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The Corpse AIMS 1.To consider what theatrical style is used in Boom 2.To analyse the use and character of the Corpse.

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Presentation on theme: "The Corpse AIMS 1.To consider what theatrical style is used in Boom 2.To analyse the use and character of the Corpse."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Corpse AIMS 1.To consider what theatrical style is used in Boom 2.To analyse the use and character of the Corpse

2 The theatrical style of Boom Boom is a realist/naturalist play It present real life on stage – normal situations, normal people, normal speech The audience believe that these are real people e.g. they are not representative of something else.



5 What is Magical Realism? Magical elements are blended into a realistic atmosphere in order to access a deeper understanding of reality. Explained like normal occurrences that are presented in a straightforward manner which allows the "real" and the "fantastic" to be accepted together. Matthew Strecher - "what happens when a highly detailed, realistic setting is invaded by something 'too strange to believe'".

6 Prologue of Boom Jean Tay initially planned to start the play with a monologue by Mother, in the spotlight, alone, complaining about how she was being forced to move. Instead, she begins with a hand emerging from a gravestone, with the sound of booming in the background. CONSIDER – Why does she choose to start the play in such a non-naturalistic way? What effect does it have on the audience?

7 Task 1.In pairs, read Act One, Scene 14 (p.40) and Scene 6 (pgs 21-25) 2.Mind map what you know about the character of the corpse (both from these scenes and earlier/later in the play), the impression we get of him and what you think he might represent

8 Jean Tay on the Corpse “I thought it would be interesting to take this tack – to show its not just about the living, but also about the dead” She tried to find a balance between reality and unreality, so she didn’t want him to say too much. He’s a voice narrating another strand of the story.

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