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H ybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography - X -ray C omputed T omography method and system Project Overview and Updates Deliverables & Milestones Veronika.

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Presentation on theme: "H ybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography - X -ray C omputed T omography method and system Project Overview and Updates Deliverables & Milestones Veronika."— Presentation transcript:

1 H ybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography - X -ray C omputed T omography method and system Project Overview and Updates Deliverables & Milestones Veronika Erben

2 Project Overview Titel: Hybrid Fluorescence Molecular Tomography - X-ray Computed Tomography method and system Acronym: FMT-XCT Coordinator: Vasilis Ntziachristos (HMGU/TUM) Duration: March 01,2008 – February 28, 2012 Funding: European Commission- FP7, € 4.5 Mio Members only: Annex 1, Presentations, Reports … Username: fmt-xct Password: eu_proj_2008 Platform for data exchange Upload/download of files at: User: fmt-xcttransfer, Login: get4data

3 Partners FMT-XCT

4 Report Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods 12 months March 01,2008 February 2012 February 2011 Reporting: Financial & Activity report Start February 2009 February 2010 12 months Half time report Report Final report Reporting Period 1 Reporting Period 2 Reporting Period 3 Reporting Period 4 +60 days Report 1 accepted without any recommendations Report 2 will be reviewed

5 New online tool Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods New online tool for reporting - ECAS Every partner can register Every partner can register Upload of all documents by HMGU

6 1.579.000€ Prefinancing 1+2 + 557.000€ First interim payment (spent Year 1) 2.136.000€ (~ 50% of budget) received from EC (not spent) Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Finances EC pays up to 85% of the total budget (~ 3.8 m) 15% will be paid after acceptance of the final report (~700 k)

7 Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Work packages TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT IN-VIVO ALGORITHMIC TRAINING & PRE-CLINICAL IMAGING Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer imaging (Wp6) WP leader CEA-Lime Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer imaging (Wp6) WP leader CEA-Lime Imaging Cancer Therapy for enabling intervention (Wp7) WP leader: UZH Imaging Cancer Therapy for enabling intervention (Wp7) WP leader: UZH MANAGEMENT (Wp1) WP leader: HMGU Theory for 360 degree FMT (Wp3) WP leader: FORTH Theory for 360 degree FMT (Wp3) WP leader: FORTH FMT Inversion with priors (Wp4) WP leader: UCL FMT Inversion with priors (Wp4) WP leader: UCL FMT-XCT integration (Wp5) WP leader: HMGU FMT-XCT integration (Wp5) WP leader: HMGU TRAINING, DISSEMINATION &TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (Wp9) WP leader: HMGU XCT Development (Wp2) WP leader: CEA-Leti XCT Development (Wp2) WP leader: CEA-Leti FMT-XCT Imaging accurancy vs PET-XCT (Wp8) WP leader: FIHGM FMT-XCT Imaging accurancy vs PET-XCT (Wp8) WP leader: FIHGM

8 Reporting Schedule 4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Animal models Information for extension of Helmholtz animal protocols If available, please attach or cite already published literature of comparable studies 1.1 Background 1.2 Description of the animal model Name, strain Origin Preparation In case of genetic modification, please also state whether this may result in any distress for the animal (in case yes, to which degree): 1.3 Imaging region 1.4 Imaging probes (name; established/clinically approved; references) 1.5 Injection 1.6 Purpose 1.7 Number of experimental groups 1. Control untreated; 2. Contrast agent 1; 3. Contrast agent 2; 1.8 Reference number of comparable foreign animal protocol (submission to): Animal models should be integrated in animal protocols!

9 Deliverables Deliverables & Milestones Deliverables and milestones: once a year with report Year 1 (March 08- February 09): Report 1 Year 2 (March 09- February 10): Report 2, April 6, 2010 If not achieved please explain!

10 WP1 Management - WP leader HMGU Deliverable NoNameMonth 1.1Consortium AgreementMarch `08 1.2Minutes of the kick off meetingMarch `08 1.3Project website and updatesFeb. `09, Feb. `10 1.4Program of the consortium meetingFeb. `09 Milestone 1: Consortium Agreement March `08 1.3Update project web siteFeb. `11 1.4Program of the consortium meetingsFeb. `11 Year 1 (March 08 – Febr 09) Report 1 1.5Half time reportFeb. `10 /April `10 Year 2 (March 09 - Febr 10) Report 2 Year 3 (March 10 - Febr 11) Report 3

11 WP2 XCT Development WP Leader CEA-LETI Milestone No 5 (mo 18= August 09): XCT dual energy vs. contrast enhancement Deliverable NoNameMonth 2.2Dual energy protototypeMay `09  Dec`09 2.3Dual energy processing softwareMay `09  Aug. `09 2.4Preliminary technical specificationsNov `09 2.5Scattered energy measurementsNov. `09 2.6Comparison of contrast enhancement strategiesFeb. `10 2.7Final technical specification for XCT systemFeb. `10 Deliverable NoNameMonth 2.1XCT design (= Milestone 1)March ` 08  Nov ` 08 Year 1 (March 08 - Febr 09) Report 1 Year 2 (March 09 - Febr 10) Report 2

