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Terry Blake Principal Deloitte Consulting LLP

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0 Making enterprise systems work for State Government
NASACT — Concurrent session #15 August, 2012 Making Enterprise Systems Work for State Government. Government is not organized for efficiency, it is organized for checks and balances with clear separation of duties and responsibilities which often result in redundancy. Enterprise systems are built for efficiency, with limited redundancy and dependency between users. How do you get the two aligned, as enterprise systems are important for states looking to reduce costs, become more efficient, and improve performance for constituents? The focus of the presentation would be how New York implemented an enterprise system that crossed multiple elected officials and addressed the related challenges

1 Terry Blake Principal Deloitte Consulting LLP
Topic overview Terry Blake Principal Deloitte Consulting LLP

2 Government organization vs. enterprise system efficiency
Government is not organized for efficiency, it is organized for checks and balances with clear separation of duties and responsibilities which often result in redundancy Enterprise systems are built for efficiency, with limited redundancy and high levels of dependency between users vs. Options (or a path?) for getting the two aligned: Limit the system to fit within the existing organizational boundaries, which is not really an enterprise system Use technology to improve the updates of the redundancy, e.g. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) which increases costs and complexity Have assertive leaders that cross the organizations and force the changes required via a governance model overseeing the enterprise system to handle the interactions between organizations and prioritize what is done Either gradually instill the culture to institutionalize the change or make dramatic reorganizations (Terry)

3 Statewide Financial System (SFS) as an example
We will use NYS SFS as an example of an enterprise system Approach New York Timing Limit the system to fit within the existing organizational boundaries Separate systems for Comptroller and Governor with MOU 2000 – 2009 Use technology to improve the updates of the redundancy (e.g., Service Oriented Architecture) Share COA, vendor file, and use SOA to tie systems together 2008 – 2009 Have assertive leaders that cross the organizations and force the changes required via a governance model overseeing the enterprise system to handle the interactions between organizations and prioritize what is done Combined projects, individual leaders for Governance Board, used consultants heavily. State not ready to go it alone. 2009 – 2012 Either gradually instill the culture to institutionalize the change or make dramatic reorganizations Today — reorganization of SFS entity and phased reduction of consultants. Concern of long term success 2012 + (Terry)

4 Sometimes you can’t take the direct path
Sometimes things change that aren’t planned, and you need to adapt. Whether that be a change in leadership, additional budget challenges, inability of the organization to adapt to change quickly, or taking advantage of a new opportunity. (Terry)

5 Scope of SFS — PeopleSoft modules
General Ledger Commitment Control (Budgets) eSupplier Connection Purchasing (including Vendors and P-card Functionality) Accounts Payable Grants Projects Contracts Billing Accounts Receivable Banking (including Bank Reconciliation) Cash Management Deal Management (including Investments) Travel and Expense (including Travel Credit Card Functionality) (Terry)

6 SFS has been a very successful implementation
The following statistics reflect transactions processed and usage of SFS from April 13, 2012 through July 16, 2012: $30,430,236,269 in payments processed 1,263,091 vouchers paid 52,142 vendors paid 12,690 vendors using SFS Self-Service (eSupplier) 114,988 total vendors registered in SFS 7,864 Agency travelers users 12,796 Agency financial SFS users CAFR Report submitted within 120 days (Terry)

7 SFS customer model There are 97 organizational entities that are currently using the SFS system: 63 Phase 1 entities of which 27 are hosted by other entities 15 Future phase entities of which 2 are hosted by other entities 4 never phase agencies: SUNY, SUNYCF, CUNY, CUNYCF 15 public benefit corporations using SFS to initiate debt service payments with other functions (such as budget set up) emerging The agencies providing hosting services are as follows: OGS (17), DOB (3), DCJS (2), OSC (2),OCFS (2), DMV (1), Tax (1) and OPWDD (1) (Terry)

