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Drug Court ♦The alternative to incarceration  History žHow and why the experiment evolved  Main Features of Drug Court žCooperation within the adversarial.

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2 Drug Court ♦The alternative to incarceration  History žHow and why the experiment evolved  Main Features of Drug Court žCooperation within the adversarial system  Results žProviding help and lowering recidivism  Answering any questions

3 History ♦Treatment court began in the early 1990s. ♦Drug court was a grass roots movement. ♦Now drug court is supported by local/federal governments. ♦The goal is to break the cycle of crime and addiction.

4 The Overwhelmed Criminal Justice System ♦Drug laws expanded. ♦Penalties increased mandatory minimum sentences for certain offenses. ♦1000% increase in the number of inmates over the past 30 years.

5 The War on Drugs ♦In 1970, when the drug war began, arrests for drug offenses were 8% of the total. ♦By the end of the 1990s, the percentage of drug arrests were 64%. 19701990

6 The Facts ♦Statistics  Maintaining each prisoner costs approximately $30,000 / yr.  2/3 of arrested adults and more than ½ of juveniles test positive for at least one illicit drug.  NY state spends over $200 million annually to incarcerate drug offenders. ♦Results  3 of each 10 prisoners released in 1998 from 15 states were rearrested  2/3 were rearrested in 3 years  95% were found to have relapsed in substance abuse within 3 years.

7 Main Features of Drug Court ♦Dramatic intervention from by a team of legal and clinical professionals. ♦Client participation in treatment is exchanged for a reduced sentence or dismissal of charges. ♦An agreement is created to outline the rules of participation.

8 Success Spread Very Rapidly In 1989 the first Drug Court was founded in Miami, Florida.

9 Treatment Is An Intense Regimen ♦Treatment ♦Individualized case management ♦Supervised drug testing ♦Regular appearances before the judge ♦Professional review of participants’ cases before each court date

10 Eligibility ♦Legal eligibility is determined through negotiation between the defense, the prosecutor and the court. ♦Clinical eligibility is determined by treatment professionals who screen to determine the appropriate level of care.

11 Participation is Voluntary ♦The decision to enter treatment court is made by each client in consultation with their attorney. ♦Those who decline are free to litigate their cases.

12 Completing Treatment ♦Abstinence from substances. ♦Enrollment in employment, education or training program. ♦Participant under court supervision for a specified period of time.

13 Essential Features of Drug Courts ♦Non adversarial  Shared goal is successful recovery of clients. ♦Early identification of participants ♦Continuum of services ♦Regular drug testing

14 Coordinated Strategy ♦Meetings of the treatment court team before interactions with participants. ♦Sanctions and Incentives  Given publicly by the court in response to clients’ progress.

15 Drug Court as Classroom and Theatre ♦Rewards  Phase advancements  Certificates  Coupons  Applause ♦Graduated Sanctions  Essays  Court observance  Intensified treatment  Remand to prison

16 Judicial Interaction ♦Interaction with the judge is essential  Graduates point to their interaction with judges as vital  Participants remain in the courtroom until the session is completed

17 Decision to Enter Treatment is Voluntary ♦Court supervision dramatically increases retention rates. ♦Past 90 days, treatment outcomes improve in direct relationship to length of time in the program. Voluntary Admission

18 Treatment Court Success ♦350,000 clients have participated  Clients have a program retention rate of 67-71%  Statistics demonstrate reductions in recidivism over 40%

19 Lowering Recidivism ♦In New York City at least 45% of non-participants will recidivate with a similar offense within 2-3 years. ♦Recidivism for N.Y. Drug Court participants in 5-25%. ♦Recidivism for graduates is between 4-8%.

20 The Cost Benefit ♦Savings estimates  New York: $254 million  California: $43 million  Washington state: $6,700 / client  Oregon: $10 save for every dollar spent

21 Other Benefits ♦3,000 drug free babies are born to participants ♦80% of treated juvenile participants have returned to or remained in school ♦Thousands of mentally ill receive proper medication ♦Job training ♦Reuniting of families

22 Expanding drug court ♦Drug courts have had tremendous success in American metropolitan areas ♦The model is now being applied to:  Juveniles  Drug abusing parents at risk of losing custody of children  Drunk drivers  Mentally ill  Released prisoners

23 Treatment courts globally ♦Canada ♦Ireland ♦Scotland ♦Australia ♦Brazil ♦Puerto Rico ♦Jamaica ♦Virgin Islands

24 Courts are being planned in many Latin American and European Countries We are ready to help in anyway possible.

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