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Commas Created by Akeem Richard on January 2013. Stop clubbing, baby seals!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Commas Created by Akeem Richard on January 2013. Stop clubbing, baby seals!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commas Created by Akeem Richard on January 2013

2 Stop clubbing, baby seals!!!

3 Before we begin... Rules for all commas... Basic uses of commas...

4 The Easy Stuff Commas with dates –January 1, 2013 BUT 1 January 2013 –Monday, March 11 BUT March 11 –March 11, 2013 BUT March 2013 –March 11, 2013, is the first day of Spring Break. BUT –March 11 is the first day of Spring Break.

5 The Easy Stuff Commas with addresses and locations –Pensacola, Florida –Madrid, Spain AND Delhi, India –Toronto, Ontario, Canada –Pensacola, Florida, used to be the capital of Florida. –The full address for UWF is 11000 University Parkway, Pensacola, Florida 32514.

6 Some More Easy Stuff Commas with quotations –“I am starving,” Pauline complained. –Maggie said, “Come back at noon and we’ll have lunch.” HOWEVER –I believe that “the task we must set for ourselves is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.” –“I want to play quarterback!” Tebow exclaimed.

7 Some More Easy Stuff Commas with lists –With Oxford comma We invited the strippers, JFK, and Stalin.

8 Some More Easy Stuff Commas with lists –Without Oxford comma We invited the strippers, JFK and Stalin.


10 Last of the Easy Commas with lists –Adjectives That decrepit, unpainted house may be haunted. BUT We rose to another day on the endless African savannah.

11 Last of the Easy Commas with tag questions –We have a purpose, don’t we? Commas while addressing someone by name –Jessica, did you watch the Nyan Cat video yet? Commas with contradictory statements –Many animal rights advocates propose that animals be viewed as persons, not property.

12 Last of the Easy Commas with names of titles –Harold Johnson, Ph.D., will speak in the Commons on Tuesday. Commas with birth ranks –Ted Ginn Jr. (or Ginn, Jr.) revived his football career after he was traded to the San Francisco 49ers. Commas with Roman numerals –Henry VI never lived up to standards set by his father, Henry V.

13 Let’s Get A Little More Complicated Sealers bludgeon the animals with clubs, and they drag the often still-conscious seals across the ice floes with boat hooks. The U.S. banned the sale of seal fur in 1972, but anyone wearing the fur of minks, rabbits, foxes, or any other kind of animal is responsible for creating a demand for fur. Complete Sentence, [FANBOYS] Complete Sentence.

14 Let’s Get A Little More Complicated Sealers bludgeon the animals with clubs and drag the often still-conscious seals across the ice floes with boat hooks. BUT...

15 Let’s Get A Little More Complicated It’s a bird, Complete Sentence, Complete Sentence, Complete Sentence. it’s a plane,it’s Superman!

16 Let’s Get A Little More Complicated To receive the best grades you can, you will need to take notes and stay organized. In the state of Florida, cohabitation is still illegal. Introductory Element, Complete Sentence.

17 Commas with Subordinating Conjunctions afteralthoughasbecause beforeevenifjust as oncesincethoughtil unlessuntilwhenwhile Since humans are perceived to have duties that are more important than animal duties, some people argue that only humans should have rights. Introductory Element, Complete Sentence.

18 But... You will need to take notes and stay organized to receive the best grades you can. Cohabitation is still illegal in the state of Florida. Some people argue that only humans should have rights since humans are perceived to have duties that are more important than animal duties. Complete Sentence “Introductory Element.”

19 Commas with Nonrestrictive Elements Diana Ross, the singer, is also an actress. The first-aid squad’s report, which the committee will consider today, took six months to prepare. My mother, the woman buying the apples, is an excellent cook. Part of Complete Sentence, Nonrestrictive Element, Rest of Complete Sentence.

20 Commas with Restrictive Elements The singer Diana Ross is also an actress. The report that the committee will consider today was prepared by members of the first-aid squad. The woman buying the tomatoes is my mother. Part of Complete Sentence Restrictive Element Rest of Complete Sentence.

21 Commas with Interrupting Elements For me, chocolate is, at the least, just as valuable as gold. That geology professor, of course, knows where granite is most prevalent. Jill, as a matter of fact, is returning to school next semester. Part of Complete Sentence, Interrupting Element, Rest of Complete Sentence.

22 Using a Comma to Clarify Meaning We left him, assured that he would fail. –(We were sure that he would fail.) BUT We left him assured that he would fail. –(He was sure that he would fail.)

23 LET’S PRACTICE I have told one million lies in my life and that is the Gospel truth. …life, and that… As a child I was the kind of kid my mother told me not to play with. As a child, I was… Denver which is the capital of Colorado has an altitude of one mile. Denver, which is the capital of Colorado, has… The city which is the capital of Colorado has an altitude of one mile. No commas (restrictive) 23

24 LET’S PRACTICE A LITTLE MORE Linda asked “Do you think she’ll ever speak to him again?” Linda asked, “Do you… Paxton Florida is the home of the mighty Bobcats. Paxton, Florida, is the… The Declaration of Independence was signed on August 2 1776. …August 2, 1776. July 2015 is the date for the city’s centennial celebration. No comma (2 items in the date) 24

25 MORE PRACTICE The commencement speaker was Juliet Brown Ph.D. …Juliet Brown, Ph.D. He shot pool he drank Anchor Steam beer and he rarely went home. He shot pool, he drank Anchor Steam beer, and he rarely went home. To the winners we give prizes; to the losers consolation; and to the spectators a good show. …to the loser, consolation; and to the spectators, a good show. 25

26 ALMOST THERE The morning after a policeman came to the door. The morning after, a policeman… Jeff collected a change of clothing shoes and golf gear before he set off for the day. …a change of clothing, shoes, and golf gear… A large green bug settled on the torn autumn leaf. No correction is necessary. 26

27 WE’RE IN THE HOME STRETCH The order however was not filled that day. The order, however, was not… Pneumonia begins with a p not an n. …with a p, not an n. Thank you Susan. Thank you, Susan. 27

28 LAST ONES You’re going aren’t you? You’re going, aren’t you? When you walk does your left arm swing with your right or left leg? When you walk,... Many of my friends for example Rachel, Jennifer, and Allen, enjoy going to the movies. Many of my friends, for example, Rachel,… 28

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