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Organizational Meeting for the AS-US Working Group Advancing Clinical Research in AS and SpA in the USA Spondylitis Association of America 20 Years of.

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Presentation on theme: "Organizational Meeting for the AS-US Working Group Advancing Clinical Research in AS and SpA in the USA Spondylitis Association of America 20 Years of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organizational Meeting for the AS-US Working Group Advancing Clinical Research in AS and SpA in the USA Spondylitis Association of America 20 Years of Setting the Course

2 Muhammad Asim Khan, MD, MACP, FRCP Professor of Medicine Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio, USA Concluding Remarks

3 Juvenile SpA Reactive arthritis The Spondyloarthropathies Arthritis associated with Ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s dis PsoriaticArthritis AnkylosingSpondylitis Undiff SpA

4 Estimates of Prevalence of SpA in the US 1998 Report* *Lawrence RC, et al. Arthritis Rheum 1998; 41:778-799 Conservative Estimates of Prevalence of SpA (AS, ReA, PsA, Enteropathic Arthritis) 2.1 cases per 1,000 population among adults (individuals over 15 yrs of age): { 0.21% } (1990 population) Based on studies using the disease specific criteria

5 Prevalence of PsA No population-based US study

6 1 Gran JT, Husby G, Hordvik M. Ann Rheum Dis 1985; 44: 359-67. 2 Riise et al. J Rheumatol 2000; 27: 1386-9. An Epidemiological Survey of AS in Tromso, Norway [HLA-B27 Prevalence 16%]  AS Prevalence = 1.1% to 1.4%. 1  4 to 6 times more common in males (males: 1.9 - 2.2% and females: 0.3 - 0.6%)  6.7% of the B27(+) & 0.2% of B27(-) individuals had AS  22.5% of the B27(+) subjects with chronic back pain or stiffness had AS  In contrast: Total prevalence of RA in Troms county (in individuals aged >20) = 0.39% - 0.47%. 2

7 Spondyloarthropathies ESSG Criteria Dougados M, et al. Arthritis Rheum. 1991 Oct;34(10):1218-1227. 7

8 Spondyloarthropathies Amor Criteria 1990 Amor B, et al. Rev Rheum Mal Osteoartic. 1990;57:85-89. 8

9 Prevalence of AS & Related SpA (%) Adapted with permission from Khan MA. Ann Intern Med. 2002;136:896-907. 10

10 Juvenile SpA Reactive arthritis Reiter syndrome Sacroillitis: Most Common Among The Spondyloarthropathies Arthritis associated with Ulcerative colitis Ulcerative colitis Crohn’s dis PsoriaticArthritis AnkylosingSpondylitis Undiff SpA EntheitisSacroiliitisSynovitis


12 Compact fiber bundles region Fibrocartilage, non- mineralized Mineralized fibrocartilage Lamellar bone ENTHESIS Braun, Khan, Sieper. ARD 2000; 59: 985-94

13 c) MRI subtraction evaluation Enhancement of SI joints (synovial part & juxta-articular bone (‘bone edema’) (Courtesy of M. Rudwaleit and J. Sieper.) Khan MA: In: Hochberg et al. RHEUMATOLOGY, (3rd Ed.) 2003, (in press). a) MRI of the SI joints b) 5 minutes after gadolinium inj.

14 Khan MA: In: Hochberg et al. RHEUMATOLOGY, (3rd Ed.) 2003, (in press).

15 AS/Axial SpA 95% probability 5% 14 % 30-70% Inflammatory Back Pain Any one of the additional clinical features: e.g. enthesitis, positive family history, uveitis, asymmetric arthritis, positive response to NSAIDs, etc. Imaging = X-rays If negative, then CT or MRI (or HLA-B27) Khan MA. Ankylosing spondylitis: Clinical features. In: Hochberg et al (Eds). RHEUMATOLOGY, (3rd Edition). London, Mosby. 2003. How to make an early diagnosis? Chronic Back Pain Probability of AS/Axial SpA in Patients With Back Pain Courtesy Rudwaleit & Sieper Underwood & Dawson Brit J Rheumatol 1995.

16 HLA B27 Distribution HLA B2709 HLA B2706 50 40 25 30 24 19-34 40 0 0 0 Khan MA. Current Opin Rheumatol 1995;7:263-269. 16 8

17 Maetzel et al. Rheumatology 2000; 39:975. Noncompliance: The Other “Drug Problem” Rates of non-compliance with arthritis therapy ranges from 22% to 75%

18 Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: The facts. 2002, Oxford Univ Press. Educating the Patients and their Families  Patient education enhances therapeutic compliance  An active participation by the patient is needed in treatment strategies  These strategies will fail if patient is not committed  Comprehensive management strategies include not only medical but also emotional and social support

19 Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: The facts. 2002, Oxford University Press The Word Doctor implies Education more than Healing  Importance of appropriate posture and regular exercises  What kind of a bed to sleep on, and proper sleeping posture  What kind of chair to sit on, and ideal sitting posture  Advice about car driving, proper shoes, recerational sports, working postures, and working environment

20 Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: The facts. 2002, Oxford Univ. Press. The Word Doctor implies Education more than Healing, Cont’d.  Counselling about family & professional life  Risk of physical trauma and spinal fracture  Importance of long term drug therapy  Special instructions for taking the prescribed drugs & any potential untoward effects

21 Khan MA. Ankylosing Spondylitis: The facts. 2002, Oxford Univ Press. AS: Patient Education  Physicians need to know how their patients are getting their health care information  It is easy for unscrupulous individuals and organizations to disseminate via the internet unaccountable or deceptive information, often anonymously into the hands of unsuspecting patients  Patient education should include a discussion about these aspects as well

22 AS: A Multidisciplinary Approach is Warranted  Need to work closely with patients and patient self-help organizations  to convince the health care authorities, insurance companies & other relevant organizations or institutions, the favorable long-term cost/benefit ratio of the newest is very effective although very costly therapies


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