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Unit 8 Chapter 25 What is an animal?

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1 Unit 8 Chapter 25 What is an animal?

2 Characteristics of Animals
1) They are multicellular 2) They are heterotrophs (consumers) Motility = most animals use locomotion to find their food sources Sessile = organisms that are permanently attached (don’t spend much energy to obtain food) Sponges are sessile animals

3 Characteristics of Animals
3) They injest their food 4) They have specialized cells, tissues, organs, & systems Ex: the complex digestive tract of the earthworm

4 Characteristics of Animals
5) They have similar stages of development: Blastula Fluid-filled ball formed from many cell divisions Gastrula Blastula folds inward to form two layers

5 Gastrulation Formation of a cavity of two or more layers with an opening at one end 1) Ectoderm = outermost layer 2) Endoderm = innermost layer Higher animals have a third, middle layer: 3) Mesoderm = develops into muscles, etc 1 2 3

6 Symmetry the arrangement of body structures 1) Radial symmetry
Can be divided along any plane, through a central axis, into roughly equal halves

7 2) Bilateral symmetry Can be divided down its length into similar right & left halves Has a definite front (anterior,) rear (posterior), top (dorsal,) and belly side (ventral)

8 Body plans Acoelomates
Develop from 3 cell layers, but have NO body cavity Ex: flatworms

9 Body plans Pseudocoelomates
A fluid=filled body cavity only partially lined with mesoderm Ex: Roundworms

10 Body plans Coelomates Has a fluid-filled body cavity completely surrounded by mesoderm Ex: segmented worms & all higher animals

11 Animal Diversity Invertebrates Animals without backbones
Often having exoskeletons outside their body for framework & support

12 Animal Diversity Vertebrates
An animal with an endoskeleton & a backbone Endoskeletons are internal frameworks that provide protection, support, & muscle attachment Ex: fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds & mammals

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