12 WP3 Theory for 360 degree FMT WP leader Forth WP3 Theory for 360 degree FMT WP leader Forth Milestone No. 4 (month 15 = May 09): Direct vs Conventional FMT performance * New Deliverable „Ultra- fast Inversion for FMT“  month 24=Feb. 10 3.3Quantitative evaluation of direct inversion with FMT dataAug. `09 3.4Multi-spectral algorithmNov. `09 3.5User friendly software environmentFeb.`10 Deliverable NoNameMonth 3.1Direct inversion algorithm*Nov. `09 3.2Experimental training setFeb. `09 3.6Quantitative evaluation of direct inversion with hybrid FMT- XCT data Oct. 2010 Year 1 (March 08 – Febr 09) Report 1 Year 2 (March 09 - Febr 10) Report 2 Year 3 (March 10 - Febr 11) Report 3

13 WP4: FMT inversion with image priors WP4: FMT inversion with image priors WP leader: UCL Milestone No 6 (month 21 = Nov 09): Optimal FMT inversion with priors 4.1Inversion algorithms for improving reconstructionMay `09 4.2Quantification of algorithmic performance with simulated data Nov.`09 4.3Inversion algorithms for estimating optical attenuationFeb.`10 4.4An automatic feature extraction algorithm (= MS No7)Feb.`10 Deliverable NoNameMonth 4.1Inversion algorithms for improving reconstructionNov. `08 4.5Quantification of algorithmic performance with experimental dataOct `10 4.6User friendly softwareFeb. `11 Year 1 (March 08 – Febr 09) Report 1 Year 2 (March 09 - Febr 10) Report 2 Year 3 (March 10 - Febr 11) Report 3

14 WP5: FMT –XCT integration WP leader: HMGU Milestone No 8 (mo 24 = Feb. `10) : FMT-XCT Shielding 5.2Optimal settingsMay `09 5.3Gantry developmentFeb. `10 Deliverable NoNameMonth 5.1360 degree FMT prototypeFeb. `09 5.4FMT-XCT prototypeMay `10 5.5Training data setsJune `10 5.6Multi- spectral capacityAug. `10 5.7Compute and assign optical attenuation valuesOct. `10 5.8Functional specification of optimal acquisition and operational parameters Oct.` 10 5.9Functional user-friendly operational softwareFeb. `11 Year 1 Year2 Year 3

15 WP6: Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer WP6: Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer WP Leader: CEA Lime 6.2 - LimePrepare mammary tumor animal models (lung and brain cancer)Aug. `09 6.3 - LimeBreed and make available PyMT animal modelsFeb. `10 Deliverable NoNameMonth 6.1 - Lime To develop and characterize molecular probesNov.`08 Milestone No10: FMT-XCT methodology for in-vivo quantification Oct. 2010 6.1 - LimeTo develop and characterize molecular probesAug. `10 6.4 - LimeDevelop U87 animal modelsMay `10 6.5 Study FMT-alone vs FMT-XCT in resolving tumorsFeb.`11 i Lime Year 1 Year2 Year 3

16 WP7: Imaging cancer therapy for enabling intervention WP7: Imaging cancer therapy for enabling intervention WP leader: UZH Deliverable No Name Month 7.1Preparation of HIF transfected cancer cellsNov. 08 7.2FMT of HIF induction of breast tumorsMay 09 7.3FMT-XCT vs histological correlates in MDA-MB-231 tumors Oct. `10 7.4 LimeFMT-XCT vs histological correlates in PyMt tumorsFeb. `10 Milestone No 11: FMT-XCT methodology for quantified treatment imaging Feb. `11 i Year 1 Year2 Year 3

17 WP8: FMT-XCT imaging accuracy vs. PET-XCT WP leader: FIHGM Deliverable NoNameMonth 8.1Construct imaging phantomsFeb. `09 8.2Phantom characterization with PET, FMT and XCT and appropriate probes Feb.`10 8.3Coregister and compare FMT-XCT and PET-XCT dataAug. `11 i Year 1 Year2 Year 3

18 , WP9: Training & Dissemination WP9: Training & Dissemination WP leader: HMGU Deliverable NoNameMonth 9.2Training curriculum and implementation document Feb.`10 2 Training sessions: 1)Cea- Leti, Grenoble, 6th and 7th of July 2009: Advanced X-rays imaging techniques 2) UCL, London, 16-18 September 2009, Reconstruction methods Deliverable NoNameMonth 9.1Dissemination implementation documentFeb.`11 9.3Public promotion leafletFeb.`11 i Next training session: Cea-Lime & UZH on animal models/cancer imaging October 2010 Year2 Year 3

19 Print outs available Print outs available

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