8 SFS customer model (cont.)
10 entities (2 hosted). DOH, OMH, and OPWDD, are a hybrid of Phase 1 and Phase 2 functionality. Business Services Center The Business Service Center is currently in the planning stages and does not host agencies yet Future Phase Entities (10) Phase 1 Entities (60) 2 entities that are not ever scheduled to go on line to SFS 60 Phase 1 entities (27 hosted) that are candidates for BSC. DOH, OMH, and OPWDD, are a hybrid of Phase 1 and Phase 2 functionality. SUNY & CUNY Office of the State Comptroller Phase 1 and 2 SFS OSC as a control agency is Phase 1, but as an operational agency is Phase 2. Controlled by separately elected official. Courts Phase 1 Public Benefit Corporations (Terry) 15 entities that use SFS to initiate debt service payments and potentially additional functionality Legislature Assembly & Senate Phase 2 Department of Law Phase 1 In addition to OSC, 4 entities controlled by separate branches of government or separately elected officials Provided by KPMG

9 State of New York The journey towards enterprise systems
NASACT August, 2012

10 The organization of State Government in NY
Joan Sullivan Executive Deputy Comptroller for Operations New York State Office of the State Comptroller

11 State of New York organizational context
Elected State Comptroller Responsible for audit of payments and contracts, statewide accounting and financial reporting Elected Governor Responsible for business operations within executive agencies and cash management via the State Treasurer Change with multiple office holders over last six years: Four Governors (George Pataki, Eliot Spitzer, David Paterson, Andrew Cuomo) Two Comptrollers (Alan Hevesi, Thomas DiNapoli) Joint Governance established to coordinate new financial systems (Joan) Several states have separately elected officials with check and balance responsibilities that make an enterprise system very challenging.

12 State of New York Government organization
New York State Government Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch Governor State Attorney General State Comptroller All four officials are separately elected on a state wide ballot. LT. Governor Department of Law Department of Audit and Control State Agencies (in the following functional areas): Economic Development Education Parks/Environment Health and Social Welfare General Government Transportation Mental Health Public Protection Department of Tax and Finance. Deputy Commissioner and State Treasurer. (Joan)

13 Statewide Financial Systems Governance (2009)
Joint Governance Board (JGB) Legislature Quality Assurance (QA) Judicial Branch Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) Business Domain Owners Accounting Budget Procurement Information Technology Domain Owners Operating Decisions NYFMS Steering Committee Business/Design Decisions IT Architecture/ Design Decisions FOCAS Steering Committee (Joan) NYFMS Project Director PMO Joint Project Team Lead(s) FOCAS Project Director PMO Operating Decisions Operating Decisions NYFMS Project Team Joint Project Team(s) FOCAS Project Team Executives from the State Comptroller, Division of the Budget, and Office for Technology comprise the Joint Governance Board (JGB)

14 New York financial systems integration solution (2009)
The planned solution was to connect the two instances of PeopleSoft Financials using Oracle’s Fusion middleware SOA architecture. SOA Integration Layer Near real time transactions Orchestrates interagency approvals Keeps budgets and ledgers in synch Streamlines processing OSC PeopleSoft Governor PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts Crosswalk — Converts old chart of accounts to new chart of accounts (Joan) Interfacing Agencies

15 . . . And then more budget challenges
Revenue was down significantly because of the economy and its affect on Wall Street We couldn’t afford both projects and the SOA to tie them together, so we asked our vendors to privately meet and help us figure out what we should do Deloitte KPMG Oracle IBM The outcome was to combine the projects into one and deal with the challenges of a single instance through the business focus of the GB (Joan)

16 Approaches to address organizational challenges
Joan Sullivan Executive Deputy Comptroller for Operations New York State Office of the State Comptroller Don Edmiston Advisor Deloitte Consulting LLP

17 Statewide financial systems governance (2010–2012)
Joint Governance Board (JGB) Quality Assurance (QA) Operating Decisions Steering Committee Business Domain Owners Accounting Budget Procurement Information Technology Domain Owners Business/Design Decisions Statewide Financial System Project Team IT Architecture/ Design Decisions Legislature Judicial Branch (Don) Agencies under Governor’s Jurisdiction OSC Operating Decisions Executives from the State Comptroller and Division of the Budget comprise the Joint Governance Board (GB)

18 Desired enterprise approach . . .
DOB, OSC, Agencies and SFS should work closely together with an enterprise view GB Agencies SFS OSC DOB (Don)

19 The reality SFS was playing facilitation role between DOB, OSC and Agencies Stakeholders providing information directly to GB GB was playing too detailed of a role, requiring too much time and effort GB Legislature SFS DOB OSC (Don) Treasurer Agencies

