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Granja de Avestruces SC.Granja de Avestruces.SRL.

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2 Granja de Avestruces SC.Granja de Avestruces.SRL

3 About bussines Our bussines has a social capital by 90.000 euro, and a number of 3 associates, eachone contributing with a sum of 30.000 euro. In the buying of the 10 ostrichs it has been granted 12.000 euro. 20.000 euro were used to buy a land near Vaslui town. For the buildings necessary for development of bussines we used 30.000 euro and for the animal foods it has been granted 10.000 euro.

4 Description of location “Granja de avestruces”is a traditional construction whose basic elements are stone and is situated in the village of Lipovat,10 km from the centre of Vaslui,a very peaceful countryside area between the valley and a lot of forest around the farm.The restaurant is devided of wood walls,for keeping the intimitate.the tables are made of wood and covered with glass and the chairs are off wood.the floor is of ceramica dark brown,the table¨s colour is the same.The ceilling is made of wood,in the middle,there is a candelabra and others small at every table.the garden is decoreted with wood banches and tables.

5 The components of the farm Farm of ostrich Restaurant Camping Car park Shop Garden

6 SWOT Attraction for tourists The food isn’t expensive (cheap food) The animals shouldn´t be feeded complementary. The quantity of meat is 35 kg per animal and for their growing up is necesary just un year. This animals don´t pollute the place where they live

7 SWOT Sensitive at cold. A lot of money for accomodation. Bird are expensive. They need a big space for accomodation.

8 SWOTSWOT You can get a lot of money if you sell eggs, feathers, meat and bird. (profitable bussines.) The feathers are used for the carnaval masks. The eggs are used on diet,decoration(painted eggs) The farm offers satisfaction and relaxation for tourists. Ostriches grow up very fast

9 If they aren’t treated, they die. The change of the temperature and shelter

10 The costs The costs of the setting up – 90000 euros The costs of the maintenance – 10000 euros The costs for ostriches – 12000 euros The costs of land & buildings – 30000 euros The costs of restaurant – 10000 euros The costs of shop – 5000 euros Other costs – 22000 euros


12 Facilities A place to eat- restaurant Easy acces Local acceptance Car park Brochures with informations about farm The farm is near road

13 Restaurant “Olimpia” In the restaurant the tourists can eat traditional food:sarmalute,carnati,chisc a,clatite,cozonac etc.Also,they can drink:tuica de cazan,palinca moldoveaneasca,rachiu,comp ot etc.In the restaurant the tourists can eat traditional food:sarmalute,carnati,chisc a,clatite,cozonac etc.Also,they can drink:tuica de cazan,palinca moldoveaneasca,rachiu,comp ot etc. Further more, our customers can assist at the traditional dances(sarba,hora moldoveneasca,batuta,calusa rii etc) and other activities specifity for the Moldova.Further more, our customers can assist at the traditional dances(sarba,hora moldoveneasca,batuta,calusa rii etc) and other activities specifity for the Moldova.

14 The shop Poscards Carnivals masks Clothing,T-shirts and heats with ostrich picture Object of decoration The eggs painted in the traditional way Creams with ostrich oil

15 The plane of the farm

16 .

17 The price of a visit at farm: Individuale visit:1€/person Guided visit:2€/person Guests will recive a complementary welcome gift,for example:heats,T- shirts,brochures, all with the image of a ostrich.

18 The parteners of the bussines Pintilie Remus Profire Diana Alexandra Suru Andreea Diana

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