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THIS IS With Hosts... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapters 13-14 Chapters 15-17 Chapters 18-19 Literary Elements.

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4 With Hosts... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapters 13-14 Chapters 15-17 Chapters 18-19 Literary Elements

6 Timothy thought this about Stew Cat. A 100

7 What is bad luck/jumbi A 100

8 The morning after Timothy speaks about jumbi, he goes to this side of the island and does this A 200

9 What is the north side, to cut wood to carve a cat A 200

10 Phillip was able to get around the island using what TWO things? A 300

11 What is a rope then a cane A 300

12 Timothy puts the raft in the ocean for what reason? A 400

13 What is to put Stew Cat on long enough to chase away the jumbi A 400

14 Timothy explains to Phillip what happened to the raft and that their luck has changed. Phillip ends the chapter saying, “But it didn’t change, it got worse.” This is an example of what literary element? A 500

15 What is foreshadowing A 500

16 Timothy wakes up in the morning with a high fever, chills, and fighting for air because of this illness B 100

17 What is malaria B 100

18 Because of Timothy’s illness, he acted differently in this way. B 200

19 What is crazy (mumbling, laughing, running into the ocean) B 200

20 Timothy throws Phillip aside and crashes down the hill to go to this place while he is sick. B 300

21 What is the ocean B 300

22 Timothy felt this way after his illness passed and the fever broke. B 400

23 What is weak/never regained strength again B 400

24 This quote is an example, of what literary term: “My ‘ead burn wid fire, an’ I put it out.” (hint: think extreme) B 500

25 What is hyperbole B 500

26 Timothy teaches Phillip to fish for this reason, other than to eat. C 100

27 What is to survive on his own, if needed C 100

28 On the fifth afternoon, Phillip becomes brave enough to finally do something Timothy is too old to do. C 200

29 What is climb the coconut tree to get a coconut C 200

30 Timothy used the rope sparingly so he could use it for this purpose. C 300

31 What is to tie to a palm tree in the event of a hurricane C 300


33 Phillip saying, “He was cradling his head in his arms, still making those small noises, like a hurt animal” is an example of this literary term. C 400

34 What is a simile C 400

35 Phillip, finally accepting Timothy as a good friend, asks Timothy this question right before the storm hits, making Timothy laugh. C 500

36 What is, “Are you still black?” C 500

37 The storm hit the cay at this time of day. D 100

38 What is after sunset/night. D 100

39 This person got badly wounded by sand and seagrape during the tempest. D 200

40 Who is Timothy D 200

41 Trying to rebuild camp alone, Phillip is attacked by these animals and doesn’t get mad. Rather, he understands this fact about these animals. D 300

42 What are birds who are fighting for survival, just like Phillip D 300

43 Phillip is able to tell time the time of day as well as how many days passed since the storm by doing this. D 400

44 What is telling the time of day by facing the sun and keeping track of the days by putting a pebble in the can each day D 400

45 Phillip gets injured alone on the cay by this animal, while trying to do this activity. D 500

46 What is getting bit by a moray eel while trying to catch langosta for him and Stew Cat D 500

47 Phillip realizes the reason the first plane does not see Phillip’s signal fire is this. E 100

48 What is the white smoke E 100

49 Phillip burns this substance to make the smoke able to be seen. E 200

50 What are sea grapes E 200

51 Phillip felt this emotion when the second plane passed and flew away. E 300

52 What is hopeless like he wanted to die E 300

53 When Phillip is rescued, he wanted this one item from the cay. E 400

54 What is Timothy’s knife E 400

55 Phillip says he will visit the cay one day by doing this. E 500

56 What is closing his eyes and feeling it E 500

57 “D’evil spirit harass an’ meliss us, young bahss.” F 100

58 What is dialect F 100

59 “The sea was as smooth as jelly.” F 200

60 What is a simile F 200

61 “D’palm harass us no more.” F 300

62 What is personification F 300

63 F 400 “Mother said, ‘It’s too dangerous to stay here now.’ My father answered, ‘Grace, you know I can’t leave.’ She said, ‘Well, then Phillip and I must go back. We’ll go back to Norfolk and wait until the danger is over.”

64 What is conflict F 400

65 “..I slowly felt my way around the bottom of the small pool, touching sea fans that waved back and forth, feeling the organ-pipe coral and the bigger chunks of brain coral.” F 500

66 What is imagery F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin Literary Elements in Literature

68 “To Dr. King’s dream, which can only come true if the very young know and understand.” Click on screen to continue

69 What is theme. Click on screen to continue

70 Study for your test tomorrow! **Check out this game under ELA Documents on the website.** Game Designed By Mrs. May

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