20 Allow time for the organization to adapt
Extended “testing” time, that really included a lot of training Separation of “System Readiness” and “Organization Readiness” Allowed users to use the system in “test mode” for an extended period (“Sandbox” turned into an operational, production sized, test system they could access at their desk and send and receive bulk transactions) Allowed users to gain confidence that the system was real and worked Allowed users to change their procedures if needed Allowed users to “get comfortable” with the system before go-live Provided two full dress rehearsals (Joan)

21 In search of the program director
Limited resources within State with skills and willingness to take on the challenge of the Program Director that was acceptable to both members of GB Split the role between the former project directors of NYFMS and FOCAS Advertised for the role with limited success Brought on an experienced contractor to fill the role Asked the SIs to fill the role Placed someone from the State that was open, logical, and willing to make project decisions and able to drive to go-live Now looking for leader to take SFS to next level (Joan)

22 Changes to the team Replaced State team leaders that:
were not open to an enterprise view, were not focused on customer service, did not perform at the appropriate level, or were not the right fit Each replacement of a key resource took its toll, but in the long run, we believe the State is better off But there is a concern that we are running out of replacements (Joan)

23 Potential SFS organization
Separates the Service Desk and Tier 2 Support from the Business Team to create a Service Delivery Team. Service Delivery will be responsible for the Service Desk and Customer Outreach. Planning has been strengthened with Change Management Deputy Director Compliance Office Administrative Services Quality Assurance Security Management Business Process Change Management Release Management Project Mgmt Enterprise Architecture Operations Application Development Service Desk Customer Outreach SFS BI & DW Development Director Governance Board Change Control Board User Groups Admin overhead is minimized Customer Service focus Planning Business Technology Service Delivery (Joan)

24 Integrating business processes
Simhadri Basava Specialist Deloitte Consulting LLP

25 Stakeholders, ownership and relationships
OSC Vendors SFS Legislature Banks DOB (Simhadri) Media Treasury Agencies

26 Examples of integration of business processes
Benefit of integration (Silo to enterprise) Reconciliation Using the same system simplifies and improves reconciliation, but requires OSC and Treasury to work closely together Payment release New processes provide better controls between OSC and Treasurer for the release of big money items such as investments and funding transfers Payment status Using one online system for payment status, including cancellations, reconciliations, and escheatment processes, provides up-to-date information to the agencies Budgets and approvals SFS greatly simplifies budget checking and approvals through automated workflow, multiple levels of budget control and reduction in paper processing for agencies, OSC and DOB Vendor payments An online, accessible statewide vendor file streamlines processing and provides additional information to vendors on their payments (Simhadri)

27 Lessons Learned Joan Sullivan Executive Deputy Comptroller for Operations New York State Office of the State Comptroller Terry Blake Principal Deloitte Consulting LLP

28 Enterprise change requires leadership
Enterprise Systems need leaders that are committed, respected by the stakeholders, and work well together New York had such leaders that additionally balanced their independent management styles, goals and objectives Approach-Driver vs. Guardian Management-Strong Disciplinary vs. Forceful Direction Focus-Management Reporting vs. Operations/Accuracy End Game-Implementation Date vs. Doing It Right (Terry)

29 Six lessons learned Make sure all stakeholders are identified, involved and managed. Preach and live the enterprise gospel Be adaptable and flexible about how you get there, but drive to get there The governance structure can’t be too bureaucratic — it must be action oriented The silo culture is entrenched in the separation of duties — you must find the individuals that can force the change, become customer service oriented, and build the rest of the team around them, even if it takes several tries and time It takes one set of people to implement the change, it may take another set to maintain the change Be sure to have Trusted Advisors that bring the needed experience and insights (Joan)

30 Questions? Joan Sullivan Executive Deputy Comptroller, Office of the State Comptroller, State of New York Terry Blake Principal Deloitte Consulting LLP Don Edmiston Senior Advisor Simhadri Basava Specialist Leader

