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A program of :. History of Funding  Beginning in 1998, Congress allocated funding through U.S. Department of Justice to reduce underage drinking  Must.

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Presentation on theme: "A program of :. History of Funding  Beginning in 1998, Congress allocated funding through U.S. Department of Justice to reduce underage drinking  Must."— Presentation transcript:

1 A program of :

2 History of Funding  Beginning in 1998, Congress allocated funding through U.S. Department of Justice to reduce underage drinking  Must have a law enforcement component  All states are eligible to receive an annual allocation

3 Program’s Roots  1998 State Task Force completed needs assessment  Ohio is a “Social Host” state  Determined most underage drinking strategies are focused on youth and youth behavior  Identified teen house parties as a challenge to enforcement officers and communities  Some teens get alcohol from friend’s parents

4 Identified Issue Parent-hosted teen house parties Some parents host teen alcohol parties either: – to be “cool” with their children –in an attempt to keep their kids from drinking and driving Often they assume that kids are going to drink anyway, and will take away their keys in an attempt to keep them “safe”


6 Program Evaluation Miami University, Applied Research Center Dr. Robert Seufert, Director  Conducted annually in June & July since 2001  Household phone survey  Census data of households with teens  Parent surveyed first, then teen with permission

7 Evaluation Outcomes Comparison data from 2001 – 2008 revealed the following changes in a subset of survey questions.

8 This represents a 41% decrease among youth.

9 Representing a 30% decrease among youth and a 22% decrease among parents.

10 Representing a 33% increase among parents.

11 Representing a 32% increase among youth.

12 Works because: 1.Turnkey Initiative 2.Supports greater involvement between coalitions and law enforcement 3.Community determines timing and variety of activities, balancing assertiveness with community readiness

13 Highlights  2001 CSAP National Exemplary Prevention Program Award Winner  2001 Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services, Exemplary Prevention Award Winner  Since 2001, all 50 States, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Canada & Japan have received program materials for local replication  Local, State and National presentations


15 A Special Note: Other Social Hosts We know others act as social hosts –This program is designed specifically for PARENTS Advertising and persuasion research support targeted marketing Social marketing isn’t one-size-fits-all –Modifying any targeted message for use with a more generalized population dilutes its impact on the original target population Geographic consistency is necessary for greatest impact of target audience

16 16

17 Program Objectives  Educate parents about the health and safety risks of hosting underage drinking parties and/or serving alcohol to teens  Increase parental awareness of and compliance with state underage drinking laws  Change community norms related to social hosting

18 Objectives are achieved by reaching parents where they:

19 Member Center Contains over 30 items including:  Tools for Implementation and Planning  Ready-to-Use Materials  Customizable Components  Program Logos

20 Planning & Implementation Program Description Community Engagement Strategies Community Engagement Strategies Planner Key Messages Media Tips Underage Drinking Facts And More!

21 Planning & Implementation: Business Message Promotion Opportunities for Business Sample Business Newsletter Corporate Reporting Form

22 Corporate Involvement  Target corporations with an ability to produce materials and disseminate to employees & customers  Each corporation is able to develop their own materials and add their company logo  Typically reach hundreds of thousands of customers & employees throughout the state annually

23 Corporate Involvement  Examples of involvement include:  Newsletter to employees and shareholders  Static cling stickers for coolers  Posters in stores  Fact cards as bag stuffers  Fact cards as paycheck stuffers  Mailing inserts in bill invoices  Free PSA placement on cable stations  In-store public announcements of ad

24 Ready to Use - General Message from the Honorary Chair Community Presentation Legal Health & Safety Issues Wallpaper for Computer Monitor

25 Ready to Use – Parent Specific Parent Survey on Underage Alcohol Use Parent/Student Engagement Assignment Parents: Know the Facts Parent Party Tips

26 Customizable Community Leader Proclamation Newsletter Press Release: –Parents Help Your Teens –Underage Drinking: unsafe, unhealthy, unacceptable Op-Editorial PSA Scripts

27 Print-Ready Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking Logo – eps Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking Logo - jpg Drug Free Action Alliance Logo – eps Drug Free Action Alliance Logo – jpg

28 Recommendations  Don’t be a Lone Ranger, partner with other key leaders and organizations to promote the message  Co-sign letters to parents with other key officials, such as school superintendent or principal, pediatrician, mayor, sheriff or chief of police  Target message to parents in multiple venues, such as the local pharmacy, restaurants, grocery, library, etc.  Increase awareness of enforcement activities and perception of risk such as advertising compliance checks, direct mailings from law enforcement, billboards, etc.

29 Recommendations  When possible coordinate law enforcement efforts between jurisdictions  Publicly recognize establishments for successful compliance checks  Localize materials by adding law enforcement agency phone number to report violations  Empower citizens by reminding them that they have the right and responsibility to report underage drinking  Hand out material about underage drinking laws and fines and penalties at events such as health fairs, local festivals, parent nights, etc.

30 Questions

31 Contact Information Drug Free Action Alliance 6155 Huntley Road, Suite H Columbus, OH 43229 (614) 540-9985

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