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L IBRARY D IRECTORS Profile and Attributes. C RITICAL I SSUES 2 Recruitment Education Retention Leadership ASERL competencies.

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Presentation on theme: "L IBRARY D IRECTORS Profile and Attributes. C RITICAL I SSUES 2 Recruitment Education Retention Leadership ASERL competencies."— Presentation transcript:

1 L IBRARY D IRECTORS Profile and Attributes

2 C RITICAL I SSUES 2 Recruitment Education Retention Leadership ASERL competencies

3 R ECRUITMENT AND R ETIREMENT Is there a “graying of the profession”? Demographics 104,600 “credentialed” librarians Number rose rapidly in late 20 th century and then declined between 2000-2005 Librarianship is often a second career Over 40% are over 50 Median age continues to increase 3


5 5

6 Baby boomer generation created a “bubble” in librarianship- they are nearing retirement age. However, few indicators of growth in the library sector, currently compounded by recession which may slow growth further. Projections are for a -1.4% job growth 6

7 R ECRUITMENT AND R ETIREMENT General trends 2000, 10% over age 60 2005, 15% 2015 project- number will double to 30% Librarians over 70 will double to 4% from 2005-2015 Vast majority of this group will retire between 2015 and 2025 Data taken from ALA Census Report 2009 ARL Trends 2000- 2% of ARL directors age 65+ 2005- 9% ACRLog, 2009 7

8 C URRENT P ROJECTIONS Number of openings depends on retirement and growth of job field- flat growth means little change. Declines in total employment and delayed retirement means fewer openings Greatest wave of retirements between 2010-2015 Shortages of LIS graduates between 2015-2019 May take 8 years after 2019 to make up losses Rate of graduation is not keeping pace with retirement Issue is not just numbers of new grads, but also numbers of qualified professionals to move up in the ranks ALA, Library retirements: What we can expect, 2004 8

9 S O … I S THERE A G RAYING OF THE P ROFESSION ? Yes, but Also a flattening of age as number of young professionals grows Impact? 9

10 D IRECTORS Many librarians at AUL level content to stay in their current positions. There is less inclination for many frontline librarians to assume managerial responsibilities. They probably perceive the directorship as being too demanding of one’s time and energies, and they do not see the extra salary as sufficient motivation to change their mind or life style 10

11 ARL DIRECTORS From 1948-2002, in a state of “transition,” according to Jim Neal. The turnover of directorships from 1998-2002 was due to: Retirement (67.7%) Assuming the directorship of either another ARL library (13.6%) or a non-ARL library (3.4%) Taking a library position at the same institution (8.5%) Becoming a faculty member (3.4%) Death (3.4%) Also: the % of female directors increased from 22.4% (1982) to 52.1% (2002) 11

12 If there is a shortage, how fill it? Is the MLIS the only answer? What degrees are essential? What degrees do directors have? Upon entry into the profession, what are effective ways to continue to develop some managerial and leadership attributes? 12

13 “Our challenge is clearly about recruitment, but it is also about diversifying our workforce” John W. Berry, American Libraries (February 2002), p. 7 13

14 A CADEMIC L IBRARIANS Competencies and Expectations 14

15 C OMPETENCIES FOR R ESEARCH L IBRARIES (ASRL READING ) Attributes of the successful research librarian include intellectual curiosity, flexibility, adaptability, persistence, and the ability to be enterprising. Research librarians possess excellent communication skills. They are committed to life-long learning and personal career development. Five categories (with sub-topics) follow: 15

16 T HE R ESEARCH L IBRARIAN develops and managers effective services that meet user needs and support the research library’s mission supports cooperation and collaboration to enhance service understand the library within the context of higher education (its purpose and goals) and the needs of students, faculty, and researchers knows the structure, organization, creation, management, dissemination, use, and preservation of information resources, new and existing, in all formats demonstrates commitment to the values and principles of librarianship 16

17 S ELECT ATTRIBUTES 17 Integrity Good listening, communication, presentation skills Develop a shared vision Innovative Entrepreneurship Inspirational motivation Flexible Able to manage change Collaborative Culturally-sensitive and a record on diversity

18 S ELECT ATTRIBUTES 18 Politically savvy Empowering Reasonable risk-taker Team-building

19 A CADEMIC L IBRARY D IRECTORS Who will lead? 19

20 R ESEARCH ABOUT THE N EXT G ENERATION OF M ANAGERS American Libraries, May 2004, pages 32-5 managerial qualities personal characteristics areas of knowledge 20

