online  High availability infrastructure  Credit & Debit card payment  Changed the domain to easily remember 1.Single portal for complete integration of all services for the citizens 2.Support bilingual pages for information and services (English and Arabic); Being enhanced to Multilanguage support (Additional 5 languages) 3.Features for Poll, suggestions and feedback, audio video facility, RSS feeds, directory services for all government officials, search facility, services categorisation (User based and ministry based) 24 Benefits realization - Achievements

25 eGovernment Mobile– eGovernment Mobile– Highlights  Includes SMS and WAP services  Provided in Arabic and English languages  Phase 1  Launched on 23 rd May 2009  23 online services  Phase 2  Adding more services, including payment services  Phase 3  Total of 55 services by May 2010 The main objectives for the establishment of the Mobile Services are: 1. Provisioning of various services through mobile devices. 2. To provide transactional facility for payments through the mobile phone 3. To supplement and improve quality of the services provided through the national eGovernment portal 25 Benefits realization - Achievements

26 eGovernment Common Service Centers (CSC) 26 Benefits realization - Achievements The main objectives for the establishment of the Customer Service Centers are: 1.To provide an alternative channel for delivery of Government services through web portal 2.To bridge digital divide towards assessing Government Services using technology Highlights Phase 1  Launch of 4 in May 2009.  Training of CSC agents Phase 2  11 CSC are in process to be launched by Feb 2010

27 eGovernment Kiosks Highlights Phase 1  Launched in May 2009  2 Kiosks with 6 informational and 2 enquiry services Phase 2  Launched in Oct 2009  10 kiosks and 11 services  Introduce payment services Phase 3  Launch of 35 Kiosks  Planned launch date: March 2010 1.To provide easy to use channel for accessing informational, enquiry and transactional type of Government services 2.Point-of-Sale device accepting credit as well as debit card for making payments 3.35 strategically located kiosk for easy accessibility 27 Benefits realization - Achievements

28 National Contact Center Highlights  Established a contact center company called Silah Gulf  Outsource all government services to the company  Expect to launch around mid 2010  Intend to create more than 500 jobs for Bahraini nationals in the first three years  Will target to answer 80% of calls within 30 seconds.  Current activities:  Conducted a Demand Study and Readiness Exercise  Appointed the international partner  Jointly owned by the Bahrain Government and the Operator 28 Benefits realization - Achievements

29 eServices: 110 eServices online Services with highest number of visits eServices: 110 eServices online Services with highest number of visits Service NameHits Pay electricity & water bill108264 Payment of Traffic Contraventions107532 Issue Non-GCC Notification51447 CPR Appointment51121 Pre-Employment Health Check-up Appointment35032 Smart Card appointment32203 Vehicle Registration Renewal13816 29 Benefits realization - Achievements

30 Benefits measurement – Benchmarking International Benchmarking – UN Ranking over the years International Benchmarking – UN Ranking over the years Satisfaction surveys

31 Awareness and usage of eGov services 2009 Awareness of National Portal address 2009 Awareness levels increased from 26% in 2008 to 74% in 2009 Usage of eGovernment services increased from 7% in 2008 to 40 % in 2009 Awareness has increased from 23% in 2008 to 80% in 2009 after the new link address “” Benefits measurement – People speak

32 Benefits measurement- Continuous improvement What employees feel on eGov? Provide better infrastructure & training “I don’t deal with government” “I don’t know to use internet” “I don’t have internet@ home”

33 Connected Governance Citizen centricity Ensuring Sustainability More than Automation Benefit Realization and Measurement 360 o Integration Partnerships Our Principles towards Connected Governance

34 National Portal, Mobile Portal, CSCs, Kiosks, National Call Centre Partnering with vendors across various geographies Synergy of partnership models National Call Centre Joint Venture Mobile Portal Solution Turn-key eServices Outsourcing Kiosks Sponsorship Our approach -Think Big, Start Small, Act fast StrategizePilot StabilizeRollout Partnerships through Collaboration

35 Hosting summits & Events WorkshopsPartnershipEvents Bahrain will host the grand jury of the World Summit Award (WSA) for top e- products from around 168 countries UN Adviser to Present a Workshop at the Bahrain International eGovernment Forum IDA to assist eGov in the eProcurement, eInvestor etc… Bahrain International eGovernment forum Bahrain Host to UN Public Administration Network Steering Committee's Meeting GCC eGovernment Chiefs to Hold Special Session at the Bahrain International eGovernment Forum Enterprise agreement for CISCO products, New CISCO office GITEX Dubai Bahrain to host the OECD MENA summit in June 2009 eGulf – GCC wide eGovernment initiative led by Bahrain Live @ Gov – email for citizens from Government, E-learning initiative for citizens Kuwait Exhibit for Information & Communication Technology (InfoConnect 2009) Partnerships – Staying connected with the world

36 Where does Bahrain stand as per eGovernment Stage Model? Bahrain eGovernment 36

37 Lessons from Our experience Critical Challenges Lack of competencies Change management Data Domination Different government agencies at different stages Enhance Citizen participation Retention plan Business continuity Building trust and credibility among the user Change of scope 37

38 Lessons from Our experience Critical Success Factors Political Desire Comprehensive strategy Focus Set expectations Marketing (10-15%) Flexibility Engagement Solid Communication and data network Clear implementation framework Evolution of Implementation Process Efficient and effective organization Competition Pressure 38

39 Road Ahead - Recommendations Personalised Service - based on Customer needs, segmentation and past behaviour analysis Predictable, consistent high quality service for allQuality Benchmarked to “world class”Continuously listen, innovate and improve

40 Thank You

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