31 Integrating business processes — Details
Appendix Integrating business processes — Details

32 Integration for reconciliation
Using the same system simplifies and improves reconciliation, but requires OSC and Treasury to work closely together. Prior to SFS (Silo) After SFS (Enterprise) Treasury maintained their own set of books, separate from the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC). SFS replaced both Treasury and OSC books with a single set of books resulting in the single source of truth for reconciliation. Treasury reconciled the bank balances to the Treasury Books and OSC reconciled the bank balances to OSC cash ledger. Treasury reconciles the transactions — Payments and Receipts from the State General Checking to the SFS Sub-Ledgers at individual transaction/ payment/deposit level. Treasury performed monthly book to bank reconciliation using their own set of books and forwarded the results to OSC. OSC could not verify or validate Treasury results since they are using a different set of books for reconciliation. Treasury also performs book to bank reconciliation on a monthly basis and inquiries and queries are built to trace the reconciling items. OSC reconciles the expenses, revenue and cash balances between sub-ledgers and the main ledgers (Mod Accrual and Cash). Treasury faced significant challenges in accurately identifying the reconciling items that could not be explained or tallied with Treasury books. (Simhadri)

33 Integration for payment release
New processes provide better controls between OSC and Treasurer for the release of big money items such as investments and funding transfers. Prior to SFS (Silo) After SFS (Enterprise) OSC Cash Management Unit created transactions in a shadow system and then re- entered/duplicated using bank software, and released the transactions at the bank OSC Cash Management Unit creates transactions in SFS and selects them for OSC Bureau of State Expenditures approval. OSC Bureaus (BSE and BAO) recorded accounting transactions in the central accounting system, sometimes before it is released at the bank and sometimes after it released at the bank. There is no formal approval of these transactions. OSC BSE approves the transactions after verifying the recipients/destination accounts using automated workflow. OSC Cash Management unit creates the payment file in SFS for dispatch to the bank without any need for re-entry through bank software. Treasury did not have any role in the release and reconciled the transactions the next day using bank statements. Treasury releases the payment file to the bank after verifying the transactions and totals. (Simhadri)

34 Integration for payment status
Using one online system for payment status, including cancellations, reconciliations, and escheatment processes, provides up-to-date information to the agencies. Prior to SFS (Silo) After SFS (Enterprise) OSC maintained a shadow system, Remittance Management System (RMS), to perform cancelations, reconciliations and annual escheatment process for Comptrollers refunds and unclaimed funds. SFS became the single source for cancelations, reconciliations and annual escheatments. The shadow system is still maintained but only as document management tool. No integration existed between the main accounting system and shadow system to easily track the reissuances which resulted in the need for multiple bank accounts to track second and third reissuances. Outbound Interfaces from SFS provided RMS the info on check issuances, cancelations and reconciliations. Agencies did not have access to the RMS and could not easily know the status of the check whether it is paid or not. All reissuances could be easily tracked to the main issuance eliminating the need to maintain multiple bank accounts. Agencies have access to verify the status of the check and any related reissuances. (Simhadri)

35 Integration for budgets and approvals
SFS greatly simplifies budget checking and approvals through automated workflow, multiple levels of budget control and reduction in paper processing for agencies, OSC and DOB. Prior to SFS (Silo) After SFS (Enterprise) Agencies, OSC and DOB maintained separate systems for tracking agency budgets, state-wide appropriations and segregations, and DOB Cash Control budgets. Agencies, OSC and DOB are able to use single system for tracking agency budgets, state-wide appropriations and segregations, and DOB Cash Control budgets. Central accounting system only enforced controls for Appropriations and Segregations. Agencies/DOB used their own systems for tracking the budget spending. Automated end to end workflow involving all stakeholders, (agencies, DOB and OSC) eliminated the need for manual/paper based approval for budget certificates and provided timely status. Agencies have to obtain paper approval of their budget certificates before submitting in the central accounting system for OSC approval. Agencies and DOB are able to setup their own budgets along with State-wide budgets and enforce all budget controls on the transaction at the same time. No functionality existed in the system to enforce controls on grant related expenditure based on the grant liquidation date. Functionality to capture liquidation date for grants and enforce controls on grant spending accordingly. (Simhadri)

36 Integration for vendor payments
An online, accessible statewide vendor file streamlines processing and provides additional information to vendors on their payments. Prior to SFS (Silo) After SFS (Enterprise) There is no single state-wide vendor master file and agencies maintained their own vendor masters. A single state-wide vendor master file maintained centrally by OSC and can be accessed by all agencies. Vendors did not have easy access to the information that State maintained about their addresses and bank accounts. Self Service portal for vendors to view and update their addresses and bank account information. Vendors did not have information on what vouchers comprised a particular payment amount. Self Service portal for vendors to view the underlying vouchers for a particular payment and contact respective agencies for any clarifications. (Simhadri)

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