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NCD by GC [a skeletal mind map for NCD basics] PIHOA 51 HNL, 15 Nov. ‘11 27 August 20151.

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Presentation on theme: "NCD by GC [a skeletal mind map for NCD basics] PIHOA 51 HNL, 15 Nov. ‘11 27 August 20151."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCD by GC [a skeletal mind map for NCD basics] PIHOA 51 HNL, 15 Nov. ‘11 27 August 20151

2 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs MIND MAP = a tool to arrange concepts and ideas in a [hopefully] simple “place mat” display, easy to remember and to refer to. SKELETAL = set up just to show the essential parts, in a “basic” form. 27 August 20152

3 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs The NCD Emergency IN SUMMARY: war declared to:battling with: The “Big 4” NCDsThe Risk Factors DIABETESTOBACCO use CANCERSALCOHOL abuse CVDsunhealthy DIETS CRDslack of PHYSICAL EXERCISE 27 August 20153

4 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs The NCD Struggle IN SUMMARY: The Feasible ActionsThe Likely Actors  Health PromotionPublic Health Workers  Health ProtectionCivil Society [Gov.-NGOs-etc.]  Early Detection Public Health Workers  Accurate DiagnosisClinicians  Effective Treatment Clinicians  Complication Prev./ Cont. Clinicians  Palliative Care Clinicians 27 August 20154

5 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs The “Big 4” NCDs  DIABETES  CANCERS  CVDs – Cardio Vascular Diseases  CRDs – Chronic Respiratory Diseases  Note: many more conditions are labeled as NCD, such as Injuries, Arthrosis/ Arthritis, Gout, etc. The “Big 4” listed above are prioritized. 27 August 20155

6 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs The main RISK FACTORS  TOBACCO use  ALCOHOL abuse  Unhealthy DIETS  Lack of PHYSICAL EXERCISE Note: a number of other RISK FACTORS can be invoked in NCD occurrence. 27 August 20156

7 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs The most feasible ACTIONS [interventions] A.TO PREVENT NCDs A. 1 Health Promotion / Health Education A. 2 Health Protection 27 August 20157

8 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs […..The most feasible ACTIONS / interventions…….continued] B. To alleviate or cure NCDs B. 1 Early detection B. 2 Accurate Diagnosis B. 3 Effective treatment B. 4 Containment or Prevention of Complications B. 5 Palliative care 27 August 20158

9 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs The Likely Actors in Health: CIVIL SOCIETY = Government Agencies; NGOs; CBOs; etc. CLINICIANS = Doctors; Nurses; Allied Health Professionals [patient – centered/ focused] PUBLIC HEALTH WORKERS = several specialized professionals [community – centered/ focused] 27 August 20159

10 a skeletal “mind map” on NCDs Putting it all together in the “mind map”: the Likely Actors the feasible actions the Risk Factors the “Big 4” PHWs H. Promotion Tobacco use DIABETES Civil Society H. Protection Alcohol abuse CANCERS PHWs Early Detection unhealthy Diets CVDs Clinicians Accurate Diagnosis lack of Physical Exercise CRDs Clinicians Effective Treatment Clinicians Complications Prevention/ Containment Clinicians Palliative Care 27 August 201510

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