21 M ANAGERIAL Q UALITIES 21 Top Attributes commitment to service a results orientation effective communications with staff building a shared vision for the library managing and shaping change ability to function in a political environment priority setting Low Attributes facilitation of group processes resolving conflict developing partnerships creating a system that assessed the library’s value to users creation of an environment that fosters accountability

22 P ERSONAL C HARACTERISTICS 22 Top-Rated Characteristics credibility even-handedness self-confidence integrity stress mgmt ability multitasking focus on change exercise of good judgment ability to articulate a direction for the library Low-Rated Characteristics sense of humor good interpersonal skills ability to ask the right question managing time effectively team building skills commitment to explaining decisions

23 A REAS OF K NOWLEDGE 23 Top-Ranked Areas scholarly communications understanding the complex environment in which the library functions knowledge of financial mgmt facilities planning digital libraries strategic and long-term planning Bottom-Ranked Areas information-delivery systems publishing industry resource sharing information literacy teaching and learning theory

24 A TTRIBUTES G ROUPED BY T OPICAL A REA 24 External/policy/citizen of university campus e.g., builds a shared vision for the library Resource development e.g., is entrepreneurial Library culture e.g., is committed to service Strategic direction e.g., nurtures the development of new programs and services/refines existing ones as needed

25 K EY R ESULTS A REAS MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES FOR A DIRECTOR Fiscal Management Responsible for business operations of library Planning Maintain planning cycle, develop shared vision Personnel management and development Oversee human resources program, ensure opportunities for development 25

26 Community involvement and representing library Increase visibility of library, represent library to external and internal community, maintain productive relationships with consortia and networks, develop and foster partnerships, work collaboratively with the above groups Fund-raising Be involved in fund-raising efforts and in exploring alternate funding sources 26

27 Program and service design, coordination, evaluation ensure library materials and services meet the needs of the community Plan and evaluate services and programs (nurture the development of new programs and services/refine existing ones as needed) 27

28 Management of Facilities and Technology Direct facilities projects and technology (in content of Planning”) Ensure effective use and replacement of technology Plan and oversee maintenance and improvement of library facilities and property Personal and Professional Development allocate one’s time efficiently work on multiple tasks simultaneously respond appropriately and confidently to the demands of work challenges when confronted with change, ambiguity, adversity, etc. establish career goals that maximize personal productivity and fulfillment ant that build on strengths and minimize weaknesses 28

29 M ANAGEMENT VS. L EADERSHIP 29 Provides order and consistency Planning & budgeting Establish agendas Set timetables Allocate resources Organizing & staffing Provide structure Make job placements Establish rules and procedures Produces change and Movement Establishing direction Create a vision Clarify big picture Set strategies Aligning people Communicate goals Seek commitment Build teams and coalitions

30 M ANAGEMENT VS. L EADERSHIP 30 Controlling & problem solving Develop incentives Generate creative solutions Take corrective action Unidirectional authority relationship low emotional involvement, limited options, reactive Motivating & inspiring Inspire and energize Empower subordinates Satisfy unmet needs Multidirectional influence relationship Emotionally engaged and involved, expanded options, shaping ideas

31 L EADERSHIP = E MOTIONAL I NTELLIGENCE Emotional intelligence is directly linked to effective performance and it is Managing the mood of the organization 31

32 E MOTIONAL I NTELLIGENCE 32 Self-management 1.Self-awareness 2.Self-regulation 3.Motivation Managing relationships with others 4.Empathy 5.Social skills

33 E MOTIONAL I NTELLIGENCE (K EY Q UESTIONS ) 1. What part can be “trained?” 2. What part comprises life experiences? 3. What part is genetic predisposition? Inherent inLearned/ can someoneimprove 33

34 I S THERE A LEADERSHIP CRISIS AT D IRECTOR ’ S L EVEL ? Not yet, but …. How well can we prepare the next generation? Where (and how thoroughly gain) attributes? How much of leadership is someone born with? How much can truly be learned? 34

35 K EY R EADINGS Peter Hernon, Ronald R. Powell, and Arthur P. Young, “University Library Directors in the Association of Research Libraries: The Next Generation…:” Part one: College & Research Libraries 62 (March 2001) Part two: College & Research Libraries 63 (January 2002 Also The Next Library Leadership: Attributes of Academic and Public Library Directors, by Hernon, Powell, and Young (Libraries Unlimited, 2003); also “Academic Library Directors: What Do They Do?,” College & Research Libraries (November 2004). 35

36 D ISCUSS Hernon, P., Powell, R. R., & Young, A. P. (2004, November). Academic library directors: What do they do? College & Research Libraries, 65. --Do you aspire to be a library director? --Does one of those directors highlighted in the article appeal to you? --Comments on external versus internal role of